Belt display ideas anyone?


Green Belt
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Wagoner, OK
Well, my wife has gone on a cleaning craze, and my office is next. I currently have all of my old colored belts displayed on one of my swords, which I have on a sword rack. She thinks it looks tacky - it probably does, but it's my office, so why should she care!?! Anyway, I'm trying to come up with a nice way to display them without taking up too much space. I've seen the display boards they have for sale through different suppliers, but I don't like them a whole lot. Anyone have any ideas for a nice display?? I'd appreciate some brainstorming!!

My previous instructor put them up on the wall as shown in the picture. You have to trim the edges so they are straight but I thing it looked nice.

And a perfect place for belt pictures. As I did.
How about wrapping them around your makiwara board or using them to hang your heavy bag?:EG:
You could get a minion and wrap them all around his/her waist.

Maybe you could have the ends on the front of a board, tied in a knot, one above the otherand the rest of the belt sort of hidden behind the board. Bung the whole lot behind glass, say in a display cabinet or something.

I always leave my old belts with the spares in the dojo, so I have no idea about these things really.
I roll up my old gi's from way back when and wrap belts around them a them and throw them in my closet. I still have my first couple of gi's. For display its up to you, they don't really matter unless its Black.
I cut a 45" section off of mine, and tied it (one time, no double
wrap) as you would if it were on somebody. Then using 2 thumb
tacks, I put them up on the wall. I've gotten compliments. Had
I had the foresight, I personally would've done it the way it is
in KenpoGirl's picture. That's pretty darn cool! How did he tack
them up, Dot?
I had a shadow box made. Lengths were cut out that extended past the edge on both sides of the BB certificate at a diagonal.
Originally posted by Kirk

I cut a 45" section off of mine, and tied it (one time, no double
wrap) as you would if it were on somebody. Then using 2 thumb
tacks, I put them up on the wall. I've gotten compliments. Had
I had the foresight, I personally would've done it the way it is
in KenpoGirl's picture. That's pretty darn cool! How did he tack
them up, Dot?

He used a staple gun, But I like the idea of using old chair or carpet tacks. The staples worked there way out pretty easilty, especially if someone came in contact with the display.

You'll note, for the belts that had a strip down the middle it only showed on one side (right), because the belt did a little flip at the point of the design showing the back of the belt.
My teacher simply tied his as if they were worn, then hung them on the wall from a nail... I always thought the belt rack displays looked crappy (too commercial). Just a simple nail with the belt on it has a very subtle, respectful air to it in my mind...

Just my 2 yen.

Lol.......All three of my belts :rolleyes: Are on a nail next to my hanging Dobuk and Bruce Lee posters as well as my certificates for completing various seminars. Simple, effective and nice to look at. Also doesnt look like you put much effort into it if anyone asks :p
Originally posted by akja

. . . For display its up to you, they don't really matter unless its Black.

Well, I like to display them to remind myself of where i've been. I never want to forget the struggles that I have had, and that there was a time when I couldn't even do a proper front kick!! Keep myself humble...Plus, I just think they look cool!

Originally posted by thesensei

Well, I like to display them to remind myself of where i've been. I never want to forget the struggles that I have had, and that there was a time when I couldn't even do a proper front kick!! Keep myself humble...Plus, I just think they look cool!


I'm totally in agreement with you there Sensei. The road to Black has been so long and arduous. To me the belts earned along the way are like the rungs in the MA ladder. It's nice to display them to remind myself of one of the results of hard work, determination and preserverance... :asian:
Hey There,

I haven't done anything with my belts or certificates. I've got the old ones stuck in an old doctor's house call bag with all of my small edged weapons. I've thought about displaying it a lot of ways.

We have a baby who's just about to start crawling and I'm going to start locking up all of my weapons (sticks, chucks, knives, etc.) in a big wooden chest. I'm thinking of putting the belts together in some sort of display on the inside of the top. The chest has to be somewhat large because of the length of the sticks and swords, so there should be enough room for a sensible display. It would make it pretty easy to hide the stuff away too so that if you have someone over you don't want to discuss MA with, you can just not show it off.

Just an idea.
I do display most of my certs. & some sort of arrangement in combination with belts is something that might work but I've got a couple of bags of belts that go back to far to match up with which class they represent. But that is why I mentioned that I had my first couple of gi's, it was easy to match up the size 2's & 3's to my original gi's. When my sister married a Yondan, I was introduced to the world of multiple (arts) classes a day.
Please keep em coming, I'm looking to take advantage of the low rents (more sq.ft. for the buck) and plan to dedicate a wall for martial sentimenals.
Fellow artists,
This is my current belt display. The board below on the right is the first I'd ever broken signed by all on my test board. I have a few mor certifictcates and belts coming up here soon so I'll have to see about changing them.


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well... my wife brought me a belt display a long time ago. i like it very much. she even had it engraved for me.

i display my "retired" black belt in my lighted china cabinet downstairs, but the others are on the rack :)