Holiday season right


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Well with Black friday almost over and the death of a walmart employee and the news talking about how rude most people are. What do you really think about good will toward all men and women? I mean this is suppose to be the time of the year that brings people together but over the last ten years all it has done is tear people apart. What has happen to our seciety that people do not even care about what there action tell our young childern of the world? How can a society that brags about being socialy correct not see what is so wrong? How can this ever be fix? Will it ever be fix?

I for one hate the holiday season for the last two year I have had to explain to my childern why things like this happen. Why we as a county cannot show compassion over some stupid sale item that most store only have a few of, why they bait and switch which is suppose to be illegal. I wish I ha some real answer for them beside our beloved county cares more about a product than someone life.

I am sorry for feeling like we as a society have gone back to the srone age when merchandise comes into play.
Maybe the world isn't a perfect place. But, I figure you have two choices.

Lie back and complain and figure the world has gone to pot


See the world in a different light. If you see the glass as half empty all the time that will convey more negativity to your children then if you explain what happened and show them what is positive in the world.

I like my glass half full.
Maybe the world isn't a perfect place. But, I figure you have two choices.

Lie back and complain and figure the world has gone to pot


See the world in a different light. If you see the glass as half empty all the time that will convey more negativity to your children then if you explain what happened and show them what is positive in the world.

I like my glass half full.

I do try and see thing on a postive note but when people get step on and kill, I just do not know how to spin that in a positive way. Sorry to be negitive about this. Thank you for your insight.
Stay home, kick up the fire, toast some marshmallows with the kids and enjoy a glass of wine with the wife.

I do my shopping before Nov 1, and anything else online after that. I only go food shopping between Nov 1 and Jan 1, and that after 10pm avoiding the crowds.

The best way to avoid sucky people is, don't be where the sucky people are. :)

Each year at this time 200 miserable sonsabitches descend at top speed on shopping centers around the US. Racing at 90 through crowded parking lots, pushing people out of thei way, and physically assaulting others over the latest mix of yarn and plastic, they are on a mission to impress people they can't stand and loath or ignore the other 11 months of the year. I hate this time of year. The greed and selfishness of my so called "Fellow Americans" turns my stomach. If that Christ fellow was alive to see what happens under the banner of a celebration in his honor, he'd probably flood the world again.

That or pass Buddha some good ol fashioned baked beans and point him this way. :D

Me, I avoid the hypocrites and stay home. I got Scooby on the dvd, some politically incorrect books on my desk, and a new toy Panzer to play with *vroom* *vroom*. Dig me out after New Years, once the mead runs out. :D
Between Bob's response and Lisa's you have exactly how I deal with life in general and the holiday season specifically. Bob's advice to avoid the sucky people is the best advice you can follow for the entire year from a self defense point of view. It's also why I socialize in the dojo and not much of anywhere else. I can avoid the sucky people for the most part by being something of a recluse.

Lisa has hit on something that would do this world a great deal of good. It's the outlook that folks have about the world they live in and they're place in it. It may sound like something of an oxymoron for me to be both reclusive AND to have a glass is half full outlook but that's how I operate. I'm a pretty happy guy. I have a wife that adores me and kids that still think I can do no wrong (even the teen agers ;)) and a job that's bearable. What more does a man need.

As for explaining these things to the kids...well, I've always kinda just shrugged my shoulders and said "Well, some people just suck". :) Good luck, Terry. If you have to look closer to home for the good in people then that's ok. Take care of you and yours and we'll keep praying for ya.
Stay home, kick up the fire, toast some marshmallows with the kids and enjoy a glass of wine with the wife.

I do my shopping before Nov 1, and anything else online after that. I only go food shopping between Nov 1 and Jan 1, and that after 10pm avoiding the crowds.

The best way to avoid sucky people is, don't be where the sucky people are. :)

Each year at this time 200 miserable sonsabitches descend at top speed on shopping centers around the US. Racing at 90 through crowded parking lots, pushing people out of thei way, and physically assaulting others over the latest mix of yarn and plastic, they are on a mission to impress people they can't stand and loath or ignore the other 11 months of the year. I hate this time of year. The greed and selfishness of my so called "Fellow Americans" turns my stomach. If that Christ fellow was alive to see what happens under the banner of a celebration in his honor, he'd probably flood the world again.

That or pass Buddha some good ol fashioned baked beans and point him this way. :D

Me, I avoid the hypocrites and stay home. I got Scooby on the dvd, some politically incorrect books on my desk, and a new toy Panzer to play with *vroom* *vroom*. Dig me out after New Years, once the mead runs out. :D

This is how I teach self defense in the DoJo. A better part of MA training is to stay low, under the radar so to speck. Look for trouble and you will find it. That goes for black Fridays as well as black alleys. J