I got promoted!


Lucy Rhombus

Today I was promoted from Orange 7 to Orange 6 in karate! And my husband went from Yellow 8 to Orange 7. Woo hoo!
Congrats to both you, and your husband.
Among the congratulations that are sure to follow mine ... could
you tell me about the belt ranking in your system? I'm not
familiar with the levels you've described.
Congratulations! Does your school have formal tests or do they just promote you when they think you're ready?
Thanks! The sensei promotes us when he thinks we're ready--no tests. Funny, I always get promoted during weeks when I think I'm blowing it big time. But it was exciting to see my husband get his orange belt.
Congrats to you and your husband!

Please, as previously requested, post the rank structure of your system!


Oh, and about the belt rankings: There's 1 of white, 2 each of yellow (Yellow 9 and Yellow 8) and orange (Orange 7 and Orange 6), 1 of blue (this belt was recently added in our dojo), 2 of green (Green 5 and Green 4), 3 of brown (Brown 3, Brown 2, and Brown 1), and 10 of black.
Congrats: to the both of you and many many more! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Both myself and my girlfriend passed our gradings last Saturday.

I am now a 7th kup ITF Taekwon-Do student and my girlfriend is 9th kup.

I thought you might all like to know our grading system too. We receive colour belts in the same way most styles do, but in between belts we received a thin piece of material the colour of our next belt which is sewn an inch from the ends of our belt.

White Belt (10th kup)
Yellow Tag (9th kup)
Yellow Belt (8th kup)
Green Tag (7th kup)
Green Belt (6th kup)
Blue Tag (5th kup)
Blue Belt (4th kup)
Reg Tag (3rd kup)
Reg Belt (2nd kup)
Black Tag (1st kup)
Black Belt (1st Dan)

As a green tag I am now starting to learn how to break in preparation for my next grading (approx 3 months away) for a green belt.
Originally posted by Lucy Rhombus

. Funny, I always get promoted during weeks when I think I'm blowing it big time.
Congratulations! I'm the opposite this week after a promotion I did worse then usual made feel like giving back the promotion.
Good work I'm sure you both worked hard and deserve it.
The path is long with many twists and turns but the journey is a great adventure.
Thanks all for your kind words. And congrats to Drunken Master on your promotion!

Yes, the numbers I gave are the kyu rankings...so I'm roku-kyu.
Congratulations Lucy to you and your husband. It's always a very proud moment to be rewarded for something you work so hard for.

Congrats to Lucy her husband and Drunken master for their recent promotions. Keep training hard and have fun!

Thank you

My next eligible belt test is April 20th. My wife just informed me
that her mom has scheduled a weekend for us all, about 4 hours
away :(

I sure hope I can work something out, or that the plans fall
through requiring a reschedule.
Originally posted by Kirk

My next eligible belt test is April 20th. My wife just informed me
that her mom has scheduled a weekend for us all, about 4 hours
away :(

I sure hope I can work something out, or that the plans fall
through requiring a reschedule.

Thats just wrong!:mad:
Originally posted by Drunken Master

Both myself and my girlfriend passed our gradings last Saturday.

Congratulations, and thanks for sharing some info. about your system!
Congrats on your promotion.Just remeber that you are right now learning the basics after you attain your black belt then you start to learn the art.Black belt is a beggining not a destination.
Thanks to everyone for all your kind words!