California mayhem

Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
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[FONT=Verdana,Sans-serif]Judges tentatively order Calif. inmates released[/FONT]

Feb 9, 6:50 PM (ET)


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - A special panel of federal judges has tentatively ruled that California must release tens of thousands of inmates to relieve overcrowding.
The judges say no other solution will improve conditions so poor that inmates die regularly of suicides or lack of proper care.
They say the state can cut the population of its 33 adult prisons through changes in parole and other policies without endangering public safety.
The three judges said a final population figure would be set later. In Monday's tentative ruling, the judges said they want the state to present a plan to trim the prison population in two to three years.


Well, tell me, how is parole and 'other policies' going to keep ex-cons from doing what they know best. Sleep tight Californians, your government is protecting you.

Two words... ok four.... Enact the death penalty and the prisons will have LOTS of room!
This is why we need to get back to hard labor in prisons. Things like chain gangs and caining would also help reduce the number of crimes and criminals.
This is pretty much inevitable and does not surprise me one bit. The rate that the U.S incarcerates is second to none and I believe that since prisons dont rehabilitate then some of the non-violent offenders who will possibly be released, will have a better chance of rehabilitation outside of prison. I dont think people in California should worry, it's a moral panic that is now being fueled by the media. Just my opinion
This is pretty much inevitable and does not surprise me one bit. The rate that the U.S incarcerates is second to none

On this we agree.

and I believe that since prisons dont rehabilitate then some of the non-violent offenders who will possibly be released, will have a better chance of rehabilitation outside of prison.

it would be wonderful if the only ones released were nonviolent, and would make the most common sense, but clearly you overestimate the common sense of our elected officials.....
They are criminals so it make sense we release them back into society.... Right!!!
Article doesn't say what type of inmates are going to be released. Are they small time offenders or armed robbers? Not saying that anyone should be released per se, but if I had a choice to release a murderer/rapist or a 18 yo kid who was locked up because he had 3 joints on him..well, that shouldn't take much thought.

People talk of over crowding all the time, yet IMO, nothing is done to prevent people from coming back. Prison/jail has turned into a country club, and there really is nothing that makes them stop and say, "Ya know, this place sucks, and when I get out, I'm never coming back!"

Of course, the other options are to build more prisons or look into the possibility of shipping them to another state that would be able to help with the overcrowding issue.
We do as a country tend to over incarcerate and actually for some petty things at times.

Out criminal justice systems needs a good dose of common sense and a bit of reworking. There are just to many times when some one who is incarcerated for a minor crime should not be. Instead they should pay fines, etc. and go on being a productive citizen.

Now, I am not talking at all about violent crimes or criminals. All of those we need to get off the streets.
Having left "Paradise" some fourteen years ago, I can tell you that this is NOT the first time the State of California has done this. Those who have been released before have ranged from tax evasion and grand theft to rape and attempted murder.

The three-strike rule was a great idea until they had no more room for anyone. Laws limiting weapon usage and zero-tolerance drug policies also helped crowd prisons.

Hey California ... a few thoughts from a native and proud-to-be-former resident:

1. Arm the public again.
2. Drug busts should be for a minimum amount higher than ... suspicion and drug paraphernalia.
3. If all three strikes are violent crimes, inject them. Or ... send them to Washington where they have the choice between injection and hanging (we ended the firing squad option not really all that long ago).
4. You can sentence felons to death, but you don't ever put them to death. Git 'er done!
5. Just Say No to illegals so legal citizens can have jobs and your theft rate might go down.
6. Round up your meth heads and put them to work - give them each $40 to get a hit with, follow them to their dealer and shoot the dealer; repeat.
7. In this economy, open up the bounties again. Instead of money, offer debt forgiveness. You lose an *** hole and save money/time/space, they gain a few more months in their apartment and buy food. Everybody wins.
8. Move the Hollywood business to Chicago. I mean really.
It is disappointing to see that the court only wants to tinker with sentences rather than also reduce violence. These types of tinkerings usually lead to more inmates and more violence in the medium term.
California is beyond broke. They can't afford to hold all these people. What else can they do at this point?
Simple Solution here..

1st. Secure our southern borders.
2nd. Deport all illegal alien criminals in our prison system.
3rd. Enable the Death penalty to do its job
4th. Enact a program of community service for the non violent offenders, put them on hard labor chain gang type of projects for the term of their sentences, with rewards of lightened sentences for completing jobs early. You can even pay them at reduced pay scale, so they can afford food and shelter while working off their sentences.

I do not understand why this and several other reasonable ideas are not done.
Having left "Paradise" some fourteen years ago, I can tell you that this is NOT the first time the State of California has done this. Those who have been released before have ranged from tax evasion and grand theft to rape and attempted murder.

The three-strike rule was a great idea until they had no more room for anyone. Laws limiting weapon usage and zero-tolerance drug policies also helped crowd prisons.

Hey California ... a few thoughts from a native and proud-to-be-former resident:

1. Arm the public again.
2. Drug busts should be for a minimum amount higher than ... suspicion and drug paraphernalia.
3. If all three strikes are violent crimes, inject them. Or ... send them to Washington where they have the choice between injection and hanging (we ended the firing squad option not really all that long ago).
4. You can sentence felons to death, but you don't ever put them to death. Git 'er done!
5. Just Say No to illegals so legal citizens can have jobs and your theft rate might go down.
6. Round up your meth heads and put them to work - give them each $40 to get a hit with, follow them to their dealer and shoot the dealer; repeat.
7. In this economy, open up the bounties again. Instead of money, offer debt forgiveness. You lose an *** hole and save money/time/space, they gain a few more months in their apartment and buy food. Everybody wins.
8. Move the Hollywood business to Chicago. I mean really.

Number 8?
California is beyond broke. They can't afford to hold all these people. What else can they do at this point?

I don't know what else they cando, but all of the states that border up on Republik Of Kalifornia need to put up a fence with landmines around the perimeter of the fence.
Having left "Paradise" some fourteen years ago, I can tell you that this is NOT the first time the State of California has done this. Those who have been released before have ranged from tax evasion and grand theft to rape and attempted murder.

The three-strike rule was a great idea until they had no more room for anyone. Laws limiting weapon usage and zero-tolerance drug policies also helped crowd prisons.

Hey California ... a few thoughts from a native and proud-to-be-former resident:

1. Arm the public again.
2. Drug busts should be for a minimum amount higher than ... suspicion and drug paraphernalia.
3. If all three strikes are violent crimes, inject them. Or ... send them to Washington where they have the choice between injection and hanging (we ended the firing squad option not really all that long ago).
4. You can sentence felons to death, but you don't ever put them to death. Git 'er done!
5. Just Say No to illegals so legal citizens can have jobs and your theft rate might go down.
6. Round up your meth heads and put them to work - give them each $40 to get a hit with, follow them to their dealer and shoot the dealer; repeat.
7. In this economy, open up the bounties again. Instead of money, offer debt forgiveness. You lose an *** hole and save money/time/space, they gain a few more months in their apartment and buy food. Everybody wins.
8. Move the Hollywood business to Chicago. I mean really.

I love it when you talk Republican! ;)
I don't know what else they cando, but all of the states that border up on Republik Of Kalifornia need to put up a fence with landmines around the perimeter of the fence.

So it's safe to say you won't be coming to visit any time soon?