Authenticity of Learning Wing Chun via a Screen


White Belt
Jan 6, 2022
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Hi guys! Just discovered this forum and decided to talk about a thing and what I want to ask you all here. First off, authenticity. Where I live here in South East Asia, specifically in the northern area, there's really no legit Wing Chun teacher, as most practice MMA, Taekwondo and Aikido around. It is safe to say that the only way you can learn Wing Chun is of course, watching youtube. In other terms, they call it youtube university. I pretty went far at it, learning a lot of stuff learning, even learned Siu Lim Tao through Samuel Kwok, Wong Shun Leung and the original video tapes of Yip Man. It was on one year when this guy who learned from one lineage was telling me that all the youtube wing chun people are fake (that includes those who shows their moves on youtube, like legit students and masters).

Question, so just because I learned from online, doesn't make me a legitimate wing chun practitioner?
What it means is that you have received poor quality instruction. That isn’t the same as being fake. You are a real human, after all, doing a real activity. But with poor quality instruction, you will be unlikely to develop much, if any, real skill with it.
What it means is that you have received poor quality instruction. That isn’t the same as being fake. You are a real human, after all, doing a real activity. But with poor quality instruction, you will be unlikely to develop much, if any, real skill with it.
Thanks for your response. I recently went to a Sanda gym now, so I practice and spar with Sanda practitioners with my Wing Chun plus what I learn from them. Does this mean that the ones I have practiced may not be the genuine wing chun then?
You can't learn Wing Chun online.

But, you can be ushered towards the positive side of it.

Then later on, use the online to make fun of it. All in good sport.
Question, so just because I learned from online, doesn't make me a legitimate wing chun practitioner?

Depends on your definition of 'legitimate WC practitioner'. Most people who have learned the system at all would say that you need to be shown it - in person - by someone who has it. I know that the WC I learned was entirely dependent on two person work, from day 1; I don't think you can develop the quality of movement specific to the style I learned, just by watching video.
Thanks for your response. I recently went to a Sanda gym now, so I practice and spar with Sanda practitioners with my Wing Chun plus what I learn from them. Does this mean that the ones I have practiced may not be the genuine wing chun then?
Likely what you accomplish is mimicry of the movement without really understanding how it works. As has been said, you need hands-on training with a good instructor. There are a lot of subtleties in the movement and application that you will not pick up from watching video, and that makes all the difference.

If you are using video alone, without feedback of any kind, then it is worse because it is up to you to determine if you are making mistakes or need to correct something. As a beginner, that is utterly unreasonable to expect.
Thanks for your response. I recently went to a Sanda gym now, so I practice and spar with Sanda practitioners with my Wing Chun plus what I learn from them. Does this mean that the ones I have practiced may not be the genuine wing chun then?

Training your chosen style against other styles is a good thing. Learning online is questionable.
Hi guys! Just discovered this forum and decided to talk about a thing and what I want to ask you all here. First off, authenticity. Where I live here in South East Asia, specifically in the northern area, there's really no legit Wing Chun teacher, as most practice MMA, Taekwondo and Aikido around. It is safe to say that the only way you can learn Wing Chun is of course, watching youtube. In other terms, they call it youtube university. I pretty went far at it, learning a lot of stuff learning, even learned Siu Lim Tao through Samuel Kwok, Wong Shun Leung and the original video tapes of Yip Man. It was on one year when this guy who learned from one lineage was telling me that all the youtube wing chun people are fake (that includes those who shows their moves on youtube, like legit students and masters).

Question, so just because I learned from online, doesn't make me a legitimate wing chun practitioner?
I have fifty years teaching experience. I studied Aikido, earned black belts in Tracy Kenpo and American Kenpo and am still teaching. I teach only adults so I can teach and practice all the techniques you can't teach kids.
The answer to your question is, no, it doesn't make you a legitimate practitioner. There is so much that you can not learn from learning on line. You need to learn "live" to be legitimate. Find a good instructor. You will be surprised what you will learn.
Puyallup, WA
I have fifty years teaching experience. I studied Aikido, earned black belts in Tracy Kenpo and American Kenpo and am still teaching. I teach only adults so I can teach and practice all the techniques you can't teach kids.
The answer to your question is, no, it doesn't make you a legitimate practitioner. There is so much that you can not learn from learning on line. You need to learn "live" to be legitimate. Find a good instructor. You will be surprised what you will learn.
Puyallup, WA
You keep changing your story. You originally told us your earned ranks were Blue and Brown in Tracy and American Kenpo and that you had self-promoted from there to 10th Dan.
You keep changing your story. You originally told us your earned ranks were Blue and Brown in Tracy and American Kenpo and that you had self-promoted from there to 10th Dan.
Where did he say that he had blue/brown in Tracy and AK? I was bored so checked through his comment history, and can't see any reference to that (although he does report sometimes having a black belt vs. 3rd dan in AK).
Hi guys! Just discovered this forum and decided to talk about a thing and what I want to ask you all here. First off, authenticity. Where I live here in South East Asia, specifically in the northern area, there's really no legit Wing Chun teacher, as most practice MMA, Taekwondo and Aikido around. It is safe to say that the only way you can learn Wing Chun is of course, watching youtube. In other terms, they call it youtube university. I pretty went far at it, learning a lot of stuff learning, even learned Siu Lim Tao through Samuel Kwok, Wong Shun Leung and the original video tapes of Yip Man. It was on one year when this guy who learned from one lineage was telling me that all the youtube wing chun people are fake (that includes those who shows their moves on youtube, like legit students and masters).

