Hello From a Buckeye in Kuwait


Purple Belt
Aug 13, 2008
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As the title implies, I'm from Ohio, currently in Kuwait, deployed with my Army National Guard unit.

I am a "lapsed" Kenpo stylist, having earned my brown belt under an instructor who earned his black belt under Jay T. Will. Yes, he is listed on Ed Parker Jr.'s Kenpo Family Tree as such. I won't say his name, because I don't have his permission to do so, and wouldn't be so presumptuous. I say "lapsed" because it has been a few years since I have studied seriously, having first run into work and family conflicts, then reaching a point where I thought I was going to need knee surgery. The knee problem resolved itself with orthotic shoe inserts, but I kept finding something to occupy my time and didn't resume training.

I have recently found myself missing the training, and wanting to resume. I have done some Army Combatives, and plan on doing more, but somehow it isn't the same to me. If I can, when I return home, I will likely attempt to resume training in Kenpo and hopefully finish my black belt.

Having said that, what I would truly like to delve into is Ninjutsu, or to be more precise, To-Shin Do, as my home is about 45 minutes from Stephen K. Hayes' Hombu Dojo, just south of Dayton, Ohio. From my reading and research, I believe I would enjoy Mr. Hayes' style of Ninjutsu more than Kenpo for its more spiritual and holistic approach.

NOT that I am critical of Kenpo as a martial art! I have loved it, and am thankful for the training I have received, and the seminars I have taken with the likes of Mr. Lee Wedlake. I am simply at a point in my life, age 42, where my interests are as spiritual and "cerebral" as they are physical.

I have explained my hobbies and job in my profile, so I won't repeat it here. I am married with two daughters though, and interestingly, my oldest daughter has recently taken an interest in Wushu. I think it will be good for her, as she is not the most coordinated child on the planet. I will likely do some research into Wushu as well while I am on here, and try to learn more about it.

Sorry for the long intro, but hey, lawyers are long-winded, what can I say?
Welcome! Good luck where you are!

Tehre's lots of discussion of Mr. Hayes' art on the site. Try searching!
Welcome to MartialTalk and take care where you are at.

I think you will enjoy To Shin Do or any of the Bujinkan Dojo's around your area. Definitely the mind set there will coincide nicely with your military profession and interest in personal protection and spiritual growth. Good luck!
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

And thank you for your service. :asian:

Welcome and stay safe.

Thank you for all you are doing for those of us at home.
Welcome to MartialTalk and take care where you are at.

I think you will enjoy To Shin Do or any of the Bujinkan Dojo's around your area. Definitely the mind set there will coincide nicely with your military profession and interest in personal protection and spiritual growth. Good luck!

Thanks. I'm not aware of any Bujinkan Dojos in my area, or I would look into them as well, and decide if I prefer them. That may be something I need to research when I get home.

To everyone else, thank you for the welcome!
Welcome and enjoy the site, there is alot of great people to ask and recieve advice from.
Welcome to MT!!! I'm also from Ohio, I currently live in Dayton.

I am also Active Duty AF, so I've been to Kuwait as well. Where are you in Kuwait?
Hello, welcome to MT:). Thank you for your service :asian:. Cover your six and come home safe.
Welcome to MT!!! I'm also from Ohio, I currently live in Dayton.

I am also Active Duty AF, so I've been to Kuwait as well. Where are you in Kuwait?

Kuwait Naval Base (Yes we have Army here)

And again, everyone, thanks for the welcome.
For those over there: "Here's a little riddle for you. What's the difference between the Army and the Cub Scouts? (imitating buzzer) Cub Scouts don't have heavy artillery." Adrian Cronauer
Weather out there today is hot and ******, with continued hot and bleepty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chanch of continued ****** with a pissy weather front coming from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's *** in a wagon roundup."
Welcome to MT, good sir. I'm sure that you'll find plenty to perk up your interest amidst the sea of knowledge and experience that flows around the fora :D.

As others have said above, keep as safe as your job allows.
Thanks again for the welcomes. I must admit that since browsing and lurking, I have found out a fair amount of information. Much of it seems to be good, some is very disappointing. I'm glad I joined though, as I have found it helpful.

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