Martial Arts Needs perfecting



Hi. I am only 16 and have been have had a deep love for fighting since i was 12ish and watch every UFC match Pride etc. I take Judo/Jujutsu and karate/boxing, In my neighbor hood alot of people spar. (people near my age) Now my QUESTION why dont people try to inprove alot of martial arts ,. for instence when i first started taking judo and fought a realized i was great when, i was near my oppenint but from a distance i was at a disavantige . so i joined karate and after boxing for hand striking. i found mixing the 3 made me a stronger fighter then anyone , . Someone needs to make a real life fighting skill that would be good in any Situation. Ps i believe that alot of martial arts is all show cause it would be hard to do some of the stuff.

Give me your input this is not ment to afend anyone .
I was gonna say Taekwon-Do does that, but then I remembered my instuctor has a BB in Kung-Fu, and Karate. Plus a Brown Belt in Judo. :shrug: Not to mention most Taekwon-Do schools don't teach everything they should be. Anyway a decent self defence instructor will teach students all of the things you mentioned. Doesn't really matter what you call it.
Ya since i started fighting i have talked to alot of people everyone seems to bad mouth every martial art there not in. What i think is that You must cross train in every fighting aspect to be a good fighter i have took on every fighting stale . ( like i said fighting people around my age) and won. About to rematch a guy who said i cheated or somthing ,. BUt its all fun and games.
Like i said without CROSS TRAINING your not a great fighter yet.

Also i believe all fighting arts have there weak points that need inprovement. If you think there is a art out there that dosnt post it and we will see what people think thanks/.
You don't need to cross train. Just find an instructor that knows what he's doing when it comes to self defence.
well what kind of Dojo Really Teachs UFC fighting .. like a real life fight. not one with pads or rules. i have never heard of a dojo which trains in the best of every martial arts. there are hybrids but they bring the mistakes of the diffrent martial arts with the diffrent ones. Inless you know somthing who is great in any stituation.
wow this isn't a fight waiting to happen is it?? :p

I would say that arts have developed to where they are for a reason and they are genneraly pritty darn good at doing what they have evolved to be designed for. fairly minor changes in environment can produce huge changes in tactics and strategy.

If you are fighting by UFC rules your best bet is to look at fighters in the UFC for their strengths and how they are defeated and try to train around a consistant winner. There are plenty of coaches out there or MMA fighters.
I say the best way to train for a fight is by training for any kind of fight . for instance you dont wanna just train with a art that dos kicking inless you can knock them out befor they come in grapping range or punching range because its not your game.. Gotta work at all angles from pros who only do work in those areas they are most of the time the best at what they do.
I mean its not likely you are gonna ask a boxer how to kick right that s why you gotta cross train to be strong.
Again I disagree. Find a good instructor. You can cross train all you want. But if you get five differnet instructors that would get their butts handed to them in a street fight your no better off then with one instructor that would get creamed. Good street fighters are good street fighters no matter what art they train.

What I would suggest for street fight training is an exercise called the gauntlet. Basicly you form a line, first person goes down the line and everyone in the line attacks them however they want. Grabs, strikes, weapons. Anything goes. And you then have to defend yourself. You obviously can't seriously injure your partner, but you can certainly get used to no holds barred, life or death, him or me brawling. Second person goes, so on and so forth down the line.

Then if you run into something that you can't seem to fight your way out of, this is where you need a good instructor that can show you what to practice in order to defend yourself from that attack the next time.
Well that is one way i supose. But keeping a open mind that its hard to find a trainer that is knows alot about kicking grappling and punching(i would say boxing) my instrutor is good with Judo Jujitsu wrestling and boxing , but i was missing kicking so i also train at a Dojo which studys karate and some judo wushu etc.

