Would you do it?


Senior Master
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
Let's say a company came to you and told you if your put their company's logo on your martial arts uniform back or sleeve, they would supply all of the uniforms, mats for your school, and training equipment.
Would you do it?
Would you have the McDonald's logo on your sleeve if it meant loading your school with free equipment? Would you have a different opinion if it were a martial arts company such as Century, ProForce, or KWON?

If it was a big corporation like McDonalds, absolutely positively no way never. Keep the big corporate giants out of what I do. I don't want their money for anything, I actually sort of wish the whole chain would go out of business.

If it was a smaller, local company, sombody I actually know, I might consider it, but I am very very wary of getting trapped into a position where they own me. Who needs that headache?

Besides, I don't compete and never wear my gi outside the dojo, so nobody would see it anyway.
I would only even consider it if I very strongly believed in the company and the logo was tasteful and not a distraction on the unifrom.
Even then I would only consider it. My gut feeling is that i probably wouldn't do it.
We are an independent school and i really like it that way.
I train BJJ and putting logos on your gi is pretty much par for the course for good competitors. I personally have no problem with the level of commercialism that is in my sport/MA right now, but the day I see a McDonald's patch on a gi... well I don't know.

If a gi company wants to sponsor me, I say great! I mean they put their logos huge on their gis now as it is. I might as well get free gis out of it if I can.

It is kinda funny you bring this up though, cause I have a running joke going with my friends that I'm going to get a Wendy's sponsorship and drink only frosties between matches.
Let's say a company came to you and told you if your put their company's logo on your martial arts uniform back or sleeve, they would supply all of the uniforms, mats for your school, and training equipment.
Would you do it?
Would you have the McDonald's logo on your sleeve if it meant loading your school with free equipment? Would you have a different opinion if it were a martial arts company such as Century, ProForce, or KWON?

If I was a school owner and it meant the difference of keeping my doors open or not, I would. After all is said and done, it all about the Martial Arts. And if I couldn't keep my business open, no one would benefit.
I whole heartedly agree with the above EDIT: the votes for not 'patching up'.

Commercial fingers in the MA pie do not belong. Baldly put for me I know but that's how strongly I feel about it :eek:.

On a purely individual level, I don't even like club or association patches on uniforms. A person isn't there to advertise or profess 'allegiance' to a school, they're there to learn and put things into practice.
If it was a big corporation like McDonalds, absolutely positively no way never. Keep the big corporate giants out of what I do. I don't want their money for anything, I actually sort of wish the whole chain would go out of business.

If it was a smaller, local company, sombody I actually know, I might consider it, but I am very very wary of getting trapped into a position where they own me. Who needs that headache?

Besides, I don't compete and never wear my gi outside the dojo, so nobody would see it anyway.
No disrespect intended FC, but why the hatred for a hamburger stand?
No disrespect intended FC, but why the hatred for a hamburger stand?

heh heh heh. I just feel that they have deliberately sold food of exceptionally poor quality for far too long. It contributes to the overall obesity of our nation and other health issues. I know, it really comes down to the choices made by the individual, but I think they have deliberately marketed to low income people who may feel they don't have a lot of food choices, so they get stuck with something that is, for all purposes, a slow acting poison if you eat enough of it.

It's not just McDonalds, but large corporations in general who feel they need to own and control everything in the world. They are always looking for something new to grab onto and make more money, and warp to their own interests. I think they ought to back off and leave things alone.

Who wants McDonalds, or GM, or Pfizer telling you that you must send 20 students to compete at XX number of tournaments every year to make sure their logo gets seen on your gi? Or that you must do commercial demonstrations and performances that bastardize the art that you practice but somehow highlight their products? They wouldn't give out a sponsorship for nothing. Just putting the logo on the gi would be the very beginning. It's bound to include much more about how you run your dojo, what you must to and what you cannot do. If you accept their money, you will probably find very quickly that they own your soul.
heh heh heh. I just feel that they have deliberately sold food of exceptionally poor quality for far too long. It contributes to the overall obesity of our nation and other health issues. I know, it really comes down to the choices made by the individual, but I think they have deliberately marketed to low income people who may feel they don't have a lot of food choices, so they get stuck with something that is, for all purposes, a slow acting poison if you eat enough of it.

It's not just McDonalds, but large corporations in general who feel they need to own and control everything in the world. They are always looking for something new to grab onto and make more money, and warp to their own interests. I think they ought to back off and leave things alone.

Who wants McDonalds, or GM, or Pfizer telling you that you must send 20 students to compete at XX number of tournaments every year to make sure their logo gets seen on your gi? Or that you must do commercial demonstrations and performances that bastardize the art that you practice but somehow highlight their products? They wouldn't give out a sponsorship for nothing. Just putting the logo on the gi would be the very beginning. It's bound to include much more about how you run your dojo, what you must to and what you cannot do. If you accept their money, you will probably find very quickly that they own your soul.
I don't want to hijack the thread, but I will say that I agree with you on one point and that is we all make choices. Obesity would still exist with or without McDonalds. It's all about our choices.
I'm not sure if any big chains such as McDonald's will ever get into sponsoring MA's, but I've never been able to agree with putting patches or logos on gi's. It almost takes away from the sport and takes away from the historic aspect of MA's. For instance you will never find pictures of Samurai with patches or displays of the lord that they served under.
I would have to say no. I want to say 100% positively no but I've never truly been in that position. I can't say for sure until I'm broke and trying to support a school and as hard as I try I'm just not able to make the funds.

