wing chun

  1. W

    Wing Chun in Bangkok - 咏春在曼谷 - วิงชุนในกรุงเทพ

    Hi fellow martial artists, I hope posting this here is alright (mods please delete if not). I have started a private Wing Chun training group in Bangkok since as far as I know there are only 2 official schools and 1 group that trains in one of the parks here in BK, which is not a lot of choice...
  2. P

    Creative ways to prepare for sparring at home

    I am learning Ti Chi Chuan, Wing Chun, and Taekwondo. Currently I do not have money for classes. I found that employing Wing Chun (blocking, palm strikes, grabbing) while tossing a stool around really helps with muscle memory and strength. I have also used a mattress as a punching bag with...
  3. P

    Hello Everybody!!

    I am 34 years old, male, and currently learning Ti Chi and learning Wing Chun. I havent taken any classes in person yet, but I firmly believe the cultural, historical, and spiritual aspects of any given martial art is essential in order to recieve the full benifit of its practice. I also have...
  4. H

    4 Tips to Win Street Fighting - Wing Chun Street Fight 2022

    4 Tips to Win Street Fighting - Wing Chun Street Fight 2022 Wing Chun can do both Deference and Attack when Street Fighting
  5. S

    Looking for wing chun students.

    Regards to all. I am looking for someone who would train wing chun via zoom, or advanced students to improve their skills. I have been practicing wing chun for almost 10 years and am not affiliated with any organization. My knowledge of English is basic. Feel free to ask anything you are...
  6. M

    Wing chun sparring gear 2022

    Hi all New poster here. I have strated a new thread on this as the other one is quite old. Anyway, I have been doing wing chun for just over a year and my sifu is suggest I invest in some sparring gear (head guard with face grille, body armour, mits, shin and foot protection) as we will be...
  7. C

    Why do shy socially awkward wimpy loners hero worship Bruce Lee?

    I never understand why you shy wimpy loners(who were bullied as youngsters) glorifiy Bruce Lee. You guys often worship Bruce Lee as some heroic underdog against evil. Well here's the reality. The real Bruce Lee was the complete opposite of a heroic underdog fighting for good and justice. Bruce...
  8. O

    Authenticity of Learning Wing Chun via a Screen

    Hi guys! Just discovered this forum and decided to talk about a thing and what I want to ask you all here. First off, authenticity. Where I live here in South East Asia, specifically in the northern area, there's really no legit Wing Chun teacher, as most practice MMA, Taekwondo and Aikido...
  9. ShortBridge

    Reopening in Seattle

    It's been over a year since we shared our responses to the initial news of the pandemic. I have a small group of adult students and don't do a lot of outreach and promotion. I have been blessed with a steady trickle of interest over the years which has been all that we need to keep going. But...
  10. T

    Research on martial artists

    Hi everyone! I don't know many martial artists, so that's why I'm reaching out to you guys on here. Anyways, I've been doing Wing Chun for the past 2 years and am doing an important psychology research project looking at the relationship between different types of martial arts and self-esteem. I...
  11. R

    Stength & Conditioning for Wing Chun

    Hi Everyone, I am wondering what kind of focus everyone has for improving strength & fitness for Wing Chun (if any). Do people just rely on the practice or do you do anything separate. I know my school does some fitness as part of a class sometimes but mostly it is something people have to do...
  12. N

    Wing Chun Punches

    Since there is a big discussion in other forums, i am posting it... Some claim that the no-straight punches are JKD (just because Bruce Lee was using them). But finally it seems that it is pure Wing Chun... Which means that people are stuck to training principles (useful but short minded)...
  13. M

    would Krav Maga be the best fit for me?

    I'm 25. I have mental illness. I am not in good physical shape but I am physically very strong. Though a lot of that is because I'm big and I'm only in the top fiftieth percentile of my height so I guess I really mean to say I'm a big guy. I was overweight but I have lost a lot of the weight. I...
  14. ed cruz

    Wing Chun Vs Arm Wrestling?

    Can this work? Structure vs muscle? I posted a short preview on Kirin Rise YouTube.
  15. ed cruz

    Back on youtube

    Finally back after working on the book series for the last 4 to 5 years. Kirin Rise University on YouTube will be updating on a regular basis once again. Tons of updates this week.
  16. Ivan

    Would Martial Arts created by women fundamentally be better than those created by men?

