Who are the Top five Instructors

Originally posted by Rainman
You would like to have some lessons with and why?

I think we have established that Kenpo people can't count...:rofl:

Here are the 5 I'd like to have lessons with because I have not had lessons with them yet, I probably can't get a video of their material, or the ones I did have lessons with indicated that they had a lot more information that I want (No particular order):

1. Howard Silva - walking encyclopedia
2. Larry Tatum - is he really that fast?
3. Mr. Conatser - Kenpo Tools class was awesome
4. Dr. Chapel - I want to see what he is talking about
5. Mr. Trejo - I want to know how he teaches Long 4
Originally posted by Rainman
My picks:

Doc Chapel- Crazy- but extremely intellegent

Originally posted by jbkenpo
People I'd like to train with ..

dan inosanto
cliff stewart
bob orlando
kelly worden
tim hartman
larry hartsell
james keating
leonard trigg
erik paulson
joe mcdaniel
steve plink
chris sayoc
felix valencia
ibu rita suwanda
rick tucci
david james
hoch hochheim
mike casto

Dam, I didn't even make the "long list." Well you can forget Cliff Stewart because he was my college room mate and spends a lot of time in my school, so there! No wonder you haven't got back to LA.
1. Doc Chapél - The ability to whisper when others are shouting and be class
2. Don Nahoolewa - The ability to be tougher than a diamond
2a. John Bishop - An admirable man
3. Adriano Emperado - The ability to be tougher than Don Nahoolewa
4. Dennis Conatser - Intellectual non-departure
5. Kirk - Perserverance, imagination, enthusiasm and drive
6. Kenpo Dot - Sense of Humor, enthusiasm and ability to not take one's self too seriously

Yeah ... I know ... Seven ... but what the Hell ... I'm getting older now and have less time to hit them all.

My 5

1. Mr. Wedlake

2. Mr. Planas

3. Martin Wheeler

4. Vladimir Vasiliev

5. Mikhail Ryabko

I hope to finally get to train with Vlad at a seminar in San Diego next month.

There is also one other Kenpo instructor I would like to work with and that's Dennis Conatser. I've never met him in person but have talked to him on the phone and read alot about him. I would like to tap the "keg" of knowledge that he is.

Originally posted by RCastillo
Well, you did, my young Jedi, you left me off the list. Now I'm ticked!:samurai:

Bumber, I've never trained with a tracy's guy!
Maybe I'd make an exception here and there.:asian:
Originally posted by Sigung86
6. Kenpo Dot - Sense of Humor, enthusiasm and ability to not take one's self too seriously

SEE!! SEE!!!

I knew SOMEONE appreciated me. :angel:


Okay I'll be serious for a moment. My Pick's

1) Dan Farmer - and not just cuz he picked me. ;) We've talked for years, and one day I want to meet him face to face, and I know he'll be an awsome instructor.
2) Huk Planas - I've been to quite a few of his seminars and it's always a great experience.
3) Frank Trejo - Same reason I saw him at Jeff Blays and I'm looking forward to his next seminar.
4) Tom Kelly - because I've heard so much about him and with a last name like that how can you go wrong. ;)
5) Dennis Conatser - because of his knowledge and his ability to teach it. And because I'm a glutton for punishment. :D

Then there's the people that come around locally ie Martin Wheeler, Zach Whinston(sp?), Tim Hartman, Doreen Cogliandro I look forward to working with all these people.

Of course I'd like to be able to meet and work with all the people I have meet here on this site and the internet. ie Ricardo (first and formost, we've know each other a while :) ), Seig/Tess, Kirk, Rich and the list goes on and on and on.


Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Of course I'd like to be able to meet and work with all the people I have meet here on this site and the internet. ie Ricardo (first and formost, we've know each other a while :) ), Seig/Tess, Kirk, Rich and the list goes on and on and on.

I echo your sentiment! I know I'll hook up with "all y'all" (Texas
term) eventually. I just wish it could be done all at once! That'd
be a heck of a party, huh?

Incidentally, the Kenpo Clinic in May would be a good time for
ya come visit ;)
Originally posted by Klondike93
4. Vladimir Vasiliev
I hope to finally get to train with Vlad at a seminar in San Diego next month.


You will not be sorry.
You will not be sorry.

Tell that to my bruises :eek:

I think my instructor, Brad, is getting me ready for the punches, he keeps hitting me at every chance he gets.

Mr. Parker (Sr.) - For giving us this great art!

Mr. Leo R. Lacerte - For being the 1st to pioneer the Art of Ed Parkers Kenpo in the Southeastern Massachusetts area, also my first instructor.

Mr. Lee Wedlake Jr. - For all of his insight and understanding not only in the arts but on a personal level too.

Mr. Richard "Huk" Planas - I have never seen someone who knows so much about the art.

Mr. Tom Kelly - For his martial arts spirit and knowledge of the art.

Mr. Frank Trejo - For his overall knowledge of the art and his freestyle capabilities.
Originally posted by jbkenpo
People I'd like to train with ..

dan inosanto
cliff stewart
bob orlando
kelly worden
tim hartman
larry hartsell
james keating
leonard trigg
erik paulson
joe mcdaniel
steve plink
chris sayoc
felix valencia
ibu rita suwanda
rick tucci
david james
hoch hochheim
mike casto

Didn't you see Count Draco in Sesame Street? That's more than five!
larry Tatum


Steven Seagal

Paul Mills ( why didn't most choose him?)

Matt Thornton
Originally posted by Doc
Dam, I didn't even make the "long list." Well you can forget Cliff Stewart because he was my college room mate and spends a lot of time in my school, so there! No wonder you haven't got back to LA.

I knew that...in fact I just found an article on him in an old fighting stars magazine I have.

While I was talking to GD7 last night he was like, "ibu...rita....who? who the hell are these guys?"...If you'll notice there were no "currently" Kenpo folks on this list..just some dangerous people I'd like to check out.

My Kenpo list is much shorter...And I'd want an extended period of study with them.

Sanders (Muhammad)
Originally posted by jbkenpo
I knew that...in fact I just found an article on him in an old fighting stars magazine I have.

While I was talking to GD7 last night he was like, "ibu...rita....who? who the hell are these guys?"...If you'll notice there were no "currently" Kenpo folks on this list..just some dangerous people I'd like to check out.

My Kenpo list is much shorter...And I'd want an extended period of study with them.

Sanders (Muhammad)

You should have been a custodian, the way you "cleaned that up." :rofl: Wait till I get my hands on you.. Cliff is a Senior Guru in Pentjak and endorses and uses almost everything I do in some form and we have some good Kenpo Laughs together.
Originally posted by Doc

:anic: Well if people wanted pam they would have to RTFM for 101 get some lecture time and then practice. Power is power it's the Law of the Fist! EFTDOAMS... and where is that book anyways?
Ed Parker Jr
Hatsumi Sensei
Steven Seagal
Jeff Speakman
Tony Cechine(sp?)
Yeah, but they know more then me. And it would be a cool experience.

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