I guess the Left are just a Bunch of Gay Hating Homophobes.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Once again, I have been bombarded with articles referring to the Tea Party by the Liberal Left as "Teabaggers" and as I was, again, about to decry them for being Juvenile, it suddenly dawned on me...

These are the guys who are supposed to be all for Tolerance, so why is it their choice of derogatory comments is to refer to the Tea Party by a sexual act that is most often performed by homosexual male couples? This would suggest to me that the sex acts of homosexual males is derogatory and laughable.

Shame on you, Liberals. You ought to know better.
The left isn't truly for tolerance. Tolerance is merely the bat they use to attack the right about everything.
Religious tolerance, see how the left talks about Christianity...
Racial tolerance, see Dr Rice, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas...
Tolerance of ideas, see global warming, gun control, illegal immigration, etc, etc, et al.
I have an idea for a new MartialTalk emote. It's a picture of some bait dangling in the water, and a fish looking at the bait dubiously. Above, in a boat, is a forum troll.

Just a thought...
I have an idea for a new MartialTalk emote. It's a picture of some bait dangling in the water, and a fish looking at the bait dubiously. Above, in a boat, is a forum troll.

Just a thought...
Really, any criticism of the left is trolling? Really?
Really, any criticism of the left is trolling? Really?

Not what I said.

By the way, it would help if you'd be a bit more specific than "the Left". Not every liberal is out there calling the Tea Party movement "teabaggers". Attacking the Left or the Right with such a broad brush is just going to lead us into the same tired old, predictable arguments. Which is what I'm referring to with the baiting reference.
Not what I said.

By the way, it would help if you'd be a bit more specific than "the Left". Not every liberal is out there calling the Tea Party movement "teabaggers". Attacking the Left or the Right with such a broad brush is just going to lead us into the same tired old, predictable arguments. Which is what I'm referring to with the baiting reference.

What, like all Tea Party members being either racist or tolerant of racism?

How about I just call em Hypocrites instead then?
Since when is Teabagging a sexual act done mostly by homosexuals?

I'm curious.
Wow, these post are getting old and predictable now. I love that you decry the left for making broad generalizations about the right (I actually agree with you on that), but then start making broad generalizations about other groups, such as the left or Muslims. Then you call other people hypocrits. That is just comic genius! Are you sure you aren't pulling a Colbert?

The phrase tea bagging has been around for quite a while. That caused some jokes from the late night TV hosts when some of the Tea Party people called thierselves teabaggers. I mean, it was a pretty easy joke. So now they call themselves Tea Partyers to avoid the negative connotations. It is also true some left leaning people have been using it for jokes at the Te Party's expense. In my opinion it is pretty low, like calling people on the left democRATS, socialist, or making the word liberal sound dirty.
Wow, these post are getting old and predictable now. I love that you decry the left for making broad generalizations about the right (I actually agree with you on that), but then start making broad generalizations about other groups, such as the left or Muslims. Then you call other people hypocrits. That is just comic genius! Are you sure you aren't pulling a Colbert?

Point out to me where I was making broad generalizations about the Muslims (except in a manner to say "is this ok then", or "this must be ok too" in response to that behavior from members of the left) and other groups?

I am indeed doing it to the Left, to hopefully get certain members of that group (both here and elsewhere) to pay attention to their own behavior, because those same people can be shown a picture of a ****ing cow, told its a cow, and have them spit in your face and call you a speciest meat eating bastard, we should accept it as a brother mammal, despite the fact it is a cow, and no amount of evidence that it is a cow will persuade them differently. (And no, before you say it, that analogy has nothing to do with Muslims, terrorists, or 9/11 - its about politics in general)
Eh. It's just another shining example of that famous liberal "tolerance" that I hear so much about. :)
*****, I'm getting old, I don't even know what that means...lol

You can google it. I would put a link up or even just describe it if this were a UK site lol but I don't want to upset American sensibilities :lol:
I've been told it's enjoyable.
I prefer Lady Grey tea. It's the same tea but without the oil added. For some reason, the oil keeps me awake at night, even if I have only 1 cup in the morning.

I have fond memories of sitting in Brussels drinking divine coffee, life is too short to be squabbling over politics, sit in a pavement cafe, drink coffee ( or tea lol) watch the world go by and chill.

Of course a glass of wine is equally good..now a discussion on wine is worth spending time on not calling each other names because of which way you perceive your opponents political leanings are. You can have a civilised (it can be heated but always civilised!) discussion on politics over a cup or glass of something sat at a pavement cafe. It would surprise many here I think.
John Waters had an interesting take on the concept at the Pelt Bar. No Gay stuff there. Except the women were Lesbians.

Lesbians? How do you teabag without a bag?
(tried to figure this out myself unsuccesfully.. but got a lot of other great ideas)
Another day on MT, another image I have to forcibly remove from my mind with beer. *sigh*