Hi everyone

When I was a kid I really loved the Karate Kid (I & II). As far as recent movies, I think Jet Li's "Hero" was the best. It had a kind of Rashomon plot going on that was very cool.
Personally like the Karate Kid. Showed traditional martial martial arts was not just about beating up the bad guys. Martial arts without philosophy was just fighting. In fact, Karate Kid and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon were the only two martial arts films my Instructor mentioned by name in 23 years of practicing with him. Tells you something right there.
Karate Kid for me too, it is the first that piqued my interest in MA. Then when I was a teenager we got cable and I saw Bloodsport for the first time. I also like the swords in Kill Bill too.
The Transporter. Okay, the fighting is choreographed but it's still great!
Welcome to MT tkd_jaz.

I would have to say my first MA movie that I can remember was the Karate Kid. I remember watching it on HBO when I was 9 or 10 at a sleep over (girls have slumber parties, boys have sleepovers...LOL). After seeing the movie, I bought the book at a school bookfair with my allowance and read it until the pages fell out. My favorite of the series was the second one when they went to Okinawa and also the New Karate Kid with Hilary Swank. I loved the Zen Bowling scene.
Hey there Jaz, welcome aboard. :asian:

BTW, a couple of the MA movies I enjoyed are the classic Bruce Lee flick Enter the Dragon from the early 70's. WAAAAATAHHHHH!!!!!

More recently, I thought Romeo Must Die with Jet Li was OK, not for the acting or story, that kinda sucked, but for the MA action.

Happy Posting...
Hiya, welcome to MT.

I don't really watch Martial arts movies that much but as i love Milla Jovovich I will have to say the Resident Evil duo. I just recently bought and watched "Ultraviolet" too, if you look at it like a film of a comic strip and don't take it too seriously it's good, but if you are looking for realism then look elsewhere. I love the way she can hide hundreds of weapons about her body unseen and her hair changes colour on a whim! :D
Unfortunately, I'm not really a fan of MA movies, so none of them had inspired me. I like the ones that are comedy- "Shanghai" duo...
I also read the original Karate Kid story, and in the original story the Cobra Kai students removed their belts at the end of the tournament and tossed them on the floor in front of their Instructor to show their contempt for his teaching. I really wish they had done that in the movie.

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