Who designed the Tae Guek forms?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
This isn't a "rip on the person" thread. I wanna know who came up w/ them. I'm sure it was a committee of people (insert joke here) but does anyone know who that committee was? I'd be curious if anyone knows this piece of trivia.

I do not know. That's why I'm asking.
I believe Miles knows his history pretty well...so he'd probably be the best to ask. But from what I understand they were created by representatives from all the kwans, because not all of them were represented during the creation of the Palgwe's....

Thanks so much for that incredible piece of knowledge. Sorry I didn't notice it before. I appreciate your knowing who was on the committee, too. My new instructor (GM Ed Sell) said his instructor was one of the ones who designed the Tae Guek forms. His instructor is GM Park, Hae
Man. It was great to get your independent confirmation of that fact.

I've only had the pleasure of training with GM PARK, Hae Man one time but it was pretty neat. We did....poomsae! I've sat with him at tournaments and saw him at the Kukkiwon. He is the personification of the humble martial arts master.

Miles said:

I've only had the pleasure of training with GM PARK, Hae Man one time but it was pretty neat. We did....poomsae! I've sat with him at tournaments and saw him at the Kukkiwon. He is the personification of the humble martial arts master.


What a neat opportunity! I'm thinkin' much better than Dartfish, even.:) GM Park is coming to a seminar in the Spring with GM Sell. I'm hoping to make the trip.
Cool IcemanSK! (BTW, as I type this, it's about 17 degrees outside..I am guessing Los Angeles is a bit less icy :)

If you can, please report how the training went!

Miles said:
Cool IcemanSK! (BTW, as I type this, it's about 17 degrees outside..I am guessing Los Angeles is a bit less icy :)

If you can, please report how the training went!


Miles, if I make it to Florida for the trip, I'll make sure to letcha know.

*The weather report from LA today* I went hiking at 5am this morning with some folks from work. We all thought it would be in the 40's. It was in the upper 40's-mid 50's, but overcast. I do not miss Chicago in the winter. We have flakes here too. But, they're blond.:)
Bump. I'm a dope. Must early onset Altzimers. Maybe later this year, I'll hide my own Easter eggs. Ignore the other thread!:ultracool

I've only had the pleasure of training with GM PARK, Hae Man one time but it was pretty neat. We did....poomsae! I've sat with him at tournaments and saw him at the Kukkiwon. He is the personification of the humble martial arts master.


You know Miles, you brought up a great point. I bolded it as well. See, I have always said that the great ones just want to do their side and snap kicks and be left alone.

Dad told me that when GM Park was in the advance stages of cancer he demonstrated technique at a hapkido dan test, perfectly. I have seen great people pratice the arts.......you never hear them talk, they let others talk for them and the rest take care of itself.
The more interesting question:

What forms were they doing before the palgae and taeguk.

Good question! A lot of them were still doing karate kata (or modified versions of them). Bassai & Yumbee are two that the otg. I belong to still do. Bassai is one that a ot of Tang Soo Do folks do as well.
You know Miles, you brought up a great point. I bolded it as well. See, I have always said that the great ones just want to do their side and snap kicks and be left alone.

Dad told me that when GM Park was in the advance stages of cancer he demonstrated technique at a hapkido dan test, perfectly. I have seen great people pratice the arts.......you never hear them talk, they let others talk for them and the rest take care of itself.

I think we're talking about a different GM Park, Matt. GM Park, Hae Man is in good health.
I think we're talking about a different GM Park, Matt. GM Park, Hae Man is in good health.

I'm pretty sure Matt knew that, but was just noting that OUR GM Park (Lee H. Park of the Moo Sul Kwan) was another example of "the personification of the humble martial arts master."

FWIW, Matt's dad is also a great example :)
I'm pretty sure Matt knew that, but was just noting that OUR GM Park (Lee H. Park of the Moo Sul Kwan) was another example of "the personification of the humble martial arts master."

FWIW, Matt's dad is also a great example :)

I bet if he's anything like Matt, he certainly is.

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