Oh, I could go on and on! I think it's funny that when the answers popped up after I placed mine, there were 4 half fulls and 4 half empties. Just about right, eh?
I have enjoyed laughing out loud at some of your posts, and thinking about others. Every post has given me one or the other response.
I used to be a glass half empty sort, though I hated to admit it at the time. I had a group of people around me that were pouring out my glass as fast as I could fill it. At one point I stopped filling it.
As someone's signature advises, I changed the people around me.
At some point I realized what a great number of unrelated forces seems to have put me on this planet with the ability to percieve and act and I just feel lucky to exist, especially in the life I have where I do have enough. I just try to make every day the best and enjoy it.
There will always be terrible things, sad things, etc. I have spent enough of my life feeling bad about it. I have to let that stuff be. Like Terry1965 said, I do what I can about it. I have to accept that that will always be a part of the world. I can't help but feel sad about that, but as a coulpe other people said, what is, is.
I view my experience of having my water poured out [too bad it wasn't cat vomit...

] as being necessary for me to experience growth. From that "bad" experience I have learned to grab life by the shoulders and plant a big, juicy kiss right on its lips. Good or bad, I have to persevere. At the worst places in my life I have always been able to find one kind person. I have to hope that when difficult things happen to others, they will find their way to peace.
Unfortunately for the person who was trampled, there is no more finding. Who nkows what happens after death? People console themselves with, "He's in a better place." I hope so. Some people think every experience we have in life is meant for us. Maybe...
I guess long story short: I hope I can accept what is.