

<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
We each practice our current one's, but how often do you work on the one's that are not in your curriculum? I mean we do the Tae Gueks, but we also do the Tuls of the ITF and also the Palgues. We tend to do the ITF during the off season for Olympic TKD and work both Palgues and TaeGueks during the entire year. Does anybody else like to mix it up with there poomsae's?
We each practice our current one's, but how often do you work on the one's that are not in your curriculum? I mean we do the Tae Gueks, but we also do the Tuls of the ITF and also the Palgues. We tend to do the ITF during the off season for Olympic TKD and work both Palgues and TaeGueks during the entire year. Does anybody else like to mix it up with there poomsae's?

My students have been asking about other forms & my BB forms. I can't wait to get my cast off so I can teach them some of the PalGwe forms.
Do TKD Forms have more hand Techniques or Kicks?

More hand techniques by far.

My friend and I practice the pyung-ahns, bassai & naihanchi, but I don't teach these to my students....yet. :) I have toyed around with the idea of teaching the Palgwes to my black belts since I require them to be referees and they should know what they are looking at, but we just don't see too many schools doing the Palgwes anymore.
I'll be the party pooper. I've said this in another thread but I'll repeat it here. It's virtually useless to practice additional hyung just to change things up, especially since you are apt to perform the new hyung with the exact same basics you did your old set with.

The various TKD styles might not diverge as much but consider the shorin-ryu and goju-ryu karate styles. What possible use would there be for a goju person to practice say naihanchi, if he moves and punches in exactly the same manner as he already does in sanchin? Not much in my book and I would suggest he would do better to just focus on sanchin. It defeats the purpose in learning kata from another ryu if you don't learn the ideas in the kata.
No, especially for my players. They concentrate only on there competition forms. With the way poomsae competition is going and how poorly the USA team just did in the last Poomsae World Championships I'm not willing to take the chance of a player doing the wrong move or doing the move wrong during competition. If it is not done according to what is required during competition I don't even want my players thinking about it. As for my instructors, what they do on their own time is fine but once in class and working with our players there are no options. They will and this is not a choice, follow the USAT/WTF Poomsae guidelines while teaching our players their forms.
I work on forms several times a time at least going through every form I know (currently all 8 taeguks, koryo, keum gang, plus the 5 japanese heian kata).

The only time I ever did forms besides Palgue/Koryo was in Spain about 15 years ago. The students of our Instructor's friend Taegeuk and we tried to follow along. Otherwise, I see no point.
We do both ITF and WTF after Black Belt.

For years we only did the ITF , then added 2 Taeguks. Now we do all Taeguks and two ITF's before BB. Those are Won Hyo and Hwa Rang.

The reason that we changed was that the ITF forms were not recognised at our Sanctioned tournaments. This way the students are on an even playing field with those from other schools in our Association. It also gives them the potential to perform at the National level and I think the Olympics, though I could be wrong about that.

I honestly did not want to change to the Taeguks at first, but now that we have done it, we are glad that we did.
To follow up from my post #5 above in this thread, why would you want to do another set of forms? How many down block and stepping lunge punch forms do you need to know anyway?

If you just want to try something new for novelty's sake, I would suggest REALLY departing from your norm and learning the muay thai kicking variations or getting some instruction in tai chi. That would be a meaningful change up, rather than learning yet another h-pattern hyung.
The only time I ever did forms besides Palgue/Koryo was in Spain about 15 years ago. The students of our Instructor's friend Taegeuk and we tried to follow along. Otherwise, I see no point.


Where did you train in Spain? Did you stay long or were you just visiting?
I agree with you, Dancingalone. But I think the other posters have their reasons for doing additional forms. Fine for them. :)

I am very much with you that I would rather learn more depth to the forms I already know. One of the main reasons I am not really into learning another striking art is I don't want to learn another set of forms. Of course, I did not know what I was getting into when I started learning Kenpo! Ha! Tons of sets! Oh, well, I spend all my time delving into TKD forms, though.

I have learned part of a system of Kung Fu forms. But if I did not have my KF instructor to correct me, they'd probably look very much like TKD forms. :)

Where did you train in Spain? Did you stay long or were you just visiting?

I was in Spain in 1994 for about 10 days, competing in Jaen and Madrid and visiting friends of our instructor. We had GM Hae Man Park along with us for part of it. We got the "up close and personal" experience with him, since he rode our bus part of the way.
Nop, the demand for quality forms at gradings in Singapore is bloody high. No time for others yo. Taegeuks and Kukkiwon Dan Poomsae.
Must say, I dont do any others as I feel the ones I presently do are a constant study anyway. That said, I often cross reference other patterns/kata.. but thats not the same as practising them.

Me too. The KKW forms are enough for me. I research other forms out of curiosity but don't study or practice them.