Damn knee - or how to get Xue to listen to you if you are an MD

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
My Knee…. Still

Well here is the deal and this is why I pick doctors that know how to talk to me

What I was told after talking about what I had been doing and getting my knee checked and drained… again

Shut-up, sit down, elevate it ice it and don’t lift stuff or crawl under desks or do anything else if you want it to get better… and do this for 1 or better yet 2 weeks and even after that DO NOT resume my normal activities for another week or two. I have re-injured it, at least once and I am on the edge of giving myself a trick knee and if I want a trick knee or to have to get stuff that is a bit more invasive that draining done then keep on doing what I have been doing and call him again when I can’t walk.

He was a bit annoyed with me and it is the “Shut-up and sit down” bits I tend to appreciate and listen to from a doc so I do believe I will listen.

Although I thought I was since I was not training.. who knew moving desks, chairs, kitchen sets, ping pong tables was a problem… who knew that my work were I have had to crawl under desks and on the floor to set up PCs or lifting PCs and servers was a problem… apparently not me…. Actually… I did… but stuff needed to get done so I did it and in a few of those case if I didn’t my wife would have and she would have hurt herself so I figured better me than her.

Oh well… unless I want to get a beating from my MD the next time I go see him I guess I will be spending the next couple of weeks with my leg elevated with a cold knee…. I can at least walk without the cane or crutches but only when necessary….. this will not be easy.

I guess it is a good time to buy those 3 Xingyiquan books I have been wanting to by.


These are the books

1) XingYi Linked Fist by Li Cunyi
2) Henan Orthodox Xing Yi Chuan by Pei Xi Rong & Li Ying-Ang
3) XingYi Zha Shi Chui & Ba Shi Chuan by Jiang Rong-Jiao

And I just found this one so I guess it is 4 books...

4) The Science of Internal Strength by Zhang Nai Qi
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Oh well… unless I want to get a beating from my MD the next time I go see him I guess I will be spending the next couple of weeks with my leg elevated with a cold knee…. I can at least walk without the cane or crutches but only when necessary….. this will not be easy.

Finding an MD that will listen and not surgar coat everything is a wonderful and rare thing..When I injuried by back last year my Doctor gave me a real good speech.." Listen, this is NOT going to go away..You are not 20, 30, or 40 anymore, you will have to be careful or you could make it worse..Do you really want back surgery??? Trust me you dont..
Yup that is what I need from an MD

This is the same doc I had for my back years ago, he was the 3rd for my back, and the one I stuck with because he told me pretty much the same thing. Keep doing what you are doing and spend a life not walking or in surgery.. and you don’t want surgery. Listen to what he was telling me and I will get better... not 100% but better.

I just can't figure out why he took it so easy on me last time... he must have forgotten what I was like :EG: :D
Hey Xue a little break will do you good and if you have some excellent reading then it will make the time go very quickly! I hate injuries but as I get older they seem to be more plentiful. :( Still if we listen to our bodies and our doctor's advice maybe when we are really old we will still be training!!! :)
Man I had to check this post to see how long it has been since I was told to sit down and shut up. I was certain it had bee about 3 weeks.. but much to my surprise it has not been quite 2 weeks yet.

Well so far I am behaving…pretty much.... :uhohh:... as long as I don't include some of the light exercises I did this morning since I was convinced it was about 3 weeks.

I am however a bit afraid that I will get use to this doing nothing and continue to do so even after the knee is better. But then since I had convinced myself that it just HAD to be 3 weeks by now and I was all set to go to my basement and start working on forms again…maybe I don’t need to be afraid of that after all…

Well this sucks :disgust: … not quite 2 weeks so no forms tonight I guess

Well it looks like it is more cold knee time for me :disgust:
Xue sometimes we need to relize we are not young anymore and it takes alot longer to heal, so listen to your DR. and stay off the knee for as long as it takes.
My Knee…. Still

Well here is the deal and this is why I pick doctors that know how to talk to me

What I was told after talking about what I had been doing and getting my knee checked and drained… again

Shut-up, sit down, elevate it ice it and don’t lift stuff or crawl under desks or do anything else if you want it to get better… and do this for 1 or better yet 2 weeks and even after that DO NOT resume my normal activities for another week or two. I have re-injured it, at least once and I am on the edge of giving myself a trick knee and if I want a trick knee or to have to get stuff that is a bit more invasive that draining done then keep on doing what I have been doing and call him again when I can’t walk.

He was a bit annoyed with me and it is the “Shut-up and sit down” bits I tend to appreciate and listen to from a doc so I do believe I will listen.

Although I thought I was since I was not training.. who knew moving desks, chairs, kitchen sets, ping pong tables was a problem… who knew that my work were I have had to crawl under desks and on the floor to set up PCs or lifting PCs and servers was a problem… apparently not me…. Actually… I did… but stuff needed to get done so I did it and in a few of those case if I didn’t my wife would have and she would have hurt herself so I figured better me than her.

Oh well… unless I want to get a beating from my MD the next time I go see him I guess I will be spending the next couple of weeks with my leg elevated with a cold knee…. I can at least walk without the cane or crutches but only when necessary….. this will not be easy.

I guess it is a good time to buy those 3 Xingyiquan books I have been wanting to by.


These are the books

1) XingYi Linked Fist by Li Cunyi
2) Henan Orthodox Xing Yi Chuan by Pei Xi Rong & Li Ying-Ang
3) XingYi Zha Shi Chui & Ba Shi Chuan by Jiang Rong-Jiao

And I just found this one so I guess it is 4 books...

