Technique Lines


Kenpo Yahoo

What are some of the POSITIVE's of doing a technique line?

What are some of the NEGATIVE's of doing a technique line?
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
What are some of the POSITIVE's of doing a technique line?

What are some of the NEGATIVE's of doing a technique line?

Positive, gets you away from the structure set up in the belt levels!

Teaches people to keep from freezing.

There are many positives to technique lines, here are a few.
1. Repeating a technique (or series of techniques)over and over building it into your muscle memory.
2. (As stated above) helps teach you not to freeze.
3. Good Cardio workout.
4. Works Targeting

As for negatives:
1. Easy for people to get bored and lose interest and with that goes the intensity.
2. It is easy to get stuck doing one technique over and over. If you are in a drill to work a specific technique that is fine, but you want to work on different techniques to help build your arsenal.

There really are not many disadvantages I can think of. It is a drill and all drills if done with intensity, focus, and complete commitment will only help you grow in Kenpo.

Just a side note: My favorite drills are the mass attack drills.
What are some of the things that you guys do to change up the technique lines? I know this has been a thread in the past, but we have so many new members, which means different points of view.
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
What are some of the things that you guys do to change up the technique lines? I know this has been a thread in the past, but we have so many new members, which means different points of view.

Form two lines. One attacks, and when you finish the technique,
he backs off, and the person in the other line attacks.
These are all great comments. First of all, I like the intensity of the technique line. You can be very sloppy and still look good, which is a bad thing, or you can be more precise and look balanced, focused and lethal, which is the ideal thing.
I think the technique line makes you a lot tougher too. With the exception of grappling, it removes the long distance training and brings you closer to realistic combat Sparring is still a good thing, especially sparring that focuses on multiple leg and hand combinations ala: kick boxing, but technique lines put you in the front row. Ain't nothing like it at any level...
I think technique lines can be extremely useful in the sense that they allow you to gain experience performing a prescribed tech. on another individual. Repeated, PROPER, execution of the technique is necessary to create good muscle memory. However, after some time the benefits plateau and you are simply attacking a manequin. What could be done to modify this excercise to move out of the static phase while maintaining a beneficial learning environment?
Fellow Kenpoists,

Personally, I love technique lines! I think they help develope reaction time and being spontaneous. Also depending on how many people are in the line, it also shows how people will react differently.

I would stress though to make the attacks as real as possible without causing too much injury of course :)

Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
In my school we sometimes run technique lines with one or two queues and one people in front of each. then everybody attacks in turn. It works well to feel the pressure, as nobody have to wait for defender to finish the tech. And then, you can introduce some subtle variations to the tech, like not doing the punch always at the same target (ie, in 5 swords).
It's also a good way to train with everybody in class the same tech in a short amount of time, which also introduces small differences in the way the attack is done, and hence the defense ;)
Hope I don't sound to weird, it's siesta time :D
Kenpo Yahoo,
I just sent you a PM. Not related to this thread, though.