    The only martial art I know of that originated from a woman is Wing Chun, according to a documentary by the History Channel I watched a while ago. But I have been thinking during my hiatus from posting here. Would martial arts founded by women be more efficient for their intended purpose due to...
  17. Yoshiyahu

    Wing Chun Vs TKD sparring

    I think this guy did and excellent job showcasing his WC techniques while landing strikes and controlling the opponent. What are some things you see. I hate seeing people just stand there stagnate waiting for someone to walk in on them. This was pretty good. What are your thoughts?
  18. D

    The Wing Chun fighting stance explained

    I've heard it theorise that chun was actually inspired by 18th or 19th century boxing. Am I alone in seeing the similarities?
  19. G

    Wing Tzun Lifestyle

    Hello guys. We have a new Youtube Channel called Wing Tzun Lifestyle and we want to show people what we are doing... Our topic is self defense. We are a Teacher and Student . Wing Tzun Lifestyle
  20. O

    Iron Bone

    Hello how do you start the Iron Bone Kung Fu methods?
  21. IGOR_A

    Wing Chun Sparring Partner

    Hello! I'm looking for Wing Chun sparring partner. Just for fun, good time and of course training. I live in South San Francisco. My experience is 10+ years. Write me, if you are interested.
  22. kicka

    MA and shoulder dislocation/subluxation

    The worst part about it: recurrence. So i am amongst those, having my right shoulder semi-dislocated (this means it doesn't dislocate fully and every time i can by myself put it back, and it is not that much painful) once every 2-3-4 months. I live with it the last 2 and a half years. I've...
  23. kicka

    Hello from wing chun

    Hi everyone, feels like it's been ages since last time i've been on an online forum, though it's only been a year or two! So i am new here, after searching and reading various articles around the net only today i realised there are forums too..terrible, but i guess goes together with my attempt...
  24. Signupper

    How do I make sure that I train Wing Chun correctly?

    Hello, I am really new to Wing Chun. I just read, heard and watched stuff about Wing Chun. So because of that, I heard about the 'Wing Chun VS' and 'Wing Chun ineffectiveness' war. And I really don't want to write down all of my thoughts because that would be way too long. To keep it short: I...
  25. C

    New Wing Chun Classes in Bromley and South London!
  26. martialmount

    Ever been to the Yip Man Museum

    Just recently on my visit to china, I make a stop to foshan to pay a visit to the Yip Man memorial hall. Many Wing Chun Practitioners around the world would have like to pay a visit here one day. It has various exhibition material of Ip Man's martial arts teachings and photos, letters written by...
  27. D

    wooden dummy and wing chun at home

    Hi everyone! I'm a relative newbie who took a couple lessons years ago and have just started training at home, not ideal I know but my old teacher has moved away and there's nobody else that teaches wing chun in my city anymore. I was wondering if anyone could help me with a few questions...
  28. Yuen Kay Jun

    Naming your Commercial School?

    Hello, I am considering reopening my commercial kwoon after many years, to spawn off of my private teaching. i wanted to ask my fellow brethren about naming my school, how to name it and what to consider. I teach Wing Chun and will be opening in the Savannah, GA area. There is already one...
  29. J

    Not sure on if this forum is active, but I need to choose between which Art to study

    I've done some research and I've decided I want to study Kenpo or Wing Chun and I need some help deciding, what are your guys/girls opinions? I've never studied a martial art before, but I became interested after hearing about Taekwondo, but soon lost interest and went in search of other martial...
  30. Yuehan

    YKS/SN Mook Yan Jong

    Hi everyone, I'm new around here and decided to start with a quick question. Does anyone have any good source (video or similar) for Yuen Kay San ( Sum Nung) wooden dummy form. I'm fascinated by that lineage and want to learn more about it. I've got a pretty good glimpse of the forms and san sik...
  31. Krattyboy

    Hi, new member into Wing Chun from Essex, UK.

