Brrrrrrrrr- Mooooooo!


Stick Dummy

Snow Call!

I just got done with round #1 on the driveway, snow up to the windows on my car say 30+ inches. 'Course, the durned plow keeps coming by and, yeppers you guessed it, "refilling" the entry way to the driveway............:rofl:

Be asore muscle kinda night methinks

Seig, TessMania, Chronuss, Fuzzy How y'all doing in your respective areas.
Even though you didn't ask I'll tell you anyway. I spent 25 minutes this morning just trying to get my car shoveled out since Heather didn't have to work today. Then a 20 minute drive took 45 minutes. I fell in a pile of snow I've been building so far this winter. :soapbox: My drift is over 5' tall I just got a little too close when trying to throw the snow over the pile.:mad: Anyway it's a littler warmer today (22 right now)but it's still snowing like a *****.:mad: :mad: I hate this weather!!!!!!
Just thought I would checkin from Pitt. We have a lot of snow here!

It is kind of nice though. It slows things down here in the city. Just a day of relaxing and watching some good Kenpo videos :)

Hope everyone is safe and warm. Good journey!

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
well the weather here in tn is average lots of rain and cold... lots of flooding right now lol... ill trade ya for the snow
Hey Guys!

Just got done with round #2, moving cars, re-shoveling entry way, AGAIN!!:D Whew, starting to feel it in the lower back.

It sure looks beautiful, but the drive to work will be a ordeal tomorrow...............

Be safe!
Round 1 was yesterday.. alot easier to deal with being light and fluffy.. I still think a blow torch woulda made the job alot easier.. and me without a pair of boots to my name..sneakers get wet and cold fast.. we were all out for a few hours yesterday.. with 5 vehicles in the driveway.. figured we would knock down some of the damage and make it easier on Round 2.. which Seig just came in from.. he's been out there with a very unruly snowblower that runs for approximately 1 foot.. then dies.. restart the beast.. another foot done.. oh it is not good for someone without patience.. and he just had it in for service last fall.. just for days like today~!! I came in when my 2nd pair of sneakers were sloshing around my feet.. made a huge pot of homemade soup ready for the guys when they came in.. their hunting overalls were literally frozen zipper wise.. but they are in and the vehicles have been jockeyed around according to use.. He's got The 3/4 Ton Pickup ready and waiting for him to head to work tonight.. I suggested a nap.. but got a reply.. *If I need a nap.. I'll take one"* Fine.. I said.. *G* Men~!!!

Keep warm all.. Jason.. I sure commiserate with ya.. You can get lost in those snowpiles~!!!

Pete.. I know I don't have to say it.. But Drive careful tomorrow.. we cancelled class tonight.. much to Seig's chagrin.. ~!!

Josh.. Keep things going up north for us.. Be safe and keep warm ~!!

Tess.. MOooooooooooooo.. warm :)
As I type this, my next door neighbor is mowing his lawn! :D

Sorry .. nothin' but love for y'all! :)

I'm with Tess though .... why don't they just hand out flame
That's nothing. Remember in Buffalo we got 7 feet of snow in two days last year.
we have at least a foot or so of snow out there and more coming. just got back from a 4 mile walk. a lot more strenuous walking on streets that are barely plowed.
6 hr 25 min

that the timeit took me to move one car form the side of the street to the drive way

but it worth it , it so beautaful maybe i can go out side and do form 3 carate a new kind of angles? :))
I told you about my 5' plus snow pile. When I came home tonight my kids built a tunnel through the stupid thing. Then of course they being goofy put the snow back in the drive.:(
Will you guys PLEASE QUIT STEALING OUR SNOW! We are in a big time drought here. We've had only about 3 storms so far this year that left snow on the ground and that melted within two days each time. Our snowpac is 32'' below absolut critical minimum. Our reservoirs were 30% below normal before the start of winter. Most of this winter has been shirtsleeve weather. We're going to be takeing dirt baths this summer.
Originally posted by GaryM
Will you guys PLEASE QUIT STEALING OUR SNOW! We are in a big time drought here.

Earlier, while in the jacuzzi, it was a bit nippy out....... say 60 some degrees.... burrrrrrr

Oh S&*T, The cars covered with white stuff again this morning................

Ofta work, and see the happy frozen face of Mr Seig. :rofl: :rofl:

GD-7 Jacuzzi?, 60 degrees?? Man some people have all the luck.

for the rest of us poor folks, naturally a new variation:

Snowshoe to the Groin!!!!!

This is kinda like telling Africans to move where the food is LOL. You guys should really think about about a change in Latitude. I'll pay some of the highest taxes in the country for a state and put up with alot of the BS that goes on here in California just for the oppurtunity of having this great weather. The last time I shoveled snow was in Rantoul IL., Dec 14th, 1981, but I did it for work, not to get to work LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
This is kinda like telling Africans to move where the food is LOL. You guys should really think about about a change in Latitude. I'll pay some of the highest taxes in the country for a state and put up with alot of the BS that goes on here in California just for the oppurtunity of having this great weather. The last time I shoveled snow was in Rantoul IL., Dec 14th, 1981, but I did it for work, not to get to work LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day


ahhh but yanno.. there's no place like home.. I'll keep to the nearly non-existant crime.. the low taxes.. the fresh air .. and my 4 seasons.. no matter how much we who live in the wintry wonderland complain.. I think 99% of us are content :)
I wish we had MORE snow here! Sure we have had a few snowfalls, but usually a couple of inches and it never lasts for more than a day or two. I want 3 feet!!! :D