Who designed the Tae Guek forms?

I bet if he's anything like Matt, he certainly is.

Thanks for the kind words Tom and Scott. However, I may someday be a tenth of what my pop is. However, yes I was showing a parallel of Lee and the other Park to show that I did indeed understand what was being said.

By the way, someone help me out.....I was watching The New Fists of Fury with Jackie Chan and it showed them doing poomsea. It seemed that they were doing Chong Ji and Il Jang in combination. Like a collabaration. I have heard that Shotokan Karate is very linear in that respect and their are similiarities. So how close are they, if even at all?
Good question! A lot of them were still doing karate kata (or modified versions of them). Bassai & Yumbee are two that the otg. I belong to still do. Bassai is one that a ot of Tang Soo Do folks do as well.

:) This is kind of a funny coincidence, but my black belts and I have been (re)learning the pyung-ahn hyung and we've started Bassai this month. I have seen so many versions of Bassai-it is fascinating how this particular hyung is performed. Here is a link to a site where you can check out the Shotokan/Wado-ryu/Shito-ryu versions:


BTW, I think Yumbee is the Shotokan kata "Empi."

:) This is kind of a funny coincidence, but my black belts and I have been (re)learning the pyung-ahn hyung and we've started Bassai this month. I have seen so many versions of Bassai-it is fascinating how this particular hyung is performed. Here is a link to a site where you can check out the Shotokan/Wado-ryu/Shito-ryu versions:


BTW, I think Yumbee is the Shotokan kata "Empi."


you are correvt Miles,
Yes, that's correct. Empi = Yumbee. It is also known as "Wanshu."

R. McLain

:) This is kind of a funny coincidence, but my black belts and I have been (re)learning the pyung-ahn hyung and we've started Bassai this month. I have seen so many versions of Bassai-it is fascinating how this particular hyung is performed. Here is a link to a site where you can check out the Shotokan/Wado-ryu/Shito-ryu versions:


BTW, I think Yumbee is the Shotokan kata "Empi."


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