Bowing=Brain wash

So if you are in a school in Oregon, claiming to teach Israeli martial arts, the teacher is of Native American descent, is married to a Chinese woman, has adopted Filipino children, and only accepts payment in Japanese yen, then what time does the train arrive at the station?

12 noon...just like in all those cowboy movies..and when the ladies step off of it, the gentlemen tip their hats and bow to them. :D
I just wanted to ask some questions . It wouldnt make sense for me to ask people who didnt do it. right, was not here to start a war but you are kinda edgey and want to start fights with people over a form look somewhere else for your brawl and grow up.:toilclaw:
Originally posted by Kirk

...MMA'ers are always coming in here talking about
how it's the only way to fight, and how forms are useless, bowing
is useless, etcetera. I don't understand why people such as
yourself come to a board where most of the posters are from
traditional arts, and post this stuff.

Where better to go to ask questions about traditional arts? Obviously he wouldn't get too much info beyond already flawed and biased commentary if he stays among MMAists...

I TRULY don't understand. That's like going to the Apollo and shouting out a racial slur.

Somehow, I don't think they are the same... :idunno:

I contend that it's NOT in the quest for knowledge of yourself, or other grapplers, MMA'ers, UFC wanna bes. I think it's either to stir something up, or to look for some kind of validation. Most of you guys always have the same 99% of all fights go to the ground line, and most fights aren't against multiple attackers, street fights are just like UFC fights, etc.

Again, further qualifying the need to post someplace where MMAists are not. If he only frequents MMA forums, he will only have MMA information. If you wanted to know about karate, would you ask your Muay Thai teacher? Likely that his info would be biased toward MT and against karate...

So I still put the question to you. Why do you post such things? Why come into a place where there's SO MANY "traditional" martial artists and say such negative things? And all you MMA'ers have the same rhetoric "oh I don't want to start anything". Yes you do, c'mon! Be man enough to answer, and not follow suit of other immature mud slinging.

Judo-kid is all of what? 16? 17? So I am sure he has developed very little beyond high school mentality (not meaning to be offensive - I don't know Judo-kid personally, all I know is what I have seen him write, and how he wrote it). Seeing this, and knowing what kids were like when I went to school, knowing what kids at our local schools are like (we live in a very small community, and you get to know all the kids eventually), I suspect that Judo-kid is posting his comments at the limit of his ability - he doesn't know yet how to write well enough to convey exactly what he means in a non-offensive manner. So he did the best he could (although it did fall short of the standard). Cut the kid some slack. This far along in the thread, he is starting to admit that demonstrations of respect are universal and come in different forms. Some of the "traditionalists" have agreed with some of his points...

And it seems that MMAists aren't the only ones trying to "start things."


Originally posted by Yiliquan1

Judo-kid is all of what? 16? 17? So I am sure he has developed very little beyond high school mentality (not meaning to be offensive

This is not directed at Yiliquan1 in particular. I've just reached my limit.

In responses to Judo-Kid's posts I've frequently seen his age referenced as an argumentation tactic. I find this an extremely weak form of shoring up one's point, and frankly rather rude.

Again, this is not directed at Yiliquan1 in particular, who I think in saying "Cut him some slack" is expressing a similar point of view. I'd like to emphasize that it's also not from me as a mod., just me as another user--an older man who, like Ronald Reagan, would not hold my opponent's youth and inexperience against him. I can't believe there's any more need to address anyone's questions by first pointing out what their age is.
In this thread, Judo-kid has gone from blatant trolling (deliberate or not) to aquiescence that there may be more to this whole respect thing than he thought at first glimpse...

He is also the product of a teacher who believes a number of things that (according to other posts) place him at the fringe of martial arts (his teaching and personal skills notwithstanding).

My comment about his age early in the thread was to contrast his relative youth to his understanding of some things that take decades (if not longer) to fully grasp.

My recent comment about his age was in defense of his writing style and possible inexperience in expressing himself in writing.

Either way, it seems to me that Judo-kid, in being exposed to all of our rantings, has begun to expand his perspectives on what this whole bowing thing is all about...

My apologies if I seemed out of order.


I have noticed a bunch of people flaming me Age etc. at least Yiliquan1 said he was sorry, But what i want is a sorry from are moderator Kirk for msging me that he wants to kick my ***, i dont know how many web sites are run but that seems alittle tacky,
Here is what i said and what kirk had to say in a message i thought everyone should know instead of me sending him a nasty reply
Originally posted by Judo-kid least Yiliquan1 said he was sorry...

My apologies were extended if my comments offended, however I stand by my comments as they were made...

Judo-kid, you are young. You haven't been practicing martial arts very long. You serve as a wonderful lesson for the "newbies" and the "veterans" on this forum. For the "newbies," you ask questions that may be too intimidating for others to ask. For the "veterans," you remind us that newcomers don't know all the things we do, that we don't know everything, and that we need to retain the inquisitive nature of the brand new student - asking the hard questions and demanding tough answers.

Personally, I thank you for having asked some of the questions you have - though the format of the questions was a bit coarse. No worries. I remember very vividly how I was when I was your age, and I know that you will, like me, mature and change over time as experience hones your perceptions and forges you into a new person.

Good luck, and keep the questions coming. You make us old farts get off our pedastals and keep our heads in the game.


Originally posted by Yiliquan1

My apologies if I seemed out of order.

To the contrary--I apologize for hijacking your post to make a point that had been boiling in me for a few days. It wasn't really a good example of what was bothering me--the time had just come I'm afarid. I think in many ways we are in agreement.

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