How old did you say you where

if you remember me...your old.... hell I used some of them

One of my first jobs was selling TRS-80 computers at Radio Shack. My first Bulletin Board System (BBS) was put up in 1987. My first Usenet post on the Internet was from Denver University in 1991.
If you number them 1 - 30 starting at the top as 1

I have used or delt with 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 21, 23, 27

Damn I'm old :uhyeah:
I remember using TRS 80s in high school. We had two. And it was considered way too hi-tech for most of the students to use.
Mmm! These are relatively modern. The first computer I used had punch cards.
They didn't show my first home computer:

Of course mine wasn't fancy like this, I didn't have floppy drives, everything was loaded from cassette tape.
First one I used was an IBM 1620:

with a 1622 card-reader punch-we wrote programs in FORTRAN......That was 37 years ago. At the end of the year, the school replaced it with a
DEC PDP-8: instead of two freezers sized units with a teletype, we had some modlules that fit in a cabinet about as tall as I am-with a whoping 8k of memory....

It's funny-we sent men to the moon on a bout a gymnasium worth of computers like the 1620, and I'm posting this from a laptop that's more powerful, faster, and has more memory....
.....hell, my phone has more memory....:lfao:

I'm not old, though....I'm 16 with 34 years of experience....:lfao:
First one I used was an IBM 1620:

with a 1622 card-reader punch-we wrote programs in FORTRAN......That was 37 years ago. At the end of the year, the school replaced it with a
DEC PDP-8: instead of two freezers sized units with a teletype, we had some modlules that fit in a cabinet about as tall as I am-with a whoping 8k of memory....

It's funny-we sent men to the moon on a bout a gymnasium worth of computers like the 1620, and I'm posting this from a laptop that's more powerful, faster, and has more memory....
.....hell, my phone has more memory....:lfao:

I'm not old, though....I'm 16 with 34 years of experience....:lfao:

The first course (FORTRAN) I was kicked out of, my first year in college, had something similar... I should have taken that as a sign and gone into Medicine, Law, Engineering, Architecture, Physical Fitness, Basket Weaving... anything BUT computers...but NOOOOOOO I went ahead and got into computers anyway :uhyeah:
I miss playing pong on my Atari

What? Why?, your Doc won't give you a script for Halcion???
I loathed how glitchy all the old games were. Play for 5 minutes, back up and save. play for 5 minutes, swear for 20 minutes after complete freeze or crash, reboot computor, 45 minutes attempting to Load game, reboot computor, reinstall game, reboot computor . . . . . :hb: The most fun was cracking the code and doing rewrites to see what happened. ( I didn't actually do the rewrites, I can't write code, I just made suggestions to Jay or Darren and they did the grunt work. ) I can still hear that grinding noise coming from the Mac :anic:, ohhhhhh the carnage.

HHTTG. (hitch hikers guide 1st edition) was a LOT more fun to play after the rewrites, confusing as all hell, but holy backdoors was it fun. :lfao: It got to the point that we never played the game as it was released, we allways got into source code and tweaked, mind you this was years later when we ran 2 or more custom systems in tandem using a link to the U of M mainframe. Is this still even possible???

First one I used was an IBM 1620:

with a 1622 card-reader punch-we wrote programs in FORTRAN......That was 37 years ago. At the end of the year, the school replaced it with a
DEC PDP-8: instead of two freezers sized units with a teletype, we had some modlules that fit in a cabinet about as tall as I am-with a whoping 8k of memory....

It's funny-we sent men to the moon on a bout a gymnasium worth of computers like the 1620, and I'm posting this from a laptop that's more powerful, faster, and has more memory....
.....hell, my phone has more memory....:lfao:

I'm not old, though....I'm 16 with 34 years of experience....:lfao:

Well elder, you are XY., so this is a given. . . and one of the Best things about most men. :ladysman: 16 is pretty old though, most guys don't get past about 6 years. The " it's big, and noisy and shiny.:inlove: I want one :bangahead:" phase. Men never really grow up, the toys just get more expensive.

One of the computers I first seen and used was one like this. My dad bought it for work. I was only a kid then, but it had some pretty good games at the time. lol:

Man I still have my Atari and some of the games, I tought that was the bomb and still do. Hell I still have the old pong system as well.

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