I'm curious. Why do people study more than Martial Art.


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York, New York
I've read a lot of posts on here and what seems to be the common thread is that people have multiple MA backgrounds.

I was curious to peoples reasoning for moving from one art to another.
I've read a lot of posts on here and what seems to be the common thread is that people have multiple MA backgrounds.

I was curious to peoples reasoning for moving from one art to another.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. That's my theory.
I fight, so I trained boxing and muay thai specifically to work on those offensive skills.
My main art is Kenpo, and always will be.
I crosstrain in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu because I wanted to know what they do, and ended up falling in love with the sport aspect of that art.
I plan on adding Judo so I can get more specific training on throws.
I plan on adding in a weapons based art, most likely a FMA at some point to get a better perspective on weapons work.

I have yet to ever hear of one martial art that has the market cornered on every range, and every solution to the problems presented. I find I am better off by not only being exposed to more information, but by understanding what other people might do and recognize it and have a plan to defeat it.
For me it was a matter of logistics. When I started working nights, I started working when the vast majority of martial arts schools/teachers do their teaching. I couldn't realistically stay at the school where I started so I started looking at what schools or teachers would fit best with my schedule and my learning style.
I started in Seido Karate because it was the closest school to my house as a kid. Then I started Choi Kwang Do while still doing Seido because I saw the style at a local tournament and loved it. I work out with 2 Teakwondo guys in the morning because it's free and they teach at schools with only kids so they liek having another adult to spar with.

So mostly conveinience.
Why do some people read and watch tv and garden?
Most people have more than one interest.
I see it as a buffet. Living in a big city I am fortunate enough to learn from quality teachers. By visiting different training halls and attending seminars I get a better perspective of what techniques works better for me. I am constantly learning more and more about my body as I train. Seeing the similarity in the arts is pretty amazing. Same technique or concept with a different name.
TKD only covers stand up fighting. If I get knocked down then I cant do anything. So I have to learn some ground work to be more well rounded.
I havent so much moved from one art to another, I just change my "side arts".
I like training and my current timetable allows me only 1-3 aikido practice per week. So I train now also Jujutsu and Kombatan because their practice times are better.
Earlier I trained other martial arts there were in our Dojo so I could get more training. I had to change those arts when I moved to other town(s).

Also I have trained few arts because someone as asked me to train it with them, basically I had personal teacher for those arts ( I still think that some of them just wanted to beat me up :) ).

But always I have had one main art, Aikido which I study.

I also visit open seminar just to see how things are done in other arts.
I have dedicated my life to one art, Okinawan GoJu. I have been in many situations thought out this time and found this to be effective. Techniques are techniques, whether you are standing or on the ground. You can kick, punch, block, and strike any part of your opponents body, upright or prone. There may be an advantage to a ground game, for some, but to each their own. :asian:
I have studied Goju karate for many years. Recently I started training aikido and found that the 'softness' of the aikido balances the hard of my karate. Goju means 'hard & soft' but in the training I experienced it was almost all hard. Most if not all the aikido techniques are contained in the goju kata, most if not all were not recognised by the teachers I have had. Cross training is valuable in fully understanding your chosen MA.
its the more tools in your toolbox theory. the fma ju jitsu and goju ryu karate for example have more techniques then you can really master in a life time covering multiple opoenents weapons throws ground work downed fighting ambush ect but people dont take the time to master these arts myself being guilty of this aswell, theres also the idea that you can maaster all of these ranges of fighting which is ludicrous and thats why the arts i mentioned really only specializes in one espect and have a more basic understanding of the others. half learning 2 hards is still only half an art , i can understand getting to say a pretty good level at ju jitsu and then training judo to improve your throws or karate to improve your strikes but as the old kung fu saying goes "you cant ride 2 horses at once" for instance you could learn karate for the striking ju jitsu for the throws and grappling and fma for the weapon work and then try to mesh then together which is the norm but if you just stuck to one you would still learn all the techniques but you would have thousands of years of everlution which has meshed the techniques together far better then any one man ever could and i include bruce lee in that lol
Thanks for all the responses. It seems that convenience plays a big role in the decision. Then, there is the need to fill in the "holes" left by ones art.

Although, I haven't moved to another art I have moved from one lineage of WC to another only because of logistics, it was the one closest to me.

interesting. keep the reasons coming.
A valid reason might also be that one discovers over time or suddenly (due to injury) that a different MA system suits their physical capabilities better. Not everyone can physically do the high kicks required of some MA's, etc. So they might train for awhile, discover that there is a different MA that fits their own physical capabilities better, and switch to that.
I've read a lot of posts on here and what seems to be the common thread is that people have multiple MA backgrounds.

I was curious to peoples reasoning for moving from one art to another.

I think I'm going to answer with a question...

Why would someone not be interested in exploring other martial arts?
For me, I had an interest in an actual sword art, so I practice kendo. I started off with taekwondo, and have continually come back to it through my life. Hapkido, taekwondo, and kendo are all offered under one roof, so it is convenient and I have found hapkido to be a nice compliment to both taekwondo and kendo.

I cross train in Jinenkan taijutsu because the dojo is close to my home and I wanted to see what it was about.

I didn't have a choice about changing my art, my Wado club closed and there wasn't another near enough to get to. My present instructor was posted in, started a club which I helped with so I took up first TSD which he was teaching then MMA which is his big love. He has several black belts in different arts because being in the miliatery he was posted all over the place and basically did whatever art was available to him including boxing. he did however always start from white belt and work his way through.
Our students are the same, they have sometimes already done one art and change to TSD or more likely MMA. MMA has the advantage that there's no gradings and it's easy enough for people to fit in whatever they've done.they can go off on deployment and come back and pick up where they left off without feeling left behind in the gradings system. It also gives them a base to go into another style when they move on.
It would have been nice to be able to study one art for all your life but sometimes it's not possible.
I cross-train in DuxFASST because it helps me understand shaolin Kempo better. More importantly, it allows me to access what I know more quickly in a fight.
When I first went to a commercial school my reason was to get away from my father teaching me, he was driving me nuts. When I switched commercial schools it was because I wanted to fight more and the school I was in was becoming finacially unstable. When I trained in I-ryu, it was a trade. I train my I-ryu instructor's daughter in C-ryu and he would teach me I-ryu. When I went to TKD, I had a desire to have my kicking skills better developed, which did happen, but I also learned a great deal more about my striking skills. Boxing was for better hand skill development and was able to fit into my schedule for my own training. I tried Hapkido, so I could learn something new, but the instructor was a nob. Then I finally found an EPAK school that was a good fit for me and it was the piece I was trying to find for the last 20 or so years.

I love to learn new styles for the change in material and to make myself better overall at MA. I love the fact that I can learn new stuff and that I don't have to teach the class, I get to work out and I don't get to decide how hard.