how many of you have gotten into a street fight?

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how many of u MAist have recently or at all got into a street fight??im talking about during u being a MAist, not before. its totally different from sparring and tons more damage is done. gloves are only a burden to self defense.

i recently got into a fight(even with my messed up elbow). im not a violent person but this guy was twice my size. i was nervous, and that nervousness cauased me to accidentally break someones tooth and crack their jaw.

wat happend is school was just out and i was walking to jack in the box. 3 guys were hanging around, and when i walked in, they were talking sh** to me. i just ignored them. when i came out, there all like "yo gimme your money", i tried to walk away but i was surrounded. they grabbed me adn i pushed one away and almost got out of the corner. but one grabbed me and threw me to the floor. he came foward and i quickly got up and he punched me. my glasses were broken are being fixed now. so i pushed kicked him and jumped knee his face. i was stunned then so i just hit him twice and ran. i was running 3blocks before i figured out what happend.

so how many of u got into street fights and found the difference between the envionments?
Yep, i've been in them, more than once....

It often happens just like it did to you....things happen before u know it, it feels $h1tty, and generally, u weren't looking for it.

Sorry it happened to you, brother, but it sounds like you did it ok.

...and doesn't it suck when ur glasses get broke?:rolleyes:


I got into several fights in my late teens and early 20's. It's been my experience that most guys like to talk crap and act tough, hoping their victim will cower and run away. I'm a fairly O.K. fellow but once someone goes out of their way to get in my face, backing down just isn't my style.
Things happen very differently in the street. There isn't much time to think or plan. I've found that before you realize your fighting, its pretty much over and done with. Also, most people throw a looping haymaker/cross type of punch that is a lot easier to deal with than a fast, straight reverse punch.
It's interesting to note how so many of the counters, ect. that seem so easy in training, don't spring readily to mind in a real situation.
I grew up in a "not-so-friendly" environment, so I got into quite a few fights. You had to at least stand up for yourself. Otherwise, you were giving your lunch money away (or free lunch tickets). Now, I like food a lot, so naturally I often took or delivered a beating.

Is "street fighting" survival? Not always. Sometimes its just pride and sometimes its just pissing on an already marked tree.

When you're in a fight, everything is instinctual and reflexive. The trick is to make sure that you train your reflexes to respond the way they should.

I actually got into a fight right after Turkeyday. I think it was the most relax I have been while being outnumbered. I took MA as a kid and a teen, but this was the first time that I used martial arts in a fight. Recently, I've noticed that, to the dismay of my poor wife, my reflexes have been automatic.
One real streetfight (three-on-ne) plus the usual school scrapes (I started the martial arts in 9th grade).
Yup, here's my 2 cents. After you've been training for a good while, your defensive tactics just kick in automatically. For the most part you just do it to protect yourself without any thinking at all. Sheeatt just happens, Damn... :karate:
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

how many of u MAist have recently or at all got into a street fight??im talking about during u being a MAist, not before. its totally different from sparring and tons more damage is done. gloves are only a burden to self defense.

i recently got into a fight(even with my messed up elbow). im not a violent person but this guy was twice my size. i was nervous, and that nervousness cauased me to accidentally break someones tooth and crack their jaw.

wat happend is school was just out and i was walking to jack in the box. 3 guys were hanging around, and when i walked in, they were talking sh** to me. i just ignored them. when i came out, there all like "yo gimme your money", i tried to walk away but i was surrounded. they grabbed me adn i pushed one away and almost got out of the corner. but one grabbed me and threw me to the floor. he came foward and i quickly got up and he punched me. my glasses were broken are being fixed now. so i pushed kicked him and jumped knee his face. i was stunned then so i just hit him twice and ran. i was running 3blocks before i figured out what happend.

so how many of u got into street fights and found the difference between the envionments?

I just want to know if you lost your food, or if you still had it when you ran off? :rofl:

I've been in several fights, not that I'm a violent person, quite the contrary, but for some reason people like to take shots at me. Growing up it was because I was the biggest kid I guess, everyone wanted to see what happened when you hit me. Now, all I can guess is that it is intimidating to some when they see you carying yourself with confidence. The last fight I was in, I think over a year ago, was when I went to help a friend of mine move. She was devorcing her abusive husband, and he was out of town with his girlfriend, so we were moving her stuff out. Well, he came home early, while we were there. Everything was cool, I was trying to get her in the car and we could always come back for the furniture. Well, he decides to start hitting her, couldn't have that, so I steped in, I was hoping it would be a controll fight, but he was a MAist himself, so it got kinda nasty, needless to say, she and I left in the car while he stayed there with the cops. It really was bad, I felt so shity afterwards as well, its just so negative, it really drains me to be involved in conflicts like that!