Question, so just because I learned from online, doesn't make me a legitimate wing chun practitioner?
Idk who we are to decide if you’re legit or not, but there are some things they may not teach you online

I think Adam Chan teaches Wing Chun online and I think he works with you. , Not sure
Where did he say that he had blue/brown in Tracy and AK? I was bored so checked through his comment history, and can't see any reference to that (although he does report sometimes having a black belt vs. 3rd dan in AK).
I don't have the link offhand, but going from memory...
It was a blog comment. They also stated that they 'considered [themselves] a 10th Dan' but this was a self-promotion.
People like to talk $h1t. It makes them feel more worthy in the moment than they really feel day-to-day. But don't let anyone belittle you or what you put your time into. By definition, if you practice Wing Chun, you are a Wing Chun practitioner. If you feel you are learning and getting better that's what's important.

However, you also must accept the fact that in order to fully learn Wing Chun and really get good at it, you also need partner-based Wing Chun training, not only online training. You need someone who can apply Wing Chun better than you…a hands-on person to help you, to pressure you, to uproot you, to punch you and get punched, and to physically challenge you.
Hi guys! Just discovered this forum and decided to talk about a thing and what I want to ask you all here. First off, authenticity. Where I live here in South East Asia, specifically in the northern area, there's really no legit Wing Chun teacher, as most practice MMA, Taekwondo and Aikido around. It is safe to say that the only way you can learn Wing Chun is of course, watching youtube. In other terms, they call it youtube university. I pretty went far at it, learning a lot of stuff learning, even learned Siu Lim Tao through Samuel Kwok, Wong Shun Leung and the original video tapes of Yip Man. It was on one year when this guy who learned from one lineage was telling me that all the youtube wing chun people are fake (that includes those who shows their moves on youtube, like legit students and masters).

Question, so just because I learned from online, doesn't make me a legitimate wing chun practitioner?
Just like Flying Crane said, his quote, "Likely what you accomplish is mimicry of the movement without really understanding how it works. As has been said, you need hands-on training with a good instructor. There are a lot of subtleties in the movement and application that you will not pick up from watching video, and that makes all the difference."
What this mean is for you to go to the authentic Martial Art School to find the style you're looking for. I agreed with Flying Crane is to have 'hands-on training with a good instructor' that can guide you to correct your movements. What I would suggest is to find Kung Fu Martial Art School in your area, if there is one. Kung Fu school may or may not have Wing Chun class(es) that you can learn from. It won't hurt to ask around to see what other style they're teaching in one of their schools.
People like to talk $h1t. It makes them feel more worthy in the moment than they really feel day-to-day. But don't let anyone belittle you or what you put your time into. By definition, if you practice Wing Chun, you are a Wing Chun practitioner. If you feel you are learning and getting better that's what's important.

However, you also must accept the fact that in order to fully learn Wing Chun and really get good at it, you also need partner-based Wing Chun training, not only online training. You need someone who can apply Wing Chun better than you…a hands-on person to help you, to pressure you, to uproot you, to punch you and get punched, and to physically challenge you.

What a great reply from someone I learn a lot of Wing Chun moves from. Thank you very much for your kind words. What I am currently doing now is applying what I have learned online in a martial arts gym, where we spar. Would you say the effect with training with a Wing Chun practitioner also, would be different?
You mean Chi Sao? But there's similar trainings in boxing. Or Full Contact sparring.
- Your arm contact on your opponent's arm.
- your opponent punches you; you redirect his punch with your arm movement.
- You punch your opponent; he redirects your punch with his arm movement.

I don't think you can get this kind of training in boxing, or full contact sparring.