Where do you see Kenpo in 15 years?



We all pretty much have gotten a version of the past and history of our art some people even give test over history for progression. My question is where do you see the future of our art in 15 years? What changes or trends do you see becoming prominent? Who will be the arts leaders and how will they take it to the next level??
Originally posted by brianhunter

We all pretty much have gotten a version of the past and history of our art some people even give test over history for progression. My question is where do you see the future of our art in 15 years? What changes or trends do you see becoming prominent? Who will be the arts leaders and how will they take it to the next level??

Too tough to answer. Too many Big Guns out there, and too many organizations. Sadly, some of these Big Guns are moving up in age, and I'm not sure who are the Young Ones that will become prominent in Kenpo Circles.:asian:
But I think that in the next 15 years, you will start to see the Kenpo community moving back together. With forums such as this and more open access to the Seniors than ever before, we, as brothers and sisters, may be able to heal the wounds of the past and work toward a common goal.. That of spreading Kenpo and the vision that was Ultimately Mr. Parker.
Originally posted by Seig

But I think that in the next 15 years, you will start to see the Kenpo community moving back together. With forums such as this and more open access to the Seniors than ever before, we, as brothers and sisters, may be able to heal the wounds of the past and work toward a common goal.. That of spreading Kenpo and the vision that was Ultimately Mr. Parker.

With exceptions of course. I've heard rumors of guys that don't
even have a single picture of Ed Parker in their school. Can you
believe that?!?!? Of course a united kenpo will just be a lot
better without them anyways.
I know where i'll be in 15 years.....50 years old...sheeesh!!!!
That sounds a lot worse when you write it.
Seriously..im not qualified enough to give an educated answer on this , but all i can say is that Kenpo will be with me for the next 15 years..oh! and another 50! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kirk

With exceptions of course. I've heard rumors of guys that don't
even have a single picture of Ed Parker in their school. Can you
believe that?!?!? Of course a united kenpo will just be a lot
better without them anyways.
Yeah, I wonder if Ricardo is going to take that as another attack on him.......:rofl:
Originally posted by