Life can suck at times...



I have to stop training for a little while...My wife hours got cut back....We wont have any extra money.... :(
Correction -- you have to stop going to the school. Don't stop training -- keep working on what you know and doing your best to perfect it!

Also, talk to your instructor -- many schools will give long time students "scholarships" in these types of situations.

Things will turn around, keep your chin up and you'll be back soon!
Originally posted by Kope
Correction -- you have to stop going to the school. Don't stop training -- keep working on what you know and doing your best to perfect it!

Also, talk to your instructor -- many schools will give long time students "scholarships" in these types of situations.

Things will turn around, keep your chin up and you'll be back soon!

Very Well put. Just because you can't go to the studio doesn't mean you can't workout somewhere else.

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
I agree never stop training if you truely want to learn. You must have made some friends there (I hope) that will train with you. Maybe you can workl a deal with the instructor, to do some cleaning or help him in some other way around the school to pay your way.
Maybe another way to keep going to the school is to maybe offer the instructor something in return. Offer your services to help teach new or lower ranking students, clean the school, or something along those lines. You never know, it won't hurt to ask.

My hours were cut back also so I know how hard that can be.

Even if there are no people you can train with, there are always the basics you can work by yourself. Bag work, speed work, power work, conditioning, flexibility, shadow boxing, etc.
all the above sounds like great advice...well put my friends :)
Never, ever stop training if you love what you are doing. Try all the things the good folks have already posted. I've just had to stop attending my kenpo school but have no intention of stopping my training in it. I've got all the notes from a black belt there and several other former students to train with when time permits. One other option is to get your wife to help out with the training. Don't have to flail her or anything but she could act as an attacker and let ya walk through some of the techniques to get a feel for them. It'd be something to do together. If you are as addicted to training as I am (and I think you are) you'll figure something out. Good luck;)
You should try and see if you could work something out with your instructor. I had that happen to me once and my instructor who taught out of his garage let me do yard work to "pay" for my lessons until I could afford them again.
I agree. Your instructor would probably work something out with you but if you don't ask you'll never know.