how white is your black belt??



Well i was just wondering about each of your schools, what is the average amount of time it takes to get your black belt,2nd black belt,ect.... ANd if you hold one how long it took you to get it and how long have you had it??

In my style and everyone ive talked to in my style who holds a black belt it took them 7 years. I hold a yellow belt :D, which my first sensei tends to give out rather quickly and then it takes about another year to get your orange(or so ive bin told).
I'm getting ready to test for Shodan and I've been training for about 5 years. I think some of it depends on what a black belt "means" in different systems, whether it's the end-all goal or whether it just means you've become a serious student. That might have something to do with the lengths of time involved, but I'm sure there are other factors.
Originally posted by Deathtrap101

... In my style and everyone ive talked to in my style who holds a black belt it took them 7 years. .....

LOL You got screwed. I just looked at a website where they have instructors who are 17, 20 yrs old, but with BLack Belt 3rd dan and 4th dan in TKD AND Hapkido!! :rolleyes: What's wrong with that picture?
with the association i am involved with it usually takes around 3 years or so. that is if you meet the requirements and attend class on a regular basis.

my instructors will approach you when they feel you are ready. they do not "give away" black belts simply beacuse you are there for a certain ammount of time. you must be dedicated and prove that you deserve to wear it.

the average amount of time from 1st to 2nd is a 2 year wait. 2nd to 3rd is a 3 year wait and so on. but like i said, it all depends on the instructors approval.
But the one thing that most will say is, "it all depends on the instructors approval", and it will be this way at every school.

The McDojos aside, a good quality instructors knows when a student is ready to advance in rank. Every time you go to class you being tested in some way, and the actual test is to see how well you do under stress with what you've learned so far.

From the name of this thread I thought it was about how worn out your black belt is, which mine is getting worn out and in need of being retired.

From the name of this thread I thought it was about how worn out your black belt is, which mine is getting worn out and in need of being retired
Thats what I thought when I saw the thread.We must have some kind of kick *** mind meld going on or something!

Our TKD school promotes at the sme rate as Shinzu's TSD school.
At my Judo center it takes about 8-9 years for your black belt...
You must show your skill in judo sport gain new belts.
Heh....I feel like a little kid, really.

My Black is still pretty new. I've only had it since December, so it isn't really even close to getting "whited out".

Took me about 10 years to get mine, and worth every minute. The last few have been the best (say the last 2-3), but I have been having a REAL ball since December..;)

At my Judo center it takes about 8-9 years for your black belt...
Interesting. I've never heard of this length of time for a Judo black belt before.That alot of hard falls per belt!
When I practised Judo MANY years ago it took about 4 yrs. to black belt.
It's facinating to see the vast differences within an indivdual art.
well its good to belong to a school with values and standards. anyone that "promises" a certain rank after so long has alot to learn about the martial arts.
In our school, it takes between 3 & 4 years to get blackbelt. The test takes the Friday night, 6.30pm - 2.00am approx. Saturday, 6.30am - 6.30pm approx. Same for Sunday. Monday night, 6.00pm - about midnight. Plus one more night, either the Thursday before or the Tuesday after.

Originally posted by D.Cobb

The test takes the Friday night, 6.30pm - 2.00am approx. Saturday, 6.30am - 6.30pm approx. Same for Sunday. Monday night, 6.00pm - about midnight. Plus one more night, either the Thursday before or the Tuesday after.

WOW! That's impressive.

In Kuk Sool, it's approximately 4-5 years to get a black belt. But in Kuk Sool the black belt isn't the end, it's the beginning.

There are certain number of tests (I think the minimum is 4 but two are definitely in front of the Grandmaster) you must take and pass over a year in order to be promoted (if you first test is June 1, 2002, your last test is approximately June 1, 2003).

After you receive your black belt you learn no new material for one year to work on your under black belt material some more. Usually this is also the time you receive some instruction in teaching the art to others. For the rest of the black belts you must train at least that number of years before you can test again (example to test for 2nd to 3rd I would need to train for at least three years) but the testing requirements are the same- a minimum number to take and pass over a year before you can be promoted again. Age restrictions are built in.

Well, this may be a bit off-topic, but there is a reason why black belts are supposed to go white.

White is the beginner level, you fight with basic instinct. No technique, just basic survival skills.

Once you start training, you think a little more, and the moves aren't instinct. You think about what you're going to do, like if a guy throws a punch, should I duck, block, back away, etc.?

Once you reach a black belt (non McDojo style), you should pretty much have the basics down by then although I've seen McDojo and/or many "masters" all around the world people who had the worst technique in the world. People like him just look goofy.

Once your black belt becomes white, you are back using instinct, only that your instinct is more technical and more practical.

I'm not saying a black belt doesn't have a lot to learn, everyone has a lot to learn, and you won't be able to even master one martial art nonetheless all of them in a lifetime.
That's a really interesting explanation for it, I'll have to write that one down.