Being overweight, judging overweight, judging others generally...

LOL, reminds me of my college job. I was a waiter at an Italian Restaurant/take out place in Long Island, dude all of us were bombed out of our minds but functional a good chunk of the time. It's monkey work you could do without being very mentally engaged. Ah, the good old days when we used to go back behind the building and smoke up then wash off with Listerine and Febreeze before the evening rush.

As for fat people, they disgust me. Those big watery eyes fatties get that remind me of a cow always makes me laugh. The worst part are the fat chicks who hit on you though. As if I who spend so much time working out would ever even be seen with someone who's idea of caring for themselves is hair and make up ... ever notice fat chicks really do up the hair and make up? LOL.

As for fighting a fat opponent, same rules apply, except you usually have a small amount of time more than usuall because they have to move their bulk. It's still about moving and finding the angle though. Oh, and strikes to the midsection are not as effective, go for the legs.
As for fat people, they disgust me. Those big watery eyes fatties get that remind me of a cow always makes me laugh. The worst part are the fat chicks who hit on you though. As if I who spend so much time working out would ever even be seen with someone who's idea of caring for themselves is hair and make up ... ever notice fat chicks really do up the hair and make up? LOL.

Is this an attempt at humour? I can't believe what I'm reading.
So what do you guys think? I don't want this to turn into fat bashing. I'm fat too. I get it. I just want to discuss approaches to fighting overweight people, and what you've learned or observed in doing so.


As for fat people, they disgust me. Those big watery eyes fatties get that remind me of a cow always makes me laugh. The worst part are the fat chicks who hit on you though. As if I who spend so much time working out would ever even be seen with someone who's idea of caring for themselves is hair and make up ... ever notice fat chicks really do up the hair and make up? LOL.

Umm...yeah, something was missed apparently.
As for fat people, they disgust me. Those big watery eyes fatties get that remind me of a cow always makes me laugh. The worst part are the fat chicks who hit on you though. As if I who spend so much time working out would ever even be seen with someone who's idea of caring for themselves is hair and make up ... ever notice fat chicks really do up the hair and make up? LOL.

You my friend have some serious growing up to do and also some serious apologizing. I wold like to point out that the op says let not turn this into a fat bashing party. Please remember all people have feelings and have feelings as well.
Did I offend? I'm sorry. I just don't have a high opinion of 'em, sue me.

Everybody is entitle to there views but why be so tastless about it, especially toward the ladys? I mean no one person is perfect and I am sure you have some faults a swell that you would not like somebody making comments about. But I am sure you have not consider this and really you probaly do not care. Have a wonderful life and remember when you gt older and put on a few pounds you will look back and say I was once small and in shape. Not every single overwieght person is that way because they choose to be some it is medical or stress or a tew other reasons.
Did I offend? I'm sorry. I just don't have a high opinion of 'em, sue me.

I wouldn't sue you.

Any more than I would sue Obama for comparing his bowling to "special olympics," or I would sue Jesse Jackson for wanting to cut Obama's balls off, or I would sue anybody for saying anything crude and offensive.

It's your right to say it. It's everyone else's right to judge you for it.

Everybody is entitle to there views but why be so tastless about it, especially toward the ladys? I mean no one person is perfect and I am sure you have some faults a swell that you would not like somebody making comments about. But I am sure you have not consider this and really you probaly do not care. Have a wonderful life and remember when you gt older and put on a few pounds you will look back and say I was once small and in shape. Not every single overwieght person is that way because they choose to be some it is medical or stress or a tew other reasons.

I've got plenty of faults ... like being tasteless for one. But as you said, what people think of me matters not unless you are giving me a pay check.

But back to my original point, the midsection's pretty much useless in their case. waste of energy for too little results. Go for the legs and watch out for the arms. Try to keep some distance and maybe they'll gas.
I've got plenty of faults ... like being tasteless for one. But as you said, what people think of me matters not unless you are giving me a pay check.

