Can you defend yourself with a pocket knife? Consider this...

To me, the only questions of a small knife are comfort and dependability of grip, and usually a slower draw. Otherwise, the angles in knife fighting remain the same.
Smaller knives need to be practiced with, though, if you are going to carry one. The advantage? Court.
I have different knives, but the one I like the most is a Swiss Army with a pink handle. It would present nicely in court.
You can defend yourself with a fountain pen, if you have to....sometimes a bit too well.
Like any weapon, you need to know the weapon, its strengths and limitations. For instance stabbing with a pocket knife is pretty risky. While it might do damage to your attacker, the blade has no guard so your hand can ride the blade very easily. Cutting the tendons and muscles in either your hand or fingers can lead to some pretty serious surgeries and phisical rehab. The typical pocket knife isn't made for combat. Like anything though it can be an effective weapon, if you are smart about its use...or lucky.
Good points made by all. All I have to say is chalk one up for the good guys. I love hearing about thugs ending up in the hospital or dead due to tyring to prey on the innocent.

As a side note, I always carry 2 folders. one weak side front pocket, one strong side rear pocket. Yeah, if in a grappling situation, your attacker may find the other one, but by this time, it should be too late. Besides, you know that they are there before he ever decided to "meet" you. He will likely be more concerned with getting away from his new found bladed fury than trying to find another blade on his target. He will be ready to GTFO after first contact.

OK, for my two cents worth on this. the answer is yes. I would suggest you would at least look at an anatomy book and practice where to cut and stab.

One other note of cation, if you do use the blade you have initiated deadly force, and so you better get with the program for real! That person can use deadly force in responce legally. also if they are not running they will be looking to do you as much damage as they can! Ya! that means provably kill you.

I do not advocate being a victim at all! I am just saying that when you go, GO FOR BROKE!!!!!!!!! at that point the price of loosing is to DIE!
i carry a folding, lockback knife. its a cheapy throwdown from a sporting goods store, but keeps a fine edge. i use it as a tool everyday. i have thought about how i would employ it as a weapon however. one way i considered was if i was pinned down or in danger of being pounded or choked out. the knife clips to my pocket so it is easy to access and opens with just my thumb. i feel i could grab it, open it and jam it into someone's side or neck in a second or two.

if you just slice someone they will most likely lose the will to continue the attack. blood causes panic in pretty much everyone, especially their own.
i if you just slice someone they will most likely lose the will to continue the attack. blood causes panic in pretty much everyone, especially their own.

Maybe. Most people who are cut in fights don't realize it at first. People who are stabbed typically think they are punched,and keep fighting- and there really aren't many places to "just slice" someone that are going to take much will out of them at first without killing them, like their neck.
Maybe. Most people who are cut in fights don't realize it at first. People who are stabbed typically think they are punched,and keep fighting- and there really aren't many places to "just slice" someone that are going to take much will out of them at first without killing them, like their neck.
Also -- as was already noted, a knife is automatically using lethal force. Unless you're fond of dancing with Bubba at the local gray bar hotel... you'd better know how to justify employing it. Even if your goal was only to "slice them enough to make them panic."
It really depends on the Circumstances. Pulling a Knife on an Unarmed Attacker is quite unnecessary, really. Pulling a Knife on several? Now you have a possibly Valid option.
It really depends on the Circumstances. Pulling a Knife on an Unarmed Attacker is quite unnecessary, really. Pulling a Knife on several? Now you have a possibly Valid option.

I'm not so sure I agree, but it's good that you're sensitive to fairness.
I'm not so sure I agree, but it's good that you're sensitive to fairness.
Im not talking Fairness - I mean, attack me with a Weapon, and frankly, all limits are off, Law be damned.
But if an Unarmed Attacker were to attack me, id rather remain in the midsts of Legality, unless it went too far.

By which i mean, going to Prison over Self Defense is essentially giving time of your Life to the other Person. Its a Lose-Lose, even if you Won.

But if this Unarmed Attacked successfully put me at an extreme disadvantage, if i were carrying a Knife, i would use it.

And just to prove i dont really care about Fairness as much as Logic, i believe that breaking someone Shin or Knee, knowing that it may never fully heal, and may debilitate them when they are older; is a perfectly valid form of Self Defense.
Im not talking Fairness - I mean, attack me with a Weapon, and frankly, all limits are off, Law be damned.
But if an Unarmed Attacker were to attack me, id rather remain in the midsts of Legality, unless it went too far.

If someone attacks your with a weapon the only limit becomes whether or not they are attacking. If they stop and try to get away from your effective defense let `em go. That`s the main point of the law. But if they`re using a weapon you`re justified in using deadly force. (Some states may require you to get away if you can, but I don`t beleive most do.)

But if this Unarmed Attacked successfully put me at an extreme disadvantage, if i were carrying a Knife, i would use it.
If it looks like things may go south, just drawing your knife may end (or at least postpone) the attack long enough for you to leave.
The phrase "Don`t do this,I don`t have anything worth you dying for" can carry alot of weight if they see you have the means to back it up.
Couple attacked and dragged from their car in San Diego. Male victim pulls his pocket knife and puts two of the attackers in the hospital. Yay him!

It would appear that a pocket knife is not the worst thing you can carry for self-defense. I'd love to know what he was carrying and how he employed it.

Even a small pocket knife is extremely useful as it only takes 2 1/2 cm in the correct spot to get into the heart. On top of this, many edged weapon practitioners practice what is called 'chiping' which is basically sets the 'victim' up for a slash across the throat. Much more to knife work than the 'hollywood' hack and slash.
If it looks like things may go south, just drawing your knife may end (or at least postpone) the attack long enough for you to leave.
The phrase "Don`t do this,I don`t have anything worth you dying for" can carry alot of weight if they see you have the means to back it up.
Of course it can - It can also make it Survival Of The Fittest for the other person, if theyve come out Hostile (Shoving whilst Shouting, making Fists)

Of course, defusing a situation before it turns into a constant Exchange is always best. But not always a viable option.
Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst.
Of course it can - It can also make it Survival Of The Fittest for the other person, if theyve come out Hostile (Shoving whilst Shouting, making Fists)

Of course, defusing a situation before it turns into a constant Exchange is always best. But not always a viable option.
Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst.

I`m sorry, I wasn`t very clear. I knew what I meant by a situation "going south" (constantly getting worse and worse) but I didn`t make it clear that I was responding to the post before mine that assumed I was already being attacked AND was in danger of being seriously injured because I was already behind the curve and empty hand skills might not be enough to end the fight quickly.I wouldn`t consider brandishing a weapon against someone shouting and shoveing and shaking a fist. They`re all noise at that point and are a low priority threat. I was just reffering to a situation where they`ve already shown they`re ready to use violence and I may already be injured. If that`s the case and there`s been a break in the action that allows me time to warn someone off I`d do it. It seems better somehow than cutting someone up without giving them a chance to back off. Even the meanest dog will usually growl or bark to tell you "leave me alone" before it resorts to biting.

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