Who is the OLDEST person in the forum?


I did get my wings in 75 (November or early December...I remember having Thanksgiving dinner in the chow hall there). I thought you were suggesting I actually KNEW you personally.

I remember the Marines I went with...but I can't honestly remember the names of the Black Hats. I sure as Hell never called any of them "Tony".

You had me going there...I kept racking my brain trying to think of a "Tony" that I knew back then. I couldn't come up with one.



Okay...Tess says she's the oldest female. Never ask a woman her age...but I know she's not as old as Dan is at 71.

Anybody else?
And here I am, a young whipper-snapper at age 18. I think you all could probably teach me a lesson or two!
Turned 47 last Oct. I'm stronger, faster, and have more indurance than I did 46 years ago. But I don't seem to have the same effect on the ladies. Whats up with that?
Eighteen? I used to be eighteen. I used to have hair, and discernable stomach muscles. I used to have a raging libido, joints and bones made of rubber, muscles made of putty, tendons made of steel cable.


Okay...this is where I get all maudlin and histrionic and start pulling out my hair. Okay, forget that, I'm bald...rather--I start rending my clothes, beating my breast in anguish and tearfully looking at the sky. I shake my now empty glucosamine sulfate bottle in a clenched fist and in physical and psychic agony, I wail:

"Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs;
Make dust our paper, and with rainy eyes
Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth;
Let's choose executors and talk of wills:
And yet not so; for what can we bequeath
Save our deposed bodies to the ground?"

Now this is where you all roll your eyes. Rich Parson's digitally slaps me and says, "Get ahold of yourself, man!" I break down, humiliated and sobbing, the catharis of my wretched and embarrasing display is now thankfully complete.

Well, chaosomega (sounds like a frat), gather ye rosebuds while ye may.


I'm better all the way around now than when I was 20 plus years younger.. More energy, more confidence, I don't fret about silly nonsense. I can outdo the kids any day of the week :) I'll admit the thing that bothers me about age is the persona Society has pushed upon everyone, That when you hit 40, It's all downhill.. and if I allow it, It niggles at my core and I find myself backsliding into the Dark Fear of '40s plus is Evil' and Life is over as we knew it.. Then I kick myself hard.. and growl deeply.. ignore all the people my age around me who are just jealous cuz They are too lazy and too busy getting old to realize Life has just begun :D

Horray for Tess!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for me, how many old Foggies can say they're building a 40 ton bridge at their house [the price of having a troust stream in the front yard], or that they are planning to build a 16 foot water wheel and mill house....... ah the joys of country living.... 62 aint old, its the beginning of the best yet to come......... farming, fishing, and remembering that the past 40 years have been one hell of a trip...................

Steve where did you acquire such writing skills? Your last post is good............ no, not just good, it's very good...........no, its not just very good, its excellent.......... no it was more_________. and everyone can fill in the blank with their own accolade
I think I need a cigarette, Naw!... I'm just roll over and go to sleep.:rofl:
Old Sempai,

The section contained within the quotation marks is from Shakespeare's Richard II.

The rest, if it is any talent at all, comes from my degree from Indiana University. Gotta give credit to the Punahou School in Honolulu, as well.

Good attitude, Tess! You've shamed me into leaving off with Shakespeare and picking up Tennyson!

"Half a league, half a league, half a league onward.
All in the Valley of Death rode the 600...."

Well, crud. That isn't as optimistic as I'd hoped. I'll have to look elsewhere.

Oh, well...gee...its in my signature! Well, duh...


Steve Scott
Or a loaf of bread and a jug of wine...

The signature was from Ulysses, by Tennyson (as indicated). A very, very inspirational poem for old martial artists.

Rather than give my age, I'll just say I have been actively (no breaks) in the arts and sciences for 47 years.
Well, Doc, you may be the oldest.

Age is something respected in Asia. And I think those in this forum respect it as well.

Not all of the silverbacks on this forum have trained 47 years, though. That's pretty impressive. Some of us have been recalling the horrendous styles of the '70's, Watergate, Kent State...Doc might have an "I Like Ike" button in his memorabilia!

I had gotten out of touch with older martial artists until recently. I'd been doing Combat Submission Wrestling...at the seminars and the classes few, if any, were over thirty. I hit a Modern Arnis camp last month and there were at least eight people my age or older. It was nice to see that.



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