I should hate to believe you think so little of yourself. That comment alone shows a lack of respect for yourself.

Yes, Omar, we all have faults, and we all say things we shouldn't. Being resentful of overweight women for being attracted to you says more about you than them. Saying that you 'have no use' for people who are overweight is one of the crueler things I've ever seen anyone put their name to and post online.

I can't speak for others, but I can tell you how I react to this. When I grew up, I knew adults in authority who would use slurs like, ******, kike, wop with utter impunity. I was fortunate enough to grow up knowing this was wrong. I've spent a good chunk of my personal and professional life pointing out these wrongs.

As I got older, I learned that people who say these things are carrying a burden of their own -- that burden gets bigger and harder carry. Ultimately cruel words and thoughts have a way of hurting not only those who hear them, but those who say them.
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I think quite highly of myself man. I'm successful enough to honestly not care about other people's opinions, if you see that as a flaw so be it. Thanks for the bit of psych analysis based upon a post though.
I think quite highly of myself man. I'm successful enough to honestly not care about other people's opinions, if you see that as a flaw so be it. Thanks for the bit of psych analysis based upon a post though.

Then we'll leave it there.
I've got plenty of faults ... like being tasteless for one. But as you said, what people think of me matters not unless you are giving me a pay check.

But back to my original point, the midsection's pretty much useless in their case. waste of energy for too little results. Go for the legs and watch out for the arms. Try to keep some distance and maybe they'll gas.

Is this what your Martial Arts have taught you, no respect, no giving a crap what you say or do or how you say it. Then exactly why are you here, certainly not to learn, because you have just basically told us, we have nothing to offer you if we don't issue you a paycheck.

I can't fathom why you would want to be here among us low lifes.

also i think you guys are being a bit hard on omar, I think his comment about it not mattering what you think of me unless your handing me a paycheck, was more about how he feels comfortable with who he is and feels no need to impress other individuals when hes ok with being himself.

plus he admits that he has faults which alot of people in todays society have trouble doing. we arn't perfect and even after he started handing out what he thought was good fighting advice you guys kept comming after him for that statement.

all that aside I agree that the bash on the fat ladys was uncalled for, but I would be hypocritical if I said that I didn't know what he was talking about. :uhohh:

also i don't have time to quote it but somebody posted a video of a "fat girl" beating up a skinny guy, i put that in quotes cause... well she wasn't all that fat in my definition, sure she had a couple extra pounds but I see much larger on a daily basis.
Did I offend? I'm sorry. I just don't have a high opinion of 'em, sue me.

Honestly man , noone asked you for your opinion about them. Seriously, i bet many forum users have a much worse opinion of you since you made that post. You sound like a major a-hole. How would you like someone picking on you for the color of your skin and saying that your skin color disgusts them ? There is no difference between that and what you just did. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Cocky @#$%^&*
As for fat people, they disgust me. Those big watery eyes fatties get that remind me of a cow always makes me laugh. The worst part are the fat chicks who hit on you though. As if I who spend so much time working out would ever even be seen with someone who's idea of caring for themselves is hair and make up ... ever notice fat chicks really do up the hair and make up? LOL.

Ah. Now I get it.

A month or so ago, right after I joined MT, I happened to post some photos from my Flickr account here. Right after that, someone with a freebie account on Flickr decided to make some really offensive comments on my wife's photos. I deleted the comments, banned the person from posting again, and they popped back up a day later, only from another free Flickr account. I eventually had to turn off the ability to make comments on my photos completely just to get the anonymous person from making the most horrible statements about my wife.

And the strange thing is, Omar, he used the same words you just did. The very same words.

People use the same word patterns over and over again, Omar. They don't typically change. So I'm going to ask you politely - this is not an accusation, because I haven't any evidence - were you the person who made those awful comments? I would like to know.
Ah. Now I get it.

