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ed cruz

White Belt
Feb 24, 2020
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Finally back after working on the book series for the last 4 to 5 years. Kirin Rise University on YouTube will be updating on a regular basis once again. Tons of updates this week.
That's nice. Now do you have any interest in discussing Wing Chun here on MA Talk? "cause if you are, I got some questions for ya! For starters, what's with the atypical, downward-curved "kukri" like blades on the bart cham do featured on your hoodie there???

I saw you actually had a pair like that in one of your recent videos. Last time I ran into your sifu was back in the 80s and he was giving instruction in the knives. The ones he was using looked pretty conventional. Now if old Joy Chaudhuri had some like that, I'd understand. Did you know his family had a Ghurka bodyguard when he was a kid in India? But I digress.

So what's the deal? Are you here to inform, engage and discuss ...or just to promote? ;)
all of the above

In that case, Welcome on board! It's been quite a while since we've had any posts by other individuals from the Fong Chi Wing - Ho Kam Ming branch of the Yip Man Lineage. I met your sifu a couple of times many years ago and he impressed me as a really nice guy and great authority on the art.
In that case, Welcome on board! It's been quite a while since we've had any posts by other individuals from the Fong Chi Wing - Ho Kam Ming branch of the Yip Man Lineage. I met your sifu a couple of times many years ago and he impressed me as a really nice guy and great authority on the art.

he really is and is worth seeing and getting to know.
he really is and is worth seeing and getting to know.

No doubt.:)

BTW, please check out my new thread on "An Inclusive Perspective..." inspired, in part, by your recent postings. I would like to get your input.

Finally back after working on the book series for the last 4 to 5 years. Kirin Rise University on YouTube will be updating on a regular basis once again. Tons of updates this week.
Sorry but to me this is but 'click bait'.
In wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt I clicked. Yep click bait for a young teenager. Sorry but that's my opinion.
For starters, what's with the atypical, downward-curved "kukri" like blades on the bart cham do featured on your hoodie there???

You can find that knife here: 12 inches D-Guard kukri-khukuri,Gurkha knife, knvies,from Nepal by Everest Blade

I recently bought three knives from these folks. I think the knives are certainly good for the price. The workmanship is not perfect, I had to clean up the handles a bit. But for the price, they are very good. Heavy, thick slab of sharp steel.
No, thats close but not the same. What he's got on that hoodie is a kukri bladed bart cham dao (the traditional Wing Chun short sword), more like this:

Note the extended guard above the blade used to catch an opponent's weapon, such as a staff, spear or sword. Regardless, the dropped tip is not characteristic of WC and the change in alignment and balance presumably would affect the execution of techniques. It definitely looks cool though!
No, thats close but not the same. What he's got on that hoodie is a kukri bladed bart cham dao (the traditional Wing Chun short sword), more like this:

Note the extended guard above the blade used to catch an opponent's weapon, such as a staff, spear or sword. Regardless, the dropped tip is not characteristic of WC and the change in alignment and balance presumably would affect the execution of techniques. It definitely looks cool though!
I am well familiar with what the bart Cham do is, as my Sifu retained some material from his early Choy Lay Fut days. Unfortunately some life circumstances has interrupted my training over the last few years and I have forgotten my form. I hope to regain it this year.

I am also well familiar with the kukhri, as I own three of them now, having purchased my first one some 24 years ago or so.

I see the differences you point out, I would say the main difference being the length of the forward facing guard. The blade length may also have some difference, I am not sure what your example shows. Otherwise, I would say they are very close.

When I was perusing the wares of these knife makers in Kathmandu, I was struck by the similarity between this particular design, and the Bart Cham Do. I considered buying two, and putting them to use after I relearn my form. I settled (for now) on a new kukhri (my third) and a couple of other designs.

When I saw your comment in this thread, I found the timing to be notable, as my shipment of arms from Nepal just arrived a couple weeks ago. I had never seen a kukhri with that particular design before, and here it was raising its head again. How fortuitous.

Prior to that, I have thought about simply adapting my form to a pair of kukhri. I’ve done it with a pair of tomahawks, at my Sifu’s suggestion, when I asked him if he knew the double axes.

At any rate, I thought I would share the source. :)