Wing Chun Vs MMA .... Why So Serious?


Blue Belt
Every where I turn on youtube, if the video is martial arts related, there are videos of mma guys bashing wing chun. It seems to be more venom pointed towards wing chun from mma dudes than most other Chinese martial arts. I am trying to figure out the reason why. We get wing chun doesn't translate to the octagon . Practitioners don't train for the octogon, they train for multiple attackers, knives and so fourth. MMA guys don't seem to grasp this. In college this mma guy tried to shoot for my legs. I jumped backed and merely kicked him in his face as hard as I could with a boot on. Needless to say, from that point the fight was over. I only have a few lessons of jkd at that point. MMA is not invincible or the best fighting system on the planet but these dudes act like it is. It truly depends on the person. Some people are naturally good fighters to begin with before they learn any style or technique.

I've also seen a guy with a wrestling/jj background trying to ground fight a guy, seconds later, as he had the guy in a hold, the guy's friends stumped the wrestler into the middle of the next century. And none of this guys knew martial arts, just pure street fighting.
Mate, on Youtube you have MMA fans bashing WC while not subtly promoting their system, and WC fans bashing MMA more subtly by promoting their system.
Thats youtube comments for you. MMA guys grasp all this. Fans dont. Fans support the things they support. Its like sports teams. You either like the sport, or you like a sports team. Sometimes that means you badmouth the other teams along the way.

As for your example, in PRIDE rules kicks like that were totally acceptable, and double leg takedowns still happened. In your example, that was the attackers error. Not to devalue the example. Just remember that WC is not invincible either, just because it trains for multiple attackers, knife, and so forth. And being blindsided is pretty much unavoidable at close range, if theres another person around. If you cant see them both, you cant avoid them both.
I'm not saying WC is invincible. I was merely pointing out what I witnessed. And on the youtube examples, there are indeed more authors of youtube videos bashing WC as opposed to vice versa. They may be people in the comments who studied or have studied WC, defending it but the former still seems to happen more often of mma guys being venomous towards WC practioners. I just don't see the need for the comparison of a sport to a combat, street style art.
The odds are that most of the style-bashing commenters on YouTube are not serious practitioners of any martial art - just keyboard warrior wannabees. I train at a MMA gym and I've never heard anyone there bashing Wing Chun.
Who gives a rats **** what they say?
I started training in Wing Chun in June 1989 before most of these little plebs were even born.
Their uninformed opinions don't affect my training one way or the other.
Don't expend any mental energy worrying about it , save your concentration for training your Sil Lum Tao.
Who gives a rats **** what they say?
Their uninformed opinions don't affect my training one way or the other.
Don't expend any mental energy worrying about it , save your concentration for training your Sil Lum Tao.

I would have to second this.
While I give MMA guys credit for putting up and training hard, they are a different animal.
My best advice considering the controversy on MMA & WT/WC/VT/VC on youtube is; Just watch the video's and don't scroll and read through the coments... Just enjoy the video's.

All the best,

My best advice considering the controversy on MMA & WT/WC/VT/VC on youtube is; Just watch the video's and don't scroll and read through the coments... Just enjoy the video's.

All the best,


I have to second this recommendation. I learned long ago to ignore comments on YouTube as they are generally made by ignorant people who have no clue of what they're talking about. Or worse yet, and just as common, are trolls that are just trying to invoke the feelings of anger so that they can laugh at people who respond.
Someone is incorporting bjj with "wing chun" to bridge wing chun and mma. It rather looks more like wing chun chain punches are only used with bjj.... Take a look
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Someone is incorporting bjj with "wing chun" to bridge wing chun and mma. It rather looks more like wing chun chain punches are only used with bjj.... Take a look

Looks pretty and flashy, I'm sure what he's doing will work against an MMA ... providing he (the MMA) stop attacking after the first few punches and asked to be taken. :rolleyes:
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Someone is incorporting bjj with "wing chun" to bridge wing chun and mma. It rather looks more like wing chun chain punches are only used with bjj.... Take a look

I'm not qualified to judge the Wing Chun, but the "BJJ" is pretty terrible.
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I'm not qualified to judge the Wing Chun, but the "BJJ" is pretty terrible.
Pretty terrible is being kind, Tony. :)

The first armbar was my favorite. I like how he kind of pretended it was also a choke. I think most grapplers would see it as an invitation to pass guard.

Every where I turn on youtube, if the video is martial arts related, there are videos of mma guys bashing wing chun. It seems to be more venom pointed towards wing chun from mma dudes than most other Chinese martial arts. I am trying to figure out the reason why. We get wing chun doesn't translate to the octagon . Practitioners don't train for the octogon, they train for multiple attackers, knives and so fourth. MMA guys don't seem to grasp this. In college this mma guy tried to shoot for my legs. I jumped backed and merely kicked him in his face as hard as I could with a boot on. Needless to say, from that point the fight was over. I only have a few lessons of jkd at that point. MMA is not invincible or the best fighting system on the planet but these dudes act like it is. It truly depends on the person. Some people are naturally good fighters to begin with before they learn any style or technique.

I've also seen a guy with a wrestling/jj background trying to ground fight a guy, seconds later, as he had the guy in a hold, the guy's friends stumped the wrestler into the middle of the next century. And none of this guys knew martial arts, just pure street fighting.

I have been doing wing chun for a very long time. For me it's very effective style. I watch other styles for fun and info- but I care zilch what some you tube commentator thinks about wing chun.
I have confidence in what I do.I also keep evolving in the depth of my wing chun.
Pretty terrible is being kind, Tony. :)

The first armbar was my favorite. I like how he kind of pretended it was also a choke. I think most grapplers would see it as an invitation to pass guard.

View attachment 17805

Yeah, I was definitely being diplomatic with that assessment. You can really tell when someone has learned all their grappling from imitating videos with a compliant partner and has no clue what is required to actually make the techniques work.
More proof of mma fans being typical fans and hating on things that arent their sports team, just like in football, handegg, baseball, and pretty much every other sport in existance... Some mma fans whove probably never trained a day in their lives decided to create a video out of a bunch of clips that shows wing chun failing, much like how politicians can run campaigns based on criticism towards the opposing party.

I fixed your post for you.