I hope I've got the term correct. Cho Dan Bo= pre-BB type of rank. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
In the past, my GM has had folks test for BB & get a plain BB. Then for 6 months, they learn 2 more poomsae, then test again to "confirm" their BB rank. The fee for the test is only once. So, there is no monetary soaking of the student. At the confirmation they are given certs & an embroidered belt. The idea behind this is to retain the student past BB. Whether it works as intended is debateable.
My GM is open to either continuing this; or if instructors want to do one test, that id okay as well. So, it's up to individual instructors what they do. I'm trying to weigh out the pro's & con's of each way. I've got at least a year to 18 months before it's a pressing issue.
What do you think? Test them once, or test them twice? One test says "a BB is a BB." Two tests is a retention tool to keep them motivated to learn more & grow past BB.
Thanks for your thoughts.
In the past, my GM has had folks test for BB & get a plain BB. Then for 6 months, they learn 2 more poomsae, then test again to "confirm" their BB rank. The fee for the test is only once. So, there is no monetary soaking of the student. At the confirmation they are given certs & an embroidered belt. The idea behind this is to retain the student past BB. Whether it works as intended is debateable.
My GM is open to either continuing this; or if instructors want to do one test, that id okay as well. So, it's up to individual instructors what they do. I'm trying to weigh out the pro's & con's of each way. I've got at least a year to 18 months before it's a pressing issue.
What do you think? Test them once, or test them twice? One test says "a BB is a BB." Two tests is a retention tool to keep them motivated to learn more & grow past BB.
Thanks for your thoughts.