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What are you going on about, Rich? I'm not sure you're even following the post.
Here's the deal:
Kaith made a crack about British teeth.
I riposted about American obesity.
You took offense at general comment (implying you're sensitive to the issue), and fired a torpedo at me.
I fired one back.
I will continue to bombard you until you either understand the error of your ways, or simply leave me alone.
That choice is yours.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
"Queue" is commonly used amongst technical people who recognize it from its usage in Operations Research/Industrial Engineering, but I rarely hear it from those who don't have a technical background.

One wonders if we could do the same with British English! For example, trainers means both something like coaches and something like sneakers (footwear).

English-English dictionaries:


Originally posted by arnisador
"Queue" is commonly used amongst technical people who recognize it from its usage in Operations Research/Industrial Engineering, but I rarely hear it from those who don't have a technical background.
"Queue" as in, First In, First Out?
What about people queuing for ice cream? Or at a bus stop?
Originally posted by arnisador
One wonders if we could do the same with British English! For example, trainers means both something like coaches and something like sneakers (footwear).
The trainer in football is called a coach.
Like the bus.
Which is an information pathway.
Oh, never mind...


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Don't you have athletic trainers/personal trainers/business trainers/etc.? Coaches have physical trainers for their athletes? I used "coach" only to provide a broad separation between trainers as people and trainers as footwear without this much detail.

Technically trained people generally understand that a queue is a line and one queues for things, at which point one is in a queue, and that a FIFO queue is just a model for a real queue of some sort. They will say "Queue up, folks!" and the like. The word is understood.


Originally posted by arnisador
Don't you have athletic trainers/personal trainers/business trainers/etc.? Coaches have physical trainers for their athletes? I used "coach" only to provide a broad separation between trainers as people and trainers as footwear without this much detail.

Technically trained people generally understand that a queue is a line and one queues for things, at which point one is in a queue, and that a FIFO queue is just a model for a real queue of some sort. They will say "Queue up, folks!" and the like. The word is understood.
"Queue" may be understood, but not generally used. I've never heard an American say, "Queue up". They tend to say, "get in line".
Athletic and personal trainers are often called coaches, but you do hear "personal trainer" as well. If you call a football trainer a coach, what do you call a bus for private hire?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Coach would not be uncommon for a private bus, but bus is often used (e.g., rock stars ride from gig to gig on their tour bus).


Originally posted by arnisador
Coach would not be uncommon for a private bus, but bus is often used (e.g., rock stars ride from gig to gig on their tour bus).
So what do you call the people currently on strike in Hawaii?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
Sorry, I haven't seen that story (our local newspaper sucks, so most days I get the state capital city's paper too but not every day)--who is on strike?

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Kimpatsu
What are you going on about, Rich? I'm not sure you're even following the post.
Here's the deal:
Kaith made a crack about British teeth.
I riposted about American obesity.
You took offense at general comment (implying you're sensitive to the issue), and fired a torpedo at me.
I fired one back.
I will continue to bombard you until you either understand the error of your ways, or simply leave me alone.
That choice is yours.

No Tony,

The Choice is yours.

Learn Respect. You insult blindly across the board, and claim that they insulted you. You take offence to everything I say to you or ignore it and refuse to answer.

As to my weight, I care not or I would have done something about it, like I tried to do something about you and Martial Talk.

You state you are being threatened, by the moderators and the admins, yet you insist others play by your rules yet you will not even admit that others might have rules or codes of ethics or procedures of operations.

It is you who will learn or I will not leave you alone until you do decie to play well with others or to grow up or to enjoy your priviledges here not your rights.

So like I Said before GET BENT! You do not have my respect and you must earn it first, and with each post you have futher to to earn it.

Not a warning , not a threat. Just telling you how it is, and how it is going to be until something changes.


Originally posted by arnisador
Sorry, I haven't seen that story (our local newspaper sucks, so most days I get the state capital city's paper too but not every day)--who is on strike?
Oahu bus drivers. The strike's been on for about five days, now.


Originally posted by Rich Parsons
The Choice is yours. [/B][/QUOTE]
I cannot have choice without empowerment.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Learn Respect. You insult blindly across the board, and claim that they insulted you. You take offence to everything I say to you or ignore it and refuse to answer.
This is egregious. I do not "insult blindly"; my "insults" are carefully aimed at those who write nonsense. I know what erspect is, but you are undeserving. You are closed-minded and humourless.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
As to my weight, I care not or I would have done something about it, like I tried to do something about you and Martial Talk.
Still hung up about your weight? Like I said, must be a sore point for you. Do you think it's a heavy issue?
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
You state you are being threatened, by the moderators and the admins, yet you insist others play by your rules yet you will not even admit that others might have rules or codes of ethics or procedures of operations.
Check again; I've been threatened with excommunication, for telling it like it is, and with proper spelling and grammar. I resent non-Kenshi telling people rubbish about Shorinji Kempo, and turning on me for picking them up on it. One person even lied to a potential member by saying there was no Shorinji Kempo in Chicago! You think I'm going to accept that behaviour?
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
It is you who will learn or I will not leave you alone until you do decie to play well with others or to grow up or to enjoy your priviledges here not your rights.
Bring it on, tough guy. As I said before, banning me doesn't make you right, or me wrong, a concept you are either unwilling or incapable of understanding.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
So like I Said before GET BENT! You do not have my respect and you must earn it first, and with each post you have futher to to earn it.
I don't care whether you respect me. Your respect means nothing. And "get bent" is scarcely a cogent argument.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Not a warning , not a threat. Just telling you how it is, and how it is going to be until something changes.
Yes, the change will be you buggering off and leaving us alone.
Or a major change in your attitude.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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Yes, the change will be you buggering off and leaving us alone.
Or a major change in your attitude. [/B]