The idea of charity enrages me and the idea of being owned by a McDonalds or large company like that is even worse.
Hello, I would consider it! As long as the logo is not very large or too big? (same thing).

Getting sponsors now days is very hard to get. Getting frees stuffs is a good thing.

Learn to be humble and wise (what is best for your students / NOT your ego's).

Many of you said NO? But if you really had this offer? for free uniforms, mats, bags, things that cost hundreds, thousands of dollars?

Would you let your EGO/pride for a logo on your uniform? get in the way of free martial arts Gi's and equitment? ...that would benifit your school and students?

Good selling point for your school ...comes with free uniforms, lots of great new mats,top of the line equitments, and a sponser who recognize your schools. What a selling point.

I am sure many of your students would be proud to wear the logo uniforms...you see this all the time.....nike, tap out,bass pro shops,At&t, & and so on....

Would you say NO to $$$$ that would benifit your students benifits? just for wearing a logo?

Be humble but you can be smarter too! ........Aloha

PS: Please I willing to wear your logos for free stuffs! We wear our uniforms only during classes/tournaments...not at work or school.
I understand what still learning is saying and where he's coming from, but it's not necessairly a pride/ego thing in not taking sponsorships. I believe that there are other ways of making money and supporting your school and its students. If you earn a reputation as being a good school, you will get dedicated students that aren't in martial arts for cool free stuff and the shiny new heavybag that everlast gave you last month. Having new stuff may be nice to have, but it's not everything. But that's just my 2 cents.
I could see that backfiring very quickly.

Most schools buy their uniforms wholesale and then sell them retail...such as paying $30 for a gi the school sells for $50.

I could see the students getting wise very quickly and asking why they have to pay for a gi that's already paid for by their sponsor that has their logo over it. Same thing with tuition. The MA schools in my area are pretty much all the same price. If I was looking for a school for my niece, and one wanted to use her as a walking billboard but the others didn't...that would turn me off quickly.

Such a thing could be a quick influx of cash, but it could also occur at the cost of other profit centers, such as merchandise and tuition.
If I had faith in the company and belived in its product I might consider it.
Hell $$$ to keep the school open is always welcome and maybe I could talk them into getting me a bigger, better place at the same time.
Lots of great posts..Too many questions still unasked, What does the coporatation get out of my school ( if I had one) in exchange for us wearing their logo???.The coporation CANNOT and WILL NOT tell me HOW to teach, or WHO to accept as a student.If the above subjects are even mentioned it's NO DEAL.
Well... Let's see. I just took the license plate frame provided by the dealer off of my new car. (They aren't paying me to advertise them...)

The martial art I train in is specifically non-commercial, and has been since the association was founded here in the US. That's not to say that a particular club/school can't turn a profit, or that individuals haven't gone other directions. But I teach as I was taught. If I'm lucky, I'm not in the red on stuff I've bought. I order uniforms or gear for students via wholesale/distributor/school-owner accounts, and sell them basically at cost. I admit, I round up to a whole dollar amount... So maybe I've made $30 over the past 3 years that way! But, then again, since I put the original purchase on my own credit card, I've probably paid that in interest, too!

So -- no, I wouldn't take a sponsorship deal as described. Other ways? Maybe, depending on the specifics.
No this is not for me. Not at all. If they did however want to sponsor my books, dvd's, etc. then I might consider it but it would absolutely have to be no strings attached and the sponsor would have to be a certain type. (martial arts oriented) A recent publisher wanted to change several things in a book that I was taking around and looking at different publishing offers. The change would have definately altered a part of the book dramatically so it was a no deal right then. I am all for making a profit or benefiting my students but I will not compromise what I do, how I teach or put myself in a position that could change this dramatically.
I could see that backfiring very quickly.

I agree. I understand why this looks good to begin with, but I could see it slowly taking over, with the sponsor's patches getting bigger a few percent at a time, the cost increasing at the same time, the company wanting a say in who could wear their gear, etc. For professional competitors, that's between them and their instructors/coaches - but for schools - especially non-profit schools - I say no; I find it inappropriate, and too likely to violate the integrity of the instructor, school, and/or the art.
Today getting anyone to sponsor with free uniforms, equitment, and supplies is a rare thing for most martial art schools. What a benifit to your schools.

Many of the top Martial artist wears logo's....they get paid well too!
Plus all the other top players,football,golfing,tennis,fishing,boating,car racing all have sponsors.......is this a terrible thing? NO!

If offer these things for your school in return to wear logo's? I would go for it (read the contract first and have a experience lawyer with you).

Not many martial art schools will get this offer......to turn down the $$$ only to let the next school near you get the offer? UM?

Many of our young students out growth their uniforms quickly...it does add to the cost for the parents or single parents. Wouldn't it be nice they all can get FREE uniforms each year!

You can always make deals in the contracts? ...be open minded..what may benifit you and your students..............Aloha

PS: Sponsor ship can be a good thing...if done correctly.

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