Ignorant People About Martial Arts


White Belt
Jan 15, 2016
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What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about that "praying mantis ****"
What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about that "praying mantis ****"

If he is a friend I invite him to a sparring match. :D A stranger's opinion has no bearing on my life.
What you don't understand can kill you. Especially in this case.
Martial arts. He could easily be beaten badly by someone who practices it, then he would see how ignorant he has been.

Pretty much a toungue in cheek comment.
I was just joking.....poorly so it seems
What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about that "praying mantis ****"

It's fine with me. It doesn't matter what others think.
Really who cares? I'm a musician and people "disrespect" great musicians all the time. They are also likewise ignorant. I don't challenge those people to duels or jam sessions either.
What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about that "praying mantis ****"
Hey you are a young guy and if your friend is like your age then could he be feeling threatened by you or your Muay Thai friend do you think? could he be a little jealous of you? could he feel left out? If you are able to see it from his point of view it probably make more sense why he is trash talking the way he is :) Wishes J.
Disrespect is everywhere and I learned to ignore it, my own grandpa used to do nothing but speak ill about my kenpo sifu. I used to get angry about it by then I realized why should I care? The results have done nothing but proved he does know what he is doing and is a great teacher.

My cousin once picked a fight with me in a home depot by slapping me across the face, so I kicked him in the mouth and busted his lips. Since then he never did that again.

These are all cases of ignorance, they assumed I was weak and my style did not work. Many non martial artists think MA is all just a scam until you show them or they find out the truth for themselves.

Disclaimer, don't go around beating these people up. You might prove MA is not bs, but you'll also prove you're an *******.
What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about that "praying mantis ****"

I've got several questions for you to hopefully put things into perspective ....

If the fellow in question is ignorant about martial arts, why in the world would you ask him if he could beat someone else? Does that question from you either decrease your friends lack of understanding, or increase your martial arts abilities? Why does it matter to you what this friend of yours thinks about the martial arts.. Is he paying your dojo fees? Is he giving you a ride to your dojo? Does he have any impact at all on your training? Why does his opinion of your hobby matter so much to you? If he was a big fan of My Little Pony, how would his attempts to "educate" you about his hobby cause you to react?

Just some things to think about.
What do you guys think about people who disrespect martial arts? Theres this guy im friends with and he stereotyped martial arts. When I asked him if he could beat a Muay Thai and boxing practitioner who is also a friend of mine, he said he could probably beat him because he doesnt care about that "praying mantis ****"
For me I could care less. The only thing I care about in terms of the martial art I study is that I'm a good representation of it. For me it's not a win or lose issue, it's about me being able to use my art to fight and not have it look like generic kickboxing. As for people who disrespect martial arts, I would say just let them be. People like that fall into 2 categories: 1. People who like to get other people worked up or 2. People who don't know what they are talking about. My guess in your case is that your friend is probably pushing your buttons. As for the friend that trains Muay Thai and boxing, you have to keep in mind that just because someone trains in that martial arts doesn't mean that they are good at using it in a fight. Assuming that your friend spars often, he should have some skills and understanding of movement, attacks, and defenses that the other guy doesn't understand and that in itself is a good advantage to have, but it doesn't guarantee that he can win.

My recommendation to you is to keep letting your friend talk junk and not take his comments personal. What he says doesn't mean anything until he starts believing his own nonsense and decides to get into the ring to fight your Muay Thai friend. When that happens I recommend that you video the match so that you can use it to remind him of what happened last time when he made a crazy statement about Martial arts.