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Originally posted by Master of Blades
..................The sad thing is I know people and live next to people who speak like that :shrug:
Good on ya, c*ck!
Always great to hear one slaughter ones langauge :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Always great to hear one slaughter ones langauge :shrug:
Or maybe even slaughter one's language.
I fink Inglish shud be speled fonetikaly, laik this.
Whatta u fink?
:uzi: :snipe:
:bazook: :ripper: :shooter:
:flame: :shock:
:duel: :jediduel:​

And the Band Played On...
Originally posted by Master of Blades
..................The sad thing is I know people and live next to people who speak like that :shrug:

Don't come to Yorkshire, we're even worse than you Cockneys for it! ;)

Hmmm.....maybe but sometimes I just wanna take a machine gun and go down Birmingham......that accent is :mad:
Originally posted by arnisador
So the English are more sensible about quotation marks and periods! Excellent!
We're just more sensible, period.
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
We're just more sensible, period.

This from the people who gave us meat pies and the bizarre mongrel that is the English language? Ugh! Come on now!
Originally posted by arnisador
This from the people who gave us meat pies and the bizarre mongrel that is the English language? Ugh! Come on now!
Read the line agin, particularly the last word...
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
No, she's American, and they're all Communists.

Do you mean Communists or Marxists?

Really interested in this wierd logic as it is coming from left field in either case. :confused:
He prolly means columnists...*chucklesnort....
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Do you mean Communists or Marxists?
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Really interested in this wierd logic as it is coming from left field in either case. :confused:
At last! Somebody asks. :D
Have you never read George Orwell's classic dystopian novel, "1984"? In that there is Newspeak, the destruction of words, designed to make unideological thought impossible by depriving people of the vocabulary by which to express themselves. Well, which dialect of English is it that:
1. Doesn't distinguish between "check" and cheque"?
2. Doesn't distinguish between "programme" and "program"?
3. Doesn't distinguish between "enquiry" and "inquiry"?
4. Has abandoned the word "queue"?
5. Has abandoned the word "fortnight"?
There are other examples, but these will do to be going on with.
(Competition: hey, kiddies, post your own examples! Treat for the winner!)
You see, Newspeak in action. Ergo, Americans are Communists, as described by George Orwell.
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
...which is getting better.
2 more words: American obesity

Hey Tony

I take offense to this comment.

I am 6'3" and 273 lbs or 190.5 cms and 124 kgs

By the standards of obesity and over weight my BMI is 33 and I am obese.

You can make comments like this if you want, I just hope you never have a problem with weight.

By the Way, I have a Cholestoral of 124 I have a natural Creatin level of about 9.8 to 10.1 and my pulse is about 68-72 consistantly (* Ok higher if the nurse is cute *) and Blood Pressure of 120 of 80.

Yet I am obese. Please keep you comments to yourself, and do not discuss issues you do nto understrand or have common knowledge of let only technical knowledge.
Originally posted by Kimpatsu

At last! Somebody asks. :D
Have you never read George Orwell's classic dystopian novel, "1984"? In that there is Newspeak, the destruction of words, designed to make unideological thought impossible by depriving people of the vocabulary by which to express themselves. Well, which dialect of English is it that:
1. Doesn't distinguish between "check" and cheque"?
2. Doesn't distinguish between "programme" and "program"?
3. Doesn't distinguish between "enquiry" and "inquiry"?
4. Has abandoned the word "queue"?
5. Has abandoned the word "fortnight"?
There are other examples, but these will do to be going on with.
(Competition: hey, kiddies, post your own examples! Treat for the winner!)
You see, Newspeak in action. Ergo, Americans are Communists, as described by George Orwell.

Still confused

Orwell is not a reputable source for this discussion. Please quote Marx or Lennon.

As to number 2 & 3 there is a pronounciation difference and if you do not know it maybe you need to take a speech class.

As to number one, I agree the disticntion is not enough.

As to number 4 the word has not been abandoned. Please do not speak of things you do not know to be true. use this word almost daily in my work and I know others that use this word in their life.

As to number 5, I concede the lack of this usage, yet we have dropped the slang of Tis just as well.

So please do not call me names. I do not like it. It is disrespectful.
I don't get your post, Rich. You admit you have too high a BMI, but throw knives at me rather than acknowledge that it's your own fault. Kaith posted a snide comment about British dentistry (there are political reasons why the problems exist, but too heavy to go into here), so I fired one back about America, the most obese society in the world. Aren't you touchy? If you don't like your weight, do something about it, but don't shoot the messenger.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Still confused
Evidently... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Orwell is not a reputable source for this discussion. Please quote Marx or Lennon.
Groucho and John, presumably?
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
As to number 2 & 3 there is a pronounciation difference and if you do not know it maybe you need to take a speech class.
There is no difference in pronounciation between "programme" and "program". There is indeed a difference in both pronounciation and meaning of "enquiry" and "inquiry", but the former is no so unrecognised by Americans, it does not even exist in the MSWord Spellcheck dictionary. That's destruction enough.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
As to number one, I agree the disticntion is not enough.
And maybe even the distinction?
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
As to number 4 the word has not been abandoned. Please do not speak of things you do not know to be true. use this word almost daily in my work and I know others that use this word in their life.
Then you are in a minority. Most Americans use "line" these days, as in "washing line", so if the word isn't quite dead in the American lexicon, it soon will be.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
As to number 5, I concede the lack of this usage, yet we have dropped the slang of Tis just as well.
At least we've found one word less in the American than English lexicons!
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
So please do not call me names. I do not like it. It is disrespectful.
What name did I call you? I know, I'll call you a name now: humourless.
Originally posted by Kimpatsu
I don't get your post, Rich. You admit you have too high a BMI, but throw knives at me rather than acknowledge that it's your own fault. Kaith posted a snide comment about British dentistry (there are political reasons why the problems exist, but too heavy to go into here), so I fired one back about America, the most obese society in the world. Aren't you touchy? If you don't like your weight, do something about it, but don't shoot the messenger.


I have asked you to be polite in the past.

You took offense to my comments.

I aksed you to play nice and to be friendly.

You took offense to my comments.

My weight is not that bad, if you understand that most of it is muscle and you would never have guess my weight. So, you see you are quoting number and statistics that mean nothing. They do not properly count conditioning or the actual health of people. I could just as easy compile numbers that shows everyone in eastern Europe and and in South East Asia are under weight. Yet it would mean nothing, since the numbers did not understand the true health of the people being asked.

As to my weight I want to loose about 10 lbs in the rigth place. Not necessarily ten pounds.

So here is your assignment if so choose to take.

It is ok for you to comment on issues but not me.

It is funny for you to pick on people and issue, yet it is not ok for me to ask you questions. You answer questiosn with questiosn, never an answer.

So go read my post to you. Understand there was no ill intent, only helpful words. Yet you feel free to give them out on Spelling and Grammer and will not back down. This is your little area ok I accept that. My Area is being polite. And you sir are not. Please understand this is my issue. You can disagree with me all day, just present your points in a logical calm manner with out gettnig personal and dragging in issues not relavent.

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