Chi, KI, Internal Energy

Originally posted by Taiji fan

the adrenalin argument is not weak. This potent hormone is designed to enable the body to work at a different level giving at times the impression of superhuman the little old lady lifting the car etc. There was no comparrison given between the effects on the body of qi and the effects on the body of adrenalin, just a simple statement"Chi is something that allows you to flip a 600 pound man over your shoulder even if you can't deadlift over 300."

well- the demo's i've seen of little guys tossing big guys displayed technique that is both explainable and based on physics and chi is rather beside the point, whether the practioner used it as an explanation or not. and as noted here the human body is capable of some incredible displays based on its' own natural chemistry and architecture. as for some here--hands going through stone, wood and brick has long been explained- people are always suprised to find how strong a structure the human body is (Scientific American back in the 70s published the "scientific" explaination)

i frankly am bored of those who "believe" because they "know" but "cannot prove"-- no- not one double blind test necessary --that's called b.s. in my neck of the woods- and you really ought to think about what you are arguing for- unless of course you really were abducted by aliens. :rolleyes:

now i wouldn't attempt to persuade the unpersuadable not to feel as they do about chi's existence. however, i would like science to be given its due as well.

here's a few viewpoints for those here with open minds:shrug: :
Originally posted by MartialArtist

Chi is something that allows you to flip a 600 pound man over your shoulder even if you can't deadlift over 300. Chi is energy and force. You can manipulate it. If you trap someone's arm or leg, their chi will be unbalanced.

I'd call both cases leverage aided by momentum personally.

Get what I'm getting at?

That we have differing definitions of Chi.
"unless of course you really were abducted by aliens. "

Yes, that's it exactly...

Originally posted by chufeng

"unless of course you really were abducted by aliens. "

Yes, that's it exactly...


well then; glad to have you back.

happy thanksgiving!

Jaz K.
Originally posted by Taiji fan

I don't believe that I have spoken out against the exsistance of qi. Maybe its because that I do practise an internal art that I have seen more charlatens and people who lack a great deal of integrity who are self proclaimed masters of qi that I get a bit fed up hearing the same old unqualified stuff that is regurgitated. All martial arts at a high level are internal anyway. neither.

the adrenalin argument is not weak. This potent hormone is designed to enable the body to work at a different level giving at times the impression of superhuman the little old lady lifting the car etc. There was no comparrison given between the effects on the body of qi and the effects on the body of adrenalin, just a simple statement"Chi is something that allows you to flip a 600 pound man over your shoulder even if you can't deadlift over 300."
Adrenaline is a hormone that is like a boost. When you learn to control it (controlling emotions and such), it is beneficial. It makes you perform better for short periods of time.

A woman lifting a car is adrenaline AND using all muscle fibers. When lifting, not all fibers are recruited, a safety mechanism that our body has. For instance, lifting weights destroys muscle fibers and repairs them. It does not destroy even 90%, for obvious reasons.

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