4) The Science of Internal Strength by Zhang Nai Qi
Do you feel tension in your lead leg when stepping through?
Xue sometimes we need to relize we are not young anymore and it takes alot longer to heal, so listen to your DR. and stay off the knee for as long as it takes.

I'm being good :angel: ... for a change

Do you feel tension in your lead leg when stepping through?

Actually I felt pain if I tried to move. I could hold the posture but I could not get out of it. But then it got so I could not bend it without a WHOLE lot of tension. Hence it got drained.

Currently I am doing nothing so I do not know how it will feel if I do the form. All I can say is at the moment I have a bit of discomfort just below the knee cap on the outside edge of the knee... butit bends easily and I can walk on it with no problems... time for more ice
At last year's physical, I got the admonition to be a lot more active or expect to become completely inactive a lot sooner than I'd like. A good part of that activity has been MA workouts..... and at last visit with exercise and meds, my blood pressure was down 42 on top and 30 on bottom, back in the normal range. Thanks to that doctor I feel like a new person.

Of course, there are exceptions. Years back my mother asked me to talk with dad about his hearing loss; she thought he was too tough to admit he was getting older and needed a hearing aid. The conversation in his workshop went this way....

Me: "Mom's concerned your hearing may be going a little bit."
Dad just grunted.
Me " Maybe you should at least have the hearing tests..."
Dad just grunted.
Me "Mom's worried.... she says you can't hear when she's yelling for you"
Dad just smiled. Big smile.

True story.
first let me say this about trees... I hate them... I hate them all :mad:

ARRRRRGH!!!! :tantrum:
Damn tree limb the size of a small tree fell in my front yard and I had to cut it up to move it. And in the process the damn thing shifted and one of the smaller branches on the limb (about 3 inches in diameter) shifted and whacked me RIGHT in the knee...:flammad: nooooooooooo it couldn't hit the good knee it just HAD to hit the one that I have been having trouble with, that was actually getting a WHOLE lot better and today...yup it is swelling up again...never...I mean absolutely NEVER trust a tree.

When I get better...and I will... I am going to renew my tree beating efforts and pound the living daylights out of EVERY SINGLE TREE I SEE. :disgust:

DAMN!! Not even when I am being good can I get this stupid thing better.
One of the things I learned years ago is not to talk medical to patients. Use plain and simple English and examples they can relate to. I don't tell a smoker with bronchitis that if they persist they'll develop COPD. I tell them "If you won't stop smoking, you need to get used to feeling like this, because this is what your breathing will be like on a good day. And lugging your oxygen around all the time makes it really difficult to carry your grandchild." "If you won't wear your seatbelt, at least sign your organ donor card." "You don't think you need a helmet? See, we are pretty good at lots of things. If you break your arm, we can probably fix it. If you break your leg, we can probably fix it. If you break your brain... you're getting coloring books for christmas for the rest of your life. Hopefully you will be able to color, and not just sit there drooling on them."

Xue, your knee may well never heal fully. When it's healed as well as it's going to, you need to protect it. You ought to wear a knee brace. Not one of the cheapy ones, but a good one. And you may find it necessary to modify techniques and kata slightly to prevent reinjury.

I'm in the same boat. I'll never do as well as others in forms. Because my left eye is just a piece of plastic, I modify left foot forward stances and techniques slightly so as to be able to see my opponent. I do this knowing that my scores on belt tests will always suffer for it. But I don't train for scores. I train for life.
One of the things I learned years ago is not to talk medical to patients. Use plain and simple English and examples they can relate to. I don't tell a smoker with bronchitis that if they persist they'll develop COPD. I tell them "If you won't stop smoking, you need to get used to feeling like this, because this is what your breathing will be like on a good day. And lugging your oxygen around all the time makes it really difficult to carry your grandchild." "If you won't wear your seatbelt, at least sign your organ donor card." "You don't think you need a helmet? See, we are pretty good at lots of things. If you break your arm, we can probably fix it. If you break your leg, we can probably fix it. If you break your brain... you're getting coloring books for christmas for the rest of your life. Hopefully you will be able to color, and not just sit there drooling on them."

But what does this have to do with trees being out to get me :D

Xue, your knee may well never heal fully. When it's healed as well as it's going to, you need to protect it. You ought to wear a knee brace. Not one of the cheapy ones, but a good one. And you may find it necessary to modify techniques and kata slightly to prevent reinjury.

I asked my MD about a brace and he told me no. But it could be as good as it gets...time will tell
But what does this have to do with trees being out to get me :D

Nothing. Maybe you were a (bad) druid in another life? Or a logger?

I asked my MD about a brace and he told me no. But it could be as good as it gets...time will tell

Good. That means it's likely he's found no evidence of injury to the tendons and ligaments in the knee. Soft tissue injuries heal more completely.
Nothing. Maybe you were a (bad) druid in another life? Or a logger?

Actually I worked on a tree farm in this life...and they started it by jumping me (fell on me).... of course all the trees I cut down before that don't count :D

Good. That means it's likely he's found no evidence of injury to the tendons and ligaments in the knee. Soft tissue injuries heal more completely.


I am hoping it recovers... however he has had to drain it twice so far and form the way it feels at the moment we may be going for #3. But based on my last visit I could be in for a beating :D

My plans tonight for my knee...ice...lots and lots of ice...
Finding an MD that will listen and not surgar coat everything is a wonderful and rare thing..

Funny, I'm just the opposite. When I look for a new doctor I give them a rather snarky interview, including "You work for me. You give advice and I make the decisions." If they flinch at that, I'm out the door.

Of course, there is a lot of arrogance in this particular specialty. You can't afford to give an inch or they grab all the ground they can get. Learned that the hard way.

Best of wishes for your knee, Xue, and I'm glad you like your doctor.