12 years ago tournament


Senior Master
so I was just organising a bunch of my stuff at home and I found a DVD of a inter club karate tournament I did in 07. At that time I'd been out of martial arts for about 6 years with my personal stuff but then I went to that club and participated in the tournament after a month.

It was only club members but it was a good event. I did kata and won third place. Which I was fine with I knew I wasn't winning a gold in that.

Now the fighting was a bit hazy but I watched the DVD today and was great to see.

I fought 2 fights. The first was against a guy a fair bit taller than me but not very skilled. Now thus was my first competitive fight in years so I was very rusty. I basically boxed in that tournament I threw like one kick.

But first fight we got into a few scraps (not actual trying to hurt each other scraps but messy fighting. Ref called it clash) but then I got a point with a reverse punch to the body, then tgat was the fight. I stayed on the backfoot the rest of the match because I knew j was ahead and he was an awkward fight. I won 1-0

Second fight which was the finals I fought a guy average size and build. The thing with that club was they didn't spar a whole lot so not a lot of kicks were thrown from any opponent. I didn't kick because simply I had a knee Injury. But anyway second fight again a scrappy fight not my best either. The guy went 3-0 up against me. (There wasn't a limit to points you just go until time runs out. So then I started fighting aggressive and came back to 3-2. He then landed a body shot so 4-2. I scored with a back knuckle to the head 4-3. By that point I'd heard the 30 second warning so knew I had to go for it if I wanted so I chased him down and scored with a reverse to the body in the last 5 seconds so 4-4 a draw so we went to sudden death, now by that point I was exhausted normally 2 matches wouldn't be a huge deal to me but as I said I wasn't in great shape. I knew I couldn't dance around as soon as they said begin I had to go and get it. Ref said start he threw this sloppy front kick I moved in reverse to the body. I got the point. It was a very good fight. I saw on the video after 1 punch I shook out my hand I must've punched an elbow or something. It's funny watching it back I don't remember doing that.

But yeah I won that comp. I have fond memories of it and the club. I left about 6 months later simply by then I needed more. It was a Japanese system ishinryu Ticky Donavons style and it was a good system but it just didn't have the intensity I was looking for but it was a good place and the instructors were great.

Oh and sorry I'm not posting the video I considered it but I don't want videos of myself on the internet just the way I am. But it was fun watching it back and seeing how I've improved since then and thinking how I'd fight now.

There was one guy I saw on the tape he lost to my first opponent. But he was a very aggressive fighter, a street fighter and I think he was a former kickboxer and the 2 had a brawl it was good but he lost but he had the best kicks but I think his problem was over aggression and you can't do that in point fighting but watching it back I wish I could've fought him. Not for any personal reasons but simply I was intrigued how I'd match up against him. Tbh back then he'd probably have beaten me I didn't have the aggression to go at it with a brawler at that time. These days well I'll never know but it would've been fun.

Sorry for the rambling just enjoyed a night of going back in time
Video or it never happened :)

I really wish I had video of my competitions from back in the day. It would’ve been on VHS or that mini cassette thing if it was taped though. I had a lot of my high school senior year matches on VHS. No idea what happened to it. Haven’t watched it since much after I graduated in ‘94.