A month or so ago, right after I joined MT, I happened to post some photos from my Flickr account here. Right after that, someone with a freebie account on Flickr decided to make some really offensive comments on my wife's photos. I deleted the comments, banned the person from posting again, and they popped back up a day later, only from another free Flickr account. I eventually had to turn off the ability to make comments on my photos completely just to get the anonymous person from making the most horrible statements about my wife.

And the strange thing is, Omar, he used the same words you just did. The very same words.

People use the same word patterns over and over again, Omar. They don't typically change. So I'm going to ask you politely - this is not an accusation, because I haven't any evidence - were you the person who made those awful comments? I would like to know.

Even if he is the person who made those comments, he's not going to own up to them.

What difference is it going to make even if he did? Everyone can make their own judgement based just on what he has said in this thread alone.

My advice: let it go. Don't take it personally. The internet is full of people who are just plain turds. Besides, how do you know that the person who made the comments about your wife isn't physically bloated and disgusting? How do we honestly know that Omar isn't?

Tread lightly, man. I would honestly get angry if someone called my wife terrible names, too, but what am I going to do about it? Kicking their a$$ isn't going to really solve anything, other than making you feel better at the moment. It certainly isn't going to shut them up.

You did the right thing to correct the situation by disabling the comments on pictures. Be the better man and let it go.
Ah. Now I get it.

A month or so ago, right after I joined MT, I happened to post some photos from my Flickr account here. Right after that, someone with a freebie account on Flickr decided to make some really offensive comments on my wife's photos. I deleted the comments, banned the person from posting again, and they popped back up a day later, only from another free Flickr account. I eventually had to turn off the ability to make comments on my photos completely just to get the anonymous person from making the most horrible statements about my wife.

And the strange thing is, Omar, he used the same words you just did. The very same words.

People use the same word patterns over and over again, Omar. They don't typically change. So I'm going to ask you politely - this is not an accusation, because I haven't any evidence - were you the person who made those awful comments? I would like to know.

The scumbag who left those comments isn't worth the resultant matter from digesting Del Taco, my friend. Ignore it.
Even if he is the person who made those comments, he's not going to own up to them.

He stated that he prided himself on his honesty. I thought perhaps he meant it.

You did the right thing to correct the situation by disabling the comments on pictures. Be the better man and let it go.
The problem is that I like to allow comments on the photos I take, and it is a service I pay for. Whilst I can disallow comments on a case-by-case basis, that does not work when people just keep creating new free accounts for the purpose of harassment. I'd be fine with it if I did not have to turn off a feature I paid to have just to get the person leaving the comments to stop.

If it happens to be Omar, I have no intentions of threatening him. He doesn't like fat people, and my wife and I are not thin. I get it. But I'm happy to leave him alone if he will return the favor. Then I can use my Flickr account in the manner I paid for it and he can rest easy knowing that I know he despises my fatness.
How would you like someone picking on you for the color of your skin and saying that your skin color disgusts them ? There is no difference between that and what you just did. You really should be ashamed of yourself. Cocky @#$%^&*

Skin color is not something you can do anything about whereas weight is. Now I'm not defending Omar's comment, just pointing out the difference between race and weight.

Happiness matters too. I don't like broccoli and never will. I won't eat it. Not even for an extra decade. And the same goes for all broccoli's evil green cousins. That's not food, that's what food eats. I like my food to have had a face on it.

So true. I have a favorite shirt that reads: "Meat is murder. Sweet, delicious murder." And a screen saver which reads: "Vegetarian: An old Indian word for Bad-Hunter." :uhyeah:

All joking aside though, a good diet should be balanced. And peak performance requires a good diet. I get away with eating junk right now because of lack of training. If I had to get back into training, my diet would also change.
All joking aside though, a good diet should be balanced.

All joking aside, I eat what I want.

As a former smoker, and a current lard-***, I can say that these are the two things people feel they have the most right to tell others about how they ought to live. I quit smoking because I wanted to. I'll do whatever I think is right about my food intake and selection. My life, my rules. Everybody has to die. I won't die unhappy because I ate food I didn't like.