Can you defend yourself with a pocket knife? Consider this...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Couple attacked and dragged from their car in San Diego. Male victim pulls his pocket knife and puts two of the attackers in the hospital. Yay him!

Three to four men started hitting them through the car's windows after they got into their car, Cotellessa said. The man was pulled out of the car and beaten by two assailants. The male victim fought them off, however, with a folding pocketknife, stabbing them several times, Cotellessa said.
One of the alleged attackers ran away and collapsed inside the doorway of the nightclub, according to Cotellessa, who said the other suspect managed to get away and was driven by a friend to the hospital.

It would appear that a pocket knife is not the worst thing you can carry for self-defense. I'd love to know what he was carrying and how he employed it.
The idea that you need a big blade for defense is silly. A 2" blade is more than adequate to kill or disable an attacker.

Things to keep in mind:
Blade length has little to do with penetration, since tissues compress.
Stabs are FAR more dangerous than cuts.
As with a business, the most important factor is location location location...

Most of the people I've seen killed by knife wounds were killed by fairly small blades. Most of the people I've seen who were in a fight involving a large blade were cut, not stabbed, and generally survived. Most of those who are sliced up are discharged from the ER. Most of those who were stabbed get themselves a trip to the OR.
I don`t think that anyone agues that a small blade isn`t lethal anymore. I think the thing that gets argued more is how quickly it kills. Like the "stopping power" arguments about different calibers of bullets. You can kill someone with a .22, but it may take more time for them to drop.

Same thing with a knife. Some argue that for a fast kill you need a deep organ hit, therefore the need for a long blade. But for me it`s all theory, never had to use my knife on anyone and I hope I never do.
I don`t think that anyone agues that a small blade isn`t lethal anymore. I think the thing that gets argued more is how quickly it kills. Like the "stopping power" arguments about different calibers of bullets. You can kill someone with a .22, but it may take more time for them to drop.

Same thing with a knife. Some argue that for a fast kill you need a deep organ hit, therefore the need for a long blade. But for me it`s all theory, never had to use my knife on anyone and I hope I never do.

Kind of like my thoughts on the 'best gun for personal protection'. The best knife for personal protection is the one you have on you and are capable of using effectively. A rock in an emergency is better than nothing, but a blade is better still, and if one has a pocketknife, one uses a pocketknife. It's pretty clear that a pocketknife can get the job done, however.
What is really important is that you have some thing that you can access in the moment or before the moment happens. A pocket knife can be a great equalizer!
I don`t think that anyone agues that a small blade isn`t lethal anymore. I think the thing that gets argued more is how quickly it kills. Like the "stopping power" arguments about different calibers of bullets. You can kill someone with a .22, but it may take more time for them to drop.

Same thing with a knife. Some argue that for a fast kill you need a deep organ hit, therefore the need for a long blade. But for me it`s all theory, never had to use my knife on anyone and I hope I never do.

The Roman's trained to only put about 3 inches of the Gladus into an enemy, and many accounts of how quickly they took their enemies out of the fight survive.

From under your testicles to your sternum, you don't have to go far anywhere within 4-5 inches of that line to hit something you need to keep living.

My favorite target for stabs is the bladder and all around it.
Blood loss, shock, psychological tramua and poisoning, all in one.

I'm glad this man made it work, yes any knife is better than no knife.
Like I say when discussing firearms and calibers, yes I have my preferences (.45ACP 230 grain Hollowpoint) but I say "I don't want to stand in front of any of them.
Honestly, I'd be a lot more surprised at the assertion that you couldn't defend yourself with a pocket knife.

There are good reasons why the knife has remained (literally) cutting-edge technology since the dawn of time. One being that you don't have to be particularly well trained to do damage with one. What would be ineffectual flailing with your bare hands because really bad news for the other guy once you're holding a knife.

We can talk all we want about penetration, shock, damage to organs, etc. But I feel fairly confident that none of us (muggers and carjackers included) are feeling all that casual about getting stabbed or sliced with a knife. Incidentally or no.

