2nd Black Belt
This is the bottom of the issue, regarding the Federal Government - a convenient target to blame for any and all ills.Actually, Gardasil was approved by the FDA years ago. The big debate has been whether or not the vaccine should be made mandatory.
Then again, had Gardasil been fast-tracked for approval and potentially dangerous side-effects eventually made evident, then the regime in power, in this case 'Smirking Chimp' (hopefully using such a silly moniker for the President enhances my statements, ) would have been a negligent partner in bed with big pharma execs at the expense of the health of innocent girls.
But please don't lose sight of the fact that condoms are not 100% effective (even for the prevention of pregnancy, let alone STD's). If the success rate of condoms is 95%, that still leaves you a 2/3 chance that in twenty years you will end up paying your $100,000, and still die from the $600,000 killer later on down the road.$600k. $100k......Numbers *could* measure the cost of infertility counseling and treatment, in vitro fertilization, adoption costs......But numbers can't measure heartbreak, stress and strain, depression and anxiety secondary to this.
And with this, I am in total agreement.I don't think teaching abstinence only is the sole answer, I don't think teaching sex as a health topic and providing barrier contraception is the only answer.
I think we need to do BOTH.
There is JUST NO QUESTION that sex is a health issue and should be taught as such.
There is also NO QUESTION that it is a health issue which involves behaviors which means it has moral and spiritual implications and social repercussions.
Hence, it is INCUMBENT upon us to treat it - AND TEACH IT - as BOTH.