Backyard fight between teenagers-mixed feelings

Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
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New York
So I saw this on the BJ Penn facebook page, between a "wrestler" and "muay thai" fighter, although to me it looked more like two people without any real style or training, but one finished because of grappling.

On one hand, I like that people are trying out what they see rather than just talking, and it clearly wasn't out of anger. On the other hand, it doesn't look like either have much training, and I can just see them hurting themselves or breaking an arm (at the end I heard a crack and thought he actually did break the arm by going too fast). What do you guys think?
I really don't know why things like this get shared especially by a respected site. A couple of kids sparring thinking they're Conor mcgreggor. Like you said it's simply dangerous especially If they are untrained. If they want to spar there's plenty of gyms around
The comment at 1:27 by the person filming the fight says it all: "I don't care, let them kill each other." These guys clearly don't know what they are doing and I'm honestly amazed neither fighter was seriously injured during this. If anything bad had happened, I doubt the people watching would have reacted in time to stop it, or even known what to do. For example when the "wrestler" did the throw, and the other guy got knocked out from it, would the "wrestler" have the self-control to stop the fight himself? Would the others have realised what had happened and stepped in to stop it? Something tells me they wouldn't and then we get the title of "backyard fight goes wrong, boy in hospital".
I thought the kid who got taken down was going to break his neck when he hit the ground. A bunch of kids doing some very stupid things. They're lucky no one got hurt.

If they want to test their skills, they should be doing it under a qualified adult in an appropriate setting. If it were my kid, the video would be taken down and he'd have lost some privileges for quite some time. Then he'd have to test his skills against me. Not in a grown man beating on his kid way, but in an appropriate setting and manner.
Looks like fun to me. Not smart, but not any more likely to kill or maim than half the stuff I did. About as safe as skating, surfing or playing tackle football in the park.
Ok. Gpseymour this is a good example.

Craptastic loopy punches still sneak in through a guard when thrown with force and speed. There is still no time space or energy that is present there that is easily taken advantage of. They can't get a hand up in the way in time.

When I have said use a system that works against trained guys. This is why. You can't suddenly apply all these risky moves out just bacuse they are giving you energy.

And for everyone else i will thow this one out cos one of the guys is a friend of mine and it is funny.

My friend is the one who isn't Eli Maddigan.

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Not to mention better equipment. At the very least headgear and gloves until they learn to block properly.

I spar like this but we don't allow shots to the head.

Looks like fun to me. Not smart, but not any more likely to kill or maim than half the stuff I did. About as safe as skating, surfing or playing tackle football in the park.

I don't agree with that, in those sports you aren't trying to strike people. Sure a tackle can do damage of course, that's about the only example that applies here.
I spar like this but we don't allow shots to the head.

I don't agree with that, in those sports you aren't trying to strike people. Sure a tackle can do damage of course, that's about the only example that applies here.
you dont think surfing can be as dangerous as fighting?
I spar like this but we don't allow shots to the head.

I don't agree with that, in those sports you aren't trying to strike people. Sure a tackle can do damage of course, that's about the only example that applies here.
maybe not the way you played.;)

Seriously though, I get what you're saying, and in a different context might agree. But in this case, it's about actual danger, not intent. Life is dangerous, and when you're a teenage boy, you up the ante for no reason at all. This just doesn't strike me as all that big a deal.

Now, organized fights and real intent to KTFO your friends is different.
Looks like fun to me. Not smart, but not any more likely to kill or maim than half the stuff I did. About as safe as skating, surfing or playing tackle football in the park.
Oh yeah real fun...if these guys land hard shots on each other and knock the other out and get concussions I doubt any of their dumb friends will care and they'll go home and carry on as normal when these could get serious consequences. Or one gets knocked out and smashes his head off the ground dies instantly. Yeah so much fun ai
Nothing wrong with that clip. If you want to learn how to fight, fight. I did exactly like that for 8 months with 4 times a week and 2 hours each. I still remember I had body pain every single day in that 8 months of training time.
So it really did you a lot of good then being in constant pain all the time and being damm lucky it wasn't a serious injury
I just don't get these things especially these days when there's hundreds of fight gyms where you can do this stuff in a safe controlled way. It's not like the older where there wasn't as much options so why take stupid risks like this
Fight ended as expected. Nice takedown and submission. Both clearly have had some level of training. Hopefully they continue with it.

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