Japan Visit


Blue Belt
Oct 26, 2001
Reaction score
Central Florida
Well, I have visited the Kodokan and gone to my son's Judo class. Lots of fun. The Kodokan is not the same, but I found it a good place never the less. I was there when it was first opened in 1959 (the new Kodokan I mean). The dojo floor was full of Judoka as usual. I have not been there in 40 years. Judo in Japan is not as good as remembered it, but it isn't anywhere else as well. Most of the big Judoka use too much strength and should do Sumo instead. The reason Japan is good in international Judo is that they just have more doing people doing it. If the USA has as many Judo players we would be #1. But, Americans would rather play other games, or pretend they are mystical masters of kartate.

Anyway, it is nice to see some of the old folk teaching and having fun. Japan is nice to visit. Wow, when I lived here you could see trees! Now, only houses, shops, and streets. I miss my county living in Florida!

Anyway, I will put on a Judogi next Tuesday and see if I can survive. I will wear a white belt. That way if I have forgotten too much no one will care :)
Good luck with renewing your interest in Judo! Thanks for sharing your impressions of Japan. Is Judo number one there or Sumo, Kendo, ...?
Jeff, do you remember the Japanese deptartment store chain called Seiyu? I heard Wal-Mart recently bought a big chunk of them. I can't imagine what that's going to be like.

Glad you enjoyed your visit!

Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. Has been for decades. Judo is just something else for them to do.

I saw on TV where Wal-Mart is in Japan big time. Maybe we'll get to shop in a Wal-Mart-San during our stay :)

My son lives on Atsugi NAF about 30 miles south of Tokyo limits. It is all city now, the whole island of Japan. When I was here last it was huge but now I cannot describe it. Hopefully the USA will never get like this. It has been fun but I wouldn't want to live here again. Can you imagine 1/3rd the population of the USA on this small land? Over 100 million people live here now!!!

Sunday I will present a talk on Mars to some Japanese astronomers. They treat us like gods. It will be a great event according to my friends here. I hope they understand my pigon-Japanese :)

I guess either my memory s faulty or we were really much better at Judo back in the old days, but I just can't see the skill level that I remember it to be. Wishful memories maybe. Also, there was an Akido cvlass on another tatami area at my son's Judo class. That was fun to watch after so many years not seeing it. Wish I were not 62 years old! It would be great mixing it up with the young dudes.