Reopening in Seattle


3rd Black Belt
Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
Seattle, WA, USA
It's been over a year since we shared our responses to the initial news of the pandemic. I have a small group of adult students and don't do a lot of outreach and promotion. I have been blessed with a steady trickle of interest over the years which has been all that we need to keep going. But, how and where we train was not conclusive to safety during a global pandemic of an airborne virus, so I stopped holding regular classes in our kwoon once we understood what Covid was about.

Most of my students have stayed together despite that fact and we've found opportunities to train outside and on our own. My senior students recently informed me that they collectively refuse to let it go, so we're planning a reopening, which means going back to our kwoon and being open to the possibility of welcoming new students. By design we keep our club small and have some expectations of new students, so we're not planning on adding a lot of people, but I have a small handful who have been inquiring lately, so we've got a start. I'll meet with the most serious of them this month to see how things feel to them and us. We'll resume a bit of training with our legacy group indoors (all vaccinated) and the plan is to soft reopen after New Years and call a bit of attention to ourselves in coordination with the Lunar New Year celebration in our neighborhood at the beginning of February.

The idea is to get back up to full strength early in 2022 and put ourselves and some new friends back on the path. I wasn't sure this would be the outcome, but it looks like it will be. Humbled by the dedication of my students and excited to reclaim some of those calluses and bruises.
Glad you are making vaccination a mandate for participation. Might you consider holding class outdoors in a park? That is what I have been doing for a few months.
So I get up there a couple of times a year. The idea is to get back up to full strength early in 2022 and put ourselves and some new friends back on the path. I wasn't sure this would be the outcome, but it looks like it will be. Humbled by the dedication of my students and excited to reclaim some of those calluses and bruises.
Sounds great! I just got back from a week in Seattle over Thanksgiving. My two kids live up there as well a my nephew and his family. So I get up there a couple of times a year. If I make it up your way this summer I would be honored if I could visit a class.
Glad you are making vaccination a mandate for participation. Might you consider holding class outdoors in a park? That is what I have been doing for a few months.
We've done a bit of that, but I really don't like the attention that usually attracts. It is an option.

Sounds great! I just got back from a week in Seattle over Thanksgiving. My two kids live up there as well a my nephew and his family. So I get up there a couple of times a year. If I make it up your way this summer I would be honored if I could visit a class.
I wish you had let me know! Would welcome you with open arms or least meet you for a pint. Lots of outdoor places for local beer here.
We've done a bit of that, but I really don't like the attention that usually attracts. It is an option.
We’ve been training early mornings so the attention we get is more limited, but so far has been positive. But I do understand your point.
Such wonderful news! Really great to hear @ShortBridge :)

Definitely been a very trying 2 years for martial artists... great resilience shown by many though.