Bullshido.net, are they all *******s over there?



Has anyone ever read some of the posts on Bullshido.net? There seems to be an overabundance of idiots that post on that site, who give all practitioners of MA's a bad name. I came across everything from name calling to fight challenges just because someone posted their opinion on a topic. Pretty sad, really. Reminded me of the WWE.

Forgive me if this thread has been posted before.

Lots of us frequent other Boards, but we usually don't slam them over on this Board. Karma, it all comes back to get ya sooner or later, and we generally, just chose not to participate in all the negativity, although I admit, we do have our share at times when topics get heated.

Michael is correct
Many of us frequent other foums from time to time. Many of us are active in some of the other foums. We normaly do not dissuss the other foums here. Each Forum has its good points and bad as well as good posts and bad.
Different boards serve different purposes. People go where they want. Some seek challenges, some seek information, some seek socialization, and others seek a variety.

It doesn't do much good to publically criticize other boards for its contents and people. As has been mentioned, every board has pros and cons.

- Ceicei
Some one made a reference about what Bullshido board was saying about kenpo so I checked it out. I got so mad and frustrated that i didn't even post, because I knew from there state of mind that they wern't open to anything except what they thought. So to this day I refuse to even go to their webpage.

Each forum has its own community, feel, culture even. Some are 'anything-goes', others are 'serious, studious', others 'elitist' or 'extremeist'.

MartialTalk seeks to be somewhere in the middle, open to all, comfortable for most. As part of our mission to be a friendly place, we prefer not to badmouth our competition, be they friendly or hostile.
I've browsed other boards. Even joined a couple but only posted once or twice. This board is my home and just as I don't discuss what kind of goings on there are in my neighbors house I generally don't discuss one board on another. As was previously stated, this one falls somewhere in the middle of the rest. I like it that way. I dislike discord and am not yet educated in the MA enough to carry a strong argument should I encounter one. I attempt to avoid the conflicts that would come from discussing one board on another as folks tend to become somewhat loyal to a particular board. The things you described, SuperDave, happen on lots of boards (and admittedly happen here from time to time and are shut down). Stay here, learn, share and enjoy the martial arts community.
Yes, we are all *******s over there.

If this upsets your delicate sensibilities, then you're probably not the type of member we'd want anyway.

You can't get at the truth if you're too busy worrying about offending those you're going after. Especially considering how those most guilty for espousing BS in the martial arts tend to hide behind such sensibilities. (Never question the Sensei, even if he's talking about taking you to the moons of jupiter or his service as an Army Seal.)

Some people can't handle full contact training, much less full contact discussion.
Phrost said:
Yes, we are all *******s over there.

If this upsets your delicate sensibilities, then you're probably not the type of member we'd want anyway.

You can't get at the truth if you're too busy worrying about offending those you're going after. Especially considering how those most guilty for espousing BS in the martial arts tend to hide behind such sensibilities. (Never question the Sensei, even if he's talking about taking you to the moons of jupiter or his service as an Army Seal.)

Some people can't handle full contact training, much less full contact discussion.
If your discusssion only appeals to the lowest common denominator, then its just a contest of expletives that turn people away. And believe me, most sensible people don't care what a bunch of foul mouthed teenagers want.
Bullshido is a 'take no prisioners' style board. This is different from the Rec.Martial-Arts style of 'anything goes, internet toughguy' crap.

Their discussion forum is much nicer since they upgraded to vBulletin (the old software was a pig). They, like this forum have a strong, solid core of people. They also have a decent selection of articles, reviews and downloads.

Friendliness can get in the way of seeking the truth, especially when the fakers and frauds use the rules of decorum to protect themselves from scrutiny.

It is a question of what do you sacrifice to meet your goals.

For those not familiar, Phrost is an administrator there.
Touch'O'Death said:
If your discusssion only appeals to the lowest common denominator, then its just a contest of expletives that turn people away. And believe me, most sensible people don't care what a bunch of foul mouthed teenagers want.
What teenagers? I know of exactly two members out of nearly 5000 that are teenagers. Our average member is around 26 and has a college education.

And have you actually read any of our discussions, or did the occasional 'foul' word upset you so much you ran away screaming? Most rational, mature adults don't have a problem with strong language as long as it's expressed in an acceptable venue. You see, we realized that the concept of a word being 'foul' is a teaching tool to help children understand they're not supposed to drop an "F Bomb" at the grocery store.

It's actually fairly juvenille to censor language because you feel it's too harsh.

And seriously, the only difference between seeing a foul word and a bunch of ****s is that you know the people with the ***'s never really learned the lesson why words are considered 'foul' in the first place. Besides, who here is too dumb to put two and two together and realize what **** means in the context of a sentence?