Most instruters are nerominded thinking that there way is the best and nothing can touch them if they train hard in there method/ thats why you gotta cross train
"Most instruters are nerominded thinking that there way is the best and nothing can touch them if they train hard in there method/ thats why you gotta cross train"

I don't know.. I think it just seems that way because those tend to be the loudest ones.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

well what kind of Dojo Really Teachs UFC fighting .. like a real life fight. not one with pads or rules. i have never heard of a dojo which trains in the best of every martial arts. there are hybrids but they bring the mistakes of the diffrent martial arts with the diffrent ones. Inless you know somthing who is great in any stituation.
If you think UFC teaches real fighting, you are wrong. Sure it teaches most ranges of fighting. But that is where reality ends. If you want reality fighting go back to the days of the Roman's where one fought for his life. Weapons were used, No referee's either how about Mulitpal attackers. In the early UFC days they were going to have the Dog Brothers preform in between the main events. When the UFC review the Dog Brothers tape they thought they were to Extreme for the UFC.
Things needed for the UFC to be real fighting
Weapons: Guns, Knives, clubs, beer bottles, pole cues, chaines
Enviroments: Dirt, Gravel, wet surfaces
Attackers: Mulitpal attackers, someone on drugs
So until the UFC includes most of this It ain't real fighting.
P.s I am a fan of the UFC, I like it but it has it faults too.
Listen its not like any MA person is gonna carry a sword in ther back pack and when someone trys to fight them, he dosnt pull it out to stab them, so therefor this is not the roman times
Who said anything about swords. Go to your local biker bar and say Harley Davidson Sucks. Honda Rules. See how many of them dudes pull out knives. A knive is closer to a sword than a punch or a kick.
Bob :D
Ok i would like to see anyone do that MA or not., I am talking about unarmed conbat and that makes no sense at all you bringing weapons up. I dont believe someone in TKD or somthing gonna have better luck then me if i run in a bar and said that. SO what is your point we are talking about unarmed conbat got it.

Your friend.
The thing is you may be in a real unarmed fight and your attacker may start to lose and pick up anything or use anything to win this fight. This doesn't happen in the UFC. This guy may have acouple of buddies that happen to jump in. That doesn't happen in the UFC.
Bob :asian:
i still dont get your point . Your saying that i would lose because of the weapon ., that could be true , but even if your in any MA your just about to get yours in that situation that you posted so still i am asking for your real question.
It depends on your experience. Remember this. You don't know what type of training an oppenent has. Who knows maybe your unarmed oppenent has had no MA experience, or he could have been involved in his MA all of his life. You are also comparing your fighting experience to a bunch of H.S. kids. You might be better off in going the WCW instead of UFC. At least there you can have the ego and not get hurt.
It sounds like you are trying to find the best MA out there. Keep searching. You will find it. Until then learn all you can, and don't be cocky. Because someone will teach you a lesson you don't want to learn.

ok first off I would say about 90% of the "advanced" students in my class cary some sort of weapon (or somthing to be used as a weapon). that means if they get into a fight it will be an armed fight.

now on to sport vs reality.

UFC is a sport, it's not a street fight. Why? psuchology is the main reason. when you step into a ring even if there were to be no rules and no ref your psychological state is totaly diffrent than in a "street fight" you don't have to worry about multiple attackers or environment, you aren't supprised by the fact you are going to fight and you are there by choice. This changes your psychological position, you focus on your opponant any thing outside of the ring is unimportant. a fight any where else you are in a totaly diffrent psychological state, you have to keep one eye over your shoulder, you don't know what your opponant has you don't know if he has buddies or if someone is going to hop in and quite posably you did not instagate the fight, consaquently you should not focus in the same sence (blocking out all but your opponant) and in most cases you can't your adrenalin kicks in and the "fight or flight" responce kicks in. that changes everything.. so UFC is NOT a street fight, it might be a good traing tool for self deffence but it is not the end all martial art system (or combinations of systems).
That is true but in the world of MA MMA events are the closest to a real fight as you will see.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

That is true but in the world of MA MMA events are the closest to a real fight as you will see.

Not really since many fights end after one or 2 strikes.