you mean there's more than one of you?!




Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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ooooooh.... I get it.

had me scared that you were using the "royal plural" LOL


Well, before we're going to get 'heavy', Tony did not criticise Rich's weight, but pointed out that if one posted the generality that Brits have bad teeth, then Americans are obese. I'm Dutch, so I'm a scrounge.

Carrying a chip on your shoulder doesn't make running any easier.

Anyway, the reason that Brits don't have the toothpaste smile most Americans crave, is because Brits are generally not obsessed about appearance. I even heard a story that a job applicant in America was offered the job, with the restriction that he'd get his teeth fixed.
Weird enough, the US, while obsessed about appearance, have the most people with eating disorders in the world - anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obesity - and as a result some are walking skeletons and some are too fat too walk under their own power.

Obesity - even stemming from medical conditions - will always be ridiculed. If you don't like it, move to Africa, where obesity is a sign of prosperity.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Reprobate
Well, before we're going to get 'heavy', Tony did not criticise Rich's weight, but pointed out that if one posted the generality that Brits have bad teeth, then Americans are obese. I'm Dutch, so I'm a scrounge.

Carrying a chip on your shoulder doesn't make running any easier.

Anyway, the reason that Brits don't have the toothpaste smile most Americans crave, is because Brits are generally not obsessed about appearance. I even heard a story that a job applicant in America was offered the job, with the restriction that he'd get his teeth fixed.
Weird enough, the US, while obsessed about appearance, have the most people with eating disorders in the world - anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obesity - and as a result some are walking skeletons and some are too fat too walk under their own power.

Obesity - even stemming from medical conditions - will always be ridiculed. If you don't like it, move to Africa, where obesity is a sign of prosperity.


I take no offense from your comments. You present them in a logical concise manner. You state you comments and do not ask questions unrelavent with the issue at hand.

Not only in Africa is obesity a sign of wealth it is also in many South American nations. I knew a couple of sisters in college that were easily 350 to 450 pounds. THey never lacked for dates. They thought they looked good and expected others to treat them with respect. Yet they did not stomp on those that did not they just moved on.

As for the chip, I do not run I prefer to ride my bicycle. The chip is usually not out, and I apologize to you and the others of this board who think I might have a chip on my shoulder.



No problem, Rich.

What strikes me most about discussions on martial arts fora - both MT and E-Budo - is that people tend to have such short fuses. One of the basic principles of martial arts is self-restraint and objectivity. With some people however the flecks of foam are visible on the screen. Now, this is all terribly amusing [at least to me], but if people flip so easy it must be the nefarious effect of the Internet anonimity. I cannot imagine these people would become irate so fast in real life. Or they wouldn't have much of a life...

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Reprobate
No problem, Rich.

What strikes me most about discussions on martial arts fora - both MT and E-Budo - is that people tend to have such short fuses. One of the basic principles of martial arts is self-restraint and objectivity. With some people however the flecks of foam are visible on the screen. Now, this is all terribly amusing [at least to me], but if people flip so easy it must be the nefarious effect of the Internet anonimity. I cannot imagine these people would become irate so fast in real life. Or they wouldn't have much of a life...


I usually find it amusing.

Thank You for your reply

Bob Hubbard

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Land of the Free
Originally posted by Reprobate
Weird enough, the US, while obsessed about appearance, have the most people with eating disorders in the world - anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obesity - and as a result some are walking skeletons and some are too fat too walk under their own power.

Martyn - At one point I would have disagreed, however in the last 6 months I've been paying careful attention to how people look (weight wise), and its frightening. I was in the store the other day and there was this family...the youngest looked to be about 5-7, and over 200 lbs!

Sadly, this appears to be becoming more and more common.

The pace of the society, combined with an ever worsening diet and a minimum if any exercise combine to make the US pretty poor on the health scale. People here make any of a zillion excuses on why they are fat...they simply need to eat right and get off their butts and exercise right. But, its easier to go spend a few thousand bucks and get it cut or sucked out, and then stop at McD for a greaseburger on the way home from lipo. :rolleyes:

Americas a pretty goud country, but sometimes, its also pretty bloody stupid too.


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