Aikido in MMA



As you can see, I'm a big newb here.

For my first post I have an interesting question...

Are there any aikido techniques I could learn that would supplement my MMA training... Something that would be allowed in a MMA/NHB contest.

I posted this question here, rather than an Aikido or MMA forum, so I could get a wide range of opinions and wiews.
While the competitive aspect of many MMA's is not inline with the philosophy of Aikido, I feel that many of the techniques would work well as they can easyly fall with in the rules of that are present in many MMA formats (UFC comes to mind). I would suggest that you look to your local Aikido dojo and talk to the Teacher about your desire to suppliment your traing with some Aikido. Aikido is quite difficult to learn and I would not suggest simply "picking up a book" and trying to inigrate it. Good luck and remember to have fun.

Despair Bear
Aikido is an art that takes time. It's an internal art so thus, takes lots of patience. You just can't go around training in as many arts as you can just flood your brain by learning all these techniques at once. You're 17 maybe, and with all those arts under your belt, I think you already have a wide range. Instead of broadening your techniques, I would personally suggest trying to perfect the techniques you already know. An Olympic wrestler has three to four moves that are instinctive to him for every scenario and those are his favorites. Pick out the techniques that best suit you. You know your abilities and talents. Are you fast, are you powerful, are you a good grappler, etc. Some arts weren't just made just to leech off, and aikido isn't one of them. For similiar arts that pretty much place the same emphasis on things like combat TKD and muay thai, leeching off a bit might work, but if the TKD/MT practitioner wanted to learn all the techniques he wanted from say, pa qua, it's not the best decision.

The best thing for a MMA/NHB contest is MMA. That's what it was designed for. However, I understand you trying to diversify but if your mind is already set on competing in MMA, then I suggest you keep on doing that and once your career in MMA is up (everybody has a time where retirement is the answer) then maybe you can learn an internal art on your own. Plus side is, internal arts are basically best for older people. It's easier on the body and it's the time where a lot of people just open up and become great at it.

TMA/MMA - Depending on the school, instructor, and YOU, they can be effective in combat

TMA - For TMA full-contact tournaments (win by KO) or the tap-sparring tournaments, and the other TMA tournament variations

MMA - For MMA no doubt


May I make one suggestion? Try shuai chiao. Basically, it's combat freestyle, with more of an emphasis on throwing with your entire body, especially locking up and throwing with your hips, arms, and legs. You can try Shoto aka Shootwrestling aka the other names it goes by for MMA which is a combination of freestyle wrestling, sumo, shotokan (maybe, might be another form of karate) and some other stuff.
Mike Tyson got tied up at an aikido school in Japan.

However, I have to disagree with you that an aikido master would win in an UFC match. Reason? Real original UFC days, although close to the dangers of a street fight, were not the best example. In a street fight, one would have a better chance, but in a MMA tournament, MMA is the obvious winner. It was designed for it. BJJ changed to fit the rules of the UFC/Pride/etc., same with shoto & vale tudo
I actually have a friend who is a black belt in aikido. Maybe I should ask him... :p

He's willing to teach me some things. Again, I restate my question... What aikido techniques would fit in well with a
MMA contest? I think it would really impress, to submit my
opponent without going to the ground!!
Originally posted by chaosomega
I actually have a friend who is a black belt in aikido. Maybe I should ask him... :p

Good idea!

What aikido techniques would fit in well with a MMA contest?

None and all. As stated before Aikido is more of principle than techniques. Which means that's effectivness lies in the principle and not the technique. Principle takes long time to learn, and that means learning the philosofy(sp?) too.

I think it would really impress, to submit my
opponent without going to the ground!!

To be honest, your oppenent would not be impressed no matter what you do. A real fighter would acknowledge what your doing, and try to use it against you. So if your intention is to impress, he's going to bring you down faster than the pride can grow in your chest.

Yari, while you do make excellent points, I never ment to make you think I wanted to impress my opponent, but rather the judges and audience.
Originally posted by chaosomega
I never ment to make you think I wanted to impress my opponent, but rather the judges and audience.

Thaks OK for me. Even if you want to impress your oppenent. I'd dont mind what you do, as long as you know and can live with the consequences.

But why do you want to impress the judges and audience? Isn't your goal to win the fight? And since you dont win it by impressing I dont understand, please elaborate!

Perhaps less impressing the judges and more the audience. That's what they're there for, isn't it?
But why do you want to impress the judges and audience? Isn't your goal to win the fight? And since you dont win it by impressing I dont understand, please elaborate!

One argument is that UFC et al are for entertainment purposes primarily, so impressing the crowd is the primary aim! :)

Performing ikkyo on your opponent's first punch/grab and pinning him all within a matter of seconds would be impressive. But only the first time. After that your opponents will probably be wise to it, and it won't make for interesting television.

Not that I've ever seriously thought about this you understand. :)

Originally posted by Field Cricket
One argument is that UFC et al are for entertainment purposes primarily, so impressing the crowd is the primary aim! :)

Not that I've ever seriously thought about this you understand. :)


What would you get for impressing the crowd?

I good feeling. One that I have done my job! :D

But dont worry if its Aikido or not. The techniques can be found in nearly every MA'ist curriculum.

Originally posted by Yari
What would you get for impressing the crowd?


Recognition. A fan base. A boost to their egos. You don't think they fight for the money do you? ;)

your right its all about the crowd and how they like you,, this is where the money is

look at what tank abbott did he was a great crowd favorite

What would you get for impressing the crowd?

if you have seen the UFC you should know its all entertainment same as k1 and pride the more the crowd likes you the more respect and return fights you will get.... you will build a name for yourself i.e look at kimo........

also from impressing the crowd you may get that extra 0 in your bank account, and this is what its all about........

think before you speak next time..............

Originally posted by moromoro

think before you speak next time..............


I didn't know what UFC was when I started answering this thread. I didn' think it matteret. We dont have it on TV here. K1 is shown each friday on cable, but I havn't seen it yet. I had to look up what UFC was.

For me MA is not about whos right or who's most flashy, so that's why I answer.

Call me stupid if you want, but I will not shutup when I need to ask a question.