Not one on one....or three on one as it seems to happen to you guys. I've been in a rumble before. It was there school vs My school and I was just sitting on the sideline watching before I got dragged in. Having 4 people jumping on you trying to get at the ONE person on top of you hurts. And having to run when the police came wasnt easy either. But I usually can talk or blag my way out of that crap.
Hey There,

I've been in a few and I've done all right (still have all my teeth and only a couple scars). It's true, it just hits you out of the blue and then you do what you have to. It helps if your training makes things reflexive.

A question to all you out there, when I switched from Kenpo to Wing Chun and I was in a couple situations, for about a couple months, I found I had some hesitation before I could act. It didn't effect the outcome of the fights, but it was a head trip for me at the time. Has anybody else experienced that?

Since then it hasn't happened again even when I started new types of training. But of course my maturity and attitude has changed in recent years and I changed professions, so as a result my opportunities for fighting have decreased in number, especially after my kid was born.

But I'm curious, has anybody ever experienced hesitation when changing systems?
I train in a "modified Wing Chun". The last MA I took was TKD. I recently got into a fight and I did hesitate. I think it was more to do with the fact that I was fighting people who didn't throw the repetitive punches that they do in class. I threw me off a bit, but it was a split second hesitation and I found that I was far more effective than before. The other thing I noticed was that during the fight, I was able to easily pick up on the errors in my fighting (stepping with the wrong leg, I should have done <?> instead, etc.). I went home and started practicing.
About the glasses wearing broke thing, i wear glasses and I was thinking about contact lenses but I'm a bit relcutant in getting them because of the fear that they might slip away and down my eye if i was punched. Is this true ?

No, i've never been in a street fight luckliy, but s*** happens I guess, luckily you weren't hurt badly. I get a lot of people like that in London, England. In my school,guys respect guys who are able to act hard and mug people and are able to get crews on other people. Life's like that I guess. Pees me off that does though because I just don't fit in.
Hey There,

I've been punched in the face and had my eye swollen. I also wear contacts. I've never had any problems. I had to wear glasses for a couple days, but other than that, nothing. I would suggest disposable soft lenses.

It's always best, I think, to train in what you wear everyday. If you wear glasses, then train in glasses. Contacts are my preference because of the peripheral vision, but the choice is yours.

The advantage to glasses comes in knife training. You don't have to wear the safety goggles the other guys do.
Four eyed people rule! We have ready protection against getting stabbed in the eye! Wearing glasses can also be annoying though.......:shrug:
I started teaching again this year , and found that my glasses were a total pain in the butt, especially during grappling/takedown movements. I switched to contacts and have had no problems.
What I hate is how your glasses can slide/fly off during training or sparring. Now, I usually take them off when I spar in class. I was thinking about getting some contact lenses, but it might be a little while before I get them.
I'm sorry you were jumped like that. But I'm glad you were able to get out out of it without TOO much trouble.
People like that tick me off. Trying to act all tough, especialy around their "buddies". I bet you they were
surprised with that jumping knee you gave that one guy to the face.
Did you ever see these guys again?
So far, I haven't gotten to any streetfights. But that doesn't mean I can't or never will. For all I know, I could get in a streetfight tomorrow. You just never know when your skills will be put to the test.

Goodluck and train hard.:asian: pulled my glasses off. That was very clearly what he intended to do, and indeed it hindered me--my depth perception was off and frankly I was unnerved by it; not just the poor vision but the fact that the people mugging me obviously had a well-thought out plan.
Originally posted by Baoquan

but, if i'm not msitaken, it didn't hinder you that much, did it?

There was one point where a kick came at me--I knew in principle to expect kicks in a streetfight but I had never been kicked at in a school fight and I was slightly surprised, though ready--and I could have caught it and attacked the knee with a downward elbow if I could see better. But overall, no, it wasn't a make-or-break issue, but it did alter the way I see things and put me in that unfortunate spot of having how I'd practice be different from how I was fighting.
Me too. I spar without glasses, and defense is a LOT harder...i just dont see the finer indicators that telegraph gross body movements.

I'm strongly considering laser surgery...i HATE weariong glasses, and contacts irritate my eyes badly.

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