    Greetings Martial talk! I'm completely new here and looking forward to learn and maybe one day contribute to this great site. A little about me, live in Essex in the U.K. I've been practicing Wing Chun Kung fu for around 15 months and my enthusiasm continues to grow. I also practice Ashtanga...
  32. lansao

    Confidentiality & Other Thoughts on Telegraphing

    Hello, I'm curious to learn more about how telegraphing is studied by different Wing Chun lineages. Is confidentiality of movement a priority across the board? If so, in what ways do you incorporate confidentiality into your practice? ~ Alan
  33. lansao

    Healthy Tension & Limits of Relaxation

    In sampling a few arts, I've heard a variety of thoughts on relaxation and would love to get thoughts on this from an MMA perspective. How relaxed is too relaxed? How much tension is too much tension? What complementary muscle groups do you activate/deactivate in different scenarios?
  34. lansao

    Placement of Pak Sao

    Hey all, curious to learn pak sao placement from different lineages. Some questions below: Where on your hand do you make contact? Where on your opponents arm (in fighting range) does your hand stop? What pak sao exercises do you practice? ~ Alan
  35. lansao

    Updating the Wing Chun Library

    Do you practice Wing Chun? If so, what methods from other arts (e.g. BJJ, Systema, FMA, etc.) have you taken from/incorporated into your Wing Chun? How have you adapted those methods to conform to Wing Chun principles? ~ Alan
  36. lansao

    Short-hand notation for Wing Chun

    Hello again, I just created a new thread another subject but I spent the day thinking about these particular topics and wanted to get them all posted as soon as possible (hungry forum fists). In practicing Wing Chun, I've found it useful to take notes on particular transitions between...
  37. lansao

    Do you have a personal Sil Lum Tao?

    Hello all, I learned in my training to treat the Sil Lum Tao as a dictionary of sorts. To use it essentially ensure I "never forget" while also providing a "wet stone" to sharpen hand positions and moving energy through my centerline. That said, in addition to the Sil Lum Tao that I learned...
  38. I

    Join free outdoor Chi Sao session in NYC

    Is anyone interested in free short friendly outdoor Chi Sao session in NYC to get some experience and new connections? It may be weekend or weekday night in Central Park or Bryant Park (any park or pier). Please post your preferences and ideas below. Have a great day! [yt]
  39. TheThirdAncestor

    Looking for advice--considering Cheng-Baguazhang

    Hello everyone! I'm a beginner in Hung Gar and Wing Chun (1 year) and have been looking to see which Chinese martial arts are available in my area and I found a school that teaches Cheng-Style Baguazhang. My question is would it be counterproductive to my current training to pursue Baguazhang...
  40. N

    Lame wing tsun vs wing chun fight

  41. Isaiah90

    Fighting a boxer in Wing Chun

    Just a few thoughts on fighting a boxer. Wing Chun is great with hand strikes but an experienced boxer has more power and speed with his punches. Similar to Wing Chun, the boxer's power comes from the ground in a stable stance. The difference is that the boxer has no defense for his legs. Wing...
  42. D

    6 weeks Free wing chun training, New Cross, London

    Hi, my name is David and I am looking for people to train wing chun with in the New Cross area of London for the next few weeks. I don't want to charge for these sessions, just train. If you would like to train wing chun, please respond to this thread or better yet follow this Gumtree link for...
  43. Tong Chuang

    EMIN BOZTEPE opens up about his tough upbringing

    I came across this insightful video where Emin Boztepe opens up about his tough childhood and shares some of his philosophy on humankind and religion, and how martial arts helped him adapt.
  44. A

    Wing Chun vs MMA

    What is better for self-defense, Wing Chun or MMA? Please no comments about how one martial is not better than another. Thanks.
  45. A

    Wing Chun vs MMA

    Hi everyone. My friend and I have been going back and forth over which is superior for self defense, wing chun or mma. No martial art is truly superior, however he has been relentlessly insulting Wing Chun even though he literally knows nothing about it. He told me it is the "laughing-stock" of...
  46. F

    Cool Wing Chun Magazine

    My friend just published this cool Wing Chun Magazine as an iphone/iPAD/Android App. With grandmaster IP Man's disciple Grand Master Wan Kam Leung on the cover. Also, an interesting article with Wim Hoff - "The ice man". What do you guys think ?
  47. paitingman

    Wing Chun History Book question

    I happened to see a video about a book titled The Creation of Wing Chun: A Social History of the Southern Chinese Martial Arts by Benjamin N. Judkins and Jon Nielson. I was just wondering if anyone had gotten a chance to read the book or had come across any other writings by these two authors...
  48. W

    WingChunKid says hello

    Hello everyone I am a 14 year old boy who does Wing Chun. I haven't even been doing it for that long but I'm really into it. I am the 3rd grade level in my school and I'm going for the 4th in December 2015. Wing Chun is my main activity outside secondary school, and I'm looking forward to...