Assailants like this are looking for a purse or a car or a laptop. Not a chance to showcase their empty hand-versus-knife savvy.

Honestly, I'd be a lot more surprised at the assertion that you couldn't defend yourself with a pocket knife.

There are good reasons why the knife has remained (literally) cutting-edge technology since the dawn of time. One being that you don't have to be particularly well trained to do damage with one. What would be ineffectual flailing with your bare hands because really bad news for the other guy once you're holding a knife.

We can talk all we want about penetration, shock, damage to organs, etc. But I feel fairly confident that none of us (muggers and carjackers included) are feeling all that casual about getting stabbed or sliced with a knife. Incidentally or no.

Assailants like this are looking for a purse or a car or a laptop. Not a chance to showcase their empty hand-versus-knife savvy.


True but never assume you can just present a blade or cut them once or twice and they will run. Once they engage don't underestimate a Thug's toughness or combative resolve.

A good deal of the kind of POS that would attack you have done time and knifing is a must have skill in PrisonyLand.

This is why knowing how to kill/maim quick is important or you will be doing alot of cutting but you still might end up eating your own knife once he gets his hands on you.

Slash/Plice/Rip the cables, stab the plumbing and all of it to the neck and face.

Sometimes I don't have anything but a little Hibben Claw on me but it's seriously sharp and fits in my hand in a way that they wount know there is a blade there untill it's to late.
True but never assume you can just present a blade or cut them once or twice and they will run. Once they engage don't underestimate a Thug's toughness or combative resolve.

I didn't suggest that you're safe from attack simply by virtue of having a knife. Only that someone with a knife needn't be an expert to defend themselves with it.

A good deal of the kind of POS that would attack you have done time and knifing is a must have skill in PrisonyLand.

Knifing someone is presumably different from being knifed though. That's less a skill and more something that even unreasonable people go out of their way to avoid.

This is why knowing how to kill/maim quick is important or you will be doing alot of cutting but you still might end up eating your own knife once he gets his hands on you.

Sure. That could happen. But I think we then start to get into one of the biggest fallacies of martial arts. That there's some form of prep work, some piece of equipment you can carry, that guarantees your personal safety. Fights are, by definition, chaotic. And the more we up the ante, the heavier the consequences.

Sadly, there's no way of knowing for sure how all that will play out ahead of time. Fail to act aggressively enough against someone trying to do you harm and... well, they'll do you harm. But stab someone in the face repeatedly for trying to knick your wallet, and you're likely to get your own knife training on the inside.

Slash/Plice/Rip the cables, stab the plumbing and all of it to the neck and face.

I can only hope that's harder for a soul to do than it is to say.

Sometimes I don't have anything but a little Hibben Claw on me but it's seriously sharp and fits in my hand in a way that they wount know there is a blade there untill it's to late.

My original point was simply that casual contact with a knife is bad news, so that even an unskilled defender holding a knife is at a considerable advantage to one not holding a knife. I don't think that an extensive knowledge of angles of attack, sequences of organs, and the like are really vital. A completely untrained person with a small knife, assuming they don't present it and say "I've got a knife," could do major damage. Enough to swiftly dispatch several hardened attackers? Who knows. Enough to dissuade a carjacking? Likely.

"Knife, meet important bits. Important bits, knife. Now, you two play nicely."
True but never assume you can just present a blade or cut them once or twice and they will run. Once they engage don't underestimate a Thug's toughness or combative resolve.

A good deal of the kind of POS that would attack you have done time and knifing is a must have skill in PrisonyLand.

This is why knowing how to kill/maim quick is important or you will be doing alot of cutting but you still might end up eating your own knife once he gets his hands on you.

Slash/Plice/Rip the cables, stab the plumbing and all of it to the neck and face.