But that's neither here nor there. The reason we don't censor 'dirty' words is so our members can call BS when they see it, without having to deal with those who hide behind such asinine prudishness.

For exactly the same reason a BS-teaching Sensei would never accept anyone questioning what he says. You throw up any roadblocks to public scrutiny, and you give refuge to those who have dishonest intentions.
Phrost said:
What teenagers? I know of exactly two members out of nearly 5000 that are teenagers. Our average member is around 26 and has a college education.

And have you actually read any of our discussions, or did the occasional 'foul' word upset you so much you ran away screaming? Most rational, mature adults don't have a problem with strong language as long as it's expressed in an acceptable venue. You see, we realized that the concept of a word being 'foul' is a teaching tool to help children understand they're not supposed to drop an "F Bomb" at the grocery store.

It's actually fairly juvenille to censor language because you feel it's too harsh.

And seriously, the only difference between seeing a foul word and a bunch of ****s is that you know the people with the ***'s never really learned the lesson why words are considered 'foul' in the first place. Besides, who here is too dumb to put two and two together and realize what **** means in the context of a sentence?

But that's neither here nor there. The reason we don't censor 'dirty' words is so our members can call BS when they see it, without having to deal with those who hide behind such asinine prudishness.

For exactly the same reason a BS-teaching Sensei would never accept anyone questioning what he says. You throw up any roadblocks to public scrutiny, and you give refuge to those who have dishonest intentions.
Thank you, If I ever feel the need to type a bunch of dirty words I know where to turn :asian:
Touch'O'Death said:
Thank you, If I ever feel the need to type a bunch of dirty words I know where to turn :asian:
I'd imagine you know just as many as I do, unless you were homeschooled.
Just an observation...

But some people don't need to curse to get their point across. :asian:
-Mod Note-

Ok.. this Thread is not proving much.

To each his own.

MT has Rules and Policies. Other sites may or may not.

Let's keep the thread on a mature level. :)

-MT S. Moderator-
superdave said:
Has anyone ever read some of the posts on Bullshido.net? There seems to be an overabundance of idiots that post on that site, who give all practitioners of MA's a bad name. I came across everything from name calling to fight challenges just because someone posted their opinion on a topic. Pretty sad, really. Reminded me of the WWE.

Forgive me if this thread has been posted before.


I was slammed on there the other day by people who've never even met me (and judging the level of intellect displayed over there I felt no need to sign up and argue with them), they just seem like a load of disrespectful, immature keyboard warriors to me.

I'm a long-time lurker at Bullshido.net. It's absolutely true that the tone of those boards are a lot different from the tone on these boards. When those folks really, honestly dig their teeth into a potential fraudster/scammer or just outrageous claims, they do a fantastic job of scaring up the truth.

However, it's also true that a lot of the posts are typical board-warrior nonsense, mostly dedicated to BJJ/MMA nutriding and blind MA-bashing liberally mixed in with quite a bit of highly energetic, boisterous locker-room antics.

It's definitely not for the easily offended, but for the most part, they seem to be great people. Phrost here is one of the tame ones. %-}

Finally, don't you think that complaining about cursing on a site called Bullshi-do is a little silly?
Consequently, the reason why many cultures frown upon "foul language" is that it is a sign of lack of ability to articulate your ideas without resorting to slang and offensive remarks. I have been to the Bullshido and I will say that I love some of the video clips (some as reality checks and some as just entertainment) and humorous articles. Like all fora I've been to Bullshido is a collection of likeminded individuals, but Bullshido is a little more emphatic, outspoken and possibly militant about their beliefs. Good or bad I just don't agree with all they say, so I haven't been back since.
qizmoduis said:
I'm a long-time lurker at Bullshido.net. It's absolutely true that the tone of those boards are a lot different from the tone on these boards. When those folks really, honestly dig their teeth into a potential fraudster/scammer or just outrageous claims, they do a fantastic job of scaring up the truth.

However, it's also true that a lot of the posts are typical board-warrior nonsense, mostly dedicated to BJJ/MMA nutriding and blind MA-bashing liberally mixed in with quite a bit of highly energetic, boisterous locker-room antics.

It's definitely not for the easily offended, but for the most part, they seem to be great people. Phrost here is one of the tame ones. %-}

Finally, don't you think that complaining about cursing on a site called Bullshi-do is a little silly?

I have to second everything that Quiz said. Another critique I'd like to add is that it seems that because of the allowed flaming, the tone of the BullShido board seems to be that either a Martial Art (or school, or artist) is "Great" or "total Crap," with no in-between. Life isn't that black and white. However, it is good to have boards like that who don't edit for language and lack of friendliness, and who are dedicated to fraud-busting, as well as it is good to have boards like MT who will not allow discussions to degenerate. To each his own.

A question for you, Superdave. What was your experience over there that caused you to post this thread? I am just curious.


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