Wing Chun Vs TKD sparring


Master Black Belt
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
St.Louis Missouri
I think this guy did and excellent job showcasing his WC techniques while landing strikes and controlling the opponent. What are some things you see. I hate seeing people just stand there stagnate waiting for someone to walk in on them. This was pretty good.

What are your thoughts?

Weird rule set.

Touch contact to the head?
I think this guy did and excellent job showcasing his WC techniques while landing strikes and controlling the opponent. What are some things you see. I hate seeing people just stand there stagnate waiting for someone to walk in on them. This was pretty good.

What are your thoughts?

the first tkd guy fights like he is roller skates and none of them can kick or punch or guard. makes chain punching look good
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Yes an the wing chun guy wasn't as experienced then. It was funny i can't find the one video thats really good.

the first tkd guy fights like he is roller skates and none of them can kick or punch or guard. makes chain punching look good
I can't find the one video that was really good. But back in the day there was a guy who used check kicks to shins and tan da and bong sau and pak day in match like this it was really good.
the first tkd guy fights like he is roller skates and none of them can kick or punch or guard. makes chain punching look good
- Did WC guy kick TKD guy in the nuts at 1:16? Yikes.
- The chain punching did not seem to really connect, did not really open up and penetrate through.... which is the goal.
- I liked the use of kicks, and the sort of 'charging knee' entry movement that WC guy did when closing distance.
- I do find it interesting that WC/WT instructors really stress the rooted stance, footwork with knee adduction, etc - then it seems to go out the window somewhat easily in sparring.
- Did WC guy kick TKD guy in the nuts at 1:16? Yikes.
- The chain punching did not seem to really connect, did not really open up and penetrate through.... which is the goal.
- I liked the use of kicks, and the sort of 'charging knee' entry movement that WC guy did when closing distance.
- I do find it interesting that WC/WT instructors really stress the rooted stance, footwork with knee adduction, etc - then it seems to go out the window somewhat easily in sparring.
well it has to do, otherwise you cant attack someonee at speed,which then begs the question of if it was ever mean to be a fighting technique or someone has misapplied a training techniques ?
Wing Chun's backweighted triangular footwork exists for the purpose of cutting off, sweeping and tripping your opponent at almost hip-to-hip range. It's not going to be useful at a longer distance.
Its would be different if it was MMA Rule SET like This one. Below. How ever he showed how WC attacks are effective minus using power and fajin with it. The key is to add snap and put your body behind the punches. He did not do that because this is not a Rule SET where he can hurt the guy like that.

Weird rule set.

Touch contact to the head?

Yep He is just chain punching and doing so with out using power and it appears to work. HMMMM Something to think about. Chain Punches combined with other punches from WC is very effective. But chain Punching is not the only weapon in our WC arsenal.

The guy's literally just chainpunching.

YeP he got a penalty for the two Nut kicks. I think once he got disqualified. But thats classic WC street fight. the Goal is the chain punch while kicking them nuts or knees at the same time. How ever this wasn't a boxing match or MMA match so he was not using power and whole body structure unison with his chain punching. He was basically just tapping the guy on the head to get points for hitting him.

Rooted stance and skill in movement is stressed in my WC. We learn how to step along with sitting in YEE GEE KIM YEUNG MA. Being rooted has two purposes to train you use power using the ground beneath you as leverage. Kinda of when a boxer kicks and grips the floor. When you stand in a stance an throw kicks into the heavy bag. You root your foot and slam power into the bag. But in a fight you have to root and move, be able to root and become light. WC has both rooted energy, springy energy and light skills as well. Now some people never learn all aspects because their getting a watered down version.

I disgress. YGKYM is a good stance in clench or in elbow range. But in kick range i will have a side stance. An I am not gonna stand there waiting for you to attack, i am attacking first, while i control your structure and hit you. If there is no bridge i use your body as my bridge or your face. There is a time to be double rooted and time to be light footed. KNow when to move and when to be still. WC has front steps, back steps, side steps and evasive steps. You can't be all bottled up when your opponent is an arm length away. you need to relax your stance and be able to move quickly. Now when you get close ie toe to toe. Then Knee abduction works so does being rooted. Because at the distance i will be grappling, joint locking and striking you simultaneously so you can't defend.
- Did WC guy kick TKD guy in the nuts at 1:16? Yikes.
- The chain punching did not seem to really connect, did not really open up and penetrate through.... which is the goal.
- I liked the use of kicks, and the sort of 'charging knee' entry movement that WC guy did when closing distance.
- I do find it interesting that WC/WT instructors really stress the rooted stance, footwork with knee adduction, etc - then it seems to go out the window somewhat easily in sparring.
WELL Said. The YGKYM is good when your toe to toe, At elbow and knee range. But not so good at side kick range.