Sometimes I don't have anything but a little Hibben Claw on me but it's seriously sharp and fits in my hand in a way that they wount know there is a blade there untill it's to late.

Keep putting holes in the bucket until all the water drains out. If you can gouge an eyeball out i'm sure that would certainly hinder their combat effectiveness as well.
A pocket knife is better than nothing.

And if you can get a chair or even a trash containers top it will help even more.

And grabing one of the attackers and using him for a shield, while sticking him, is another way.

The stabbing power of a small pocket folder (2 inch or more blade) all depends upon where. Those who know would say vital areas... but not the heart which is protected nicely by the sternum and rib-cage.
For me, my target areas are the neck (jugular), upper shoulder or the v between the collar bones (v cava superior) and armpit (same), and as well as the groin and thigh (femoral). All of these will cause the attacker to bleed out and they're very hard to stop and within a few minutes they're incapacitated ... true, within a few more minutes they're dead... but, isn't that what they wanted from you?

I've also practiced/trained to give a hard twist after a stab (if possible in the heat of the fight) to prevent the wound from closing, because if I find myself in a situation where I HAVE to use my blades then I'll have that Cobra-Kai attitude of no mercy.

Both of my favorite folders are more than adequate to do the job.
In my jeep within (my) reach is a 7 inch survival knife. I'd stab with this just as soon as cut. Whatever opportunity is available to me I'll use/take advantage of.
Keep putting holes in the bucket until all the water drains out. If you can gouge an eyeball out i'm sure that would certainly hinder their combat effectiveness as well.

Yep and it does not take much to spill from the bucket to have an effect.

Jabbing at and cutting above the eyes is something I practice alot.

Going for the eyes, worked for Mussashi and the reserve Cohort of Caesar's 10th at Pharsala. It's timeless, everyone trys to protect their eyes.

Like I say when discussing firearms and calibers, yes I have my preferences (.45ACP 230 grain Hollowpoint) but I say "I don't want to stand in front of any of them.

I have seen two men shot with a 45 (granted military ammo) and not be literally blown away as is their reputation. The stories of those hit with .22 rounds and killed due to the bullet richocheting around inside the body are legend. I heard of a VC who was killed with an M-16 round that went in one outer thigh and departed from the other outer thigh. It did not leave and enter either inner thigh. I saw a man hit in the side of the chest with a .25 auto at point blank range. It sideswiped or holed the heart, stopping just under the skin on the other side. The victim ran about fifty yards before he fell dead. Oddly, another man was shot in the head and received a brain penetrating shot, and survived. He ran a little over a hundred yards, leaving a blood trail as if someone had run along with a garden sprinkler. He lost a small amount of motor action, but that was all. Nasty little things, those small calibers.

So you are right that you don't want to be in front of any bullet, but don't count those small calibers out. They do kill, and often by richochet.
Well, i certainly think a Knife can work, in good hands. What Knife-Sparring ive done where i train (Theyre duds, but hey) has always completely changed the way you need to approach a situation, in such a way that can make multiple opponents vastly easier. You cant guard up to a knife, since even if its a stabbing weapon, it can slash your arms into submission. You either need to grab the persons arm, dodge, redirect it, or of course use a ranged attack at a high rate of speed. But you ultimately cannot engage the knife - Your forced to be defensive, and even an untrained individual would know that.

Personally, i own a Gerber. I keep it at home, but the main purpose of that is that if i were to, say, wake up in the middle of the night to intrusion, i wouldnt exactly be as awake as id like to be to Engage anyone fully. As such, compensating for that is perhaps a good idea.
I spent several years working for a famous custom knifemaker. During that time I met several customers and trainers who had stories of defending themselves or their loved ones with a knife. We made several longer blades, but most of the stories I heard centered on our smaller blades, 2-4 inches. And I recall several cases where smaller women (some of whom didn`t feel comfortable with firearms) used our knives against multiple male carjackers. Once the women started cutting the bad guys paniced and couldn`t get away fast enough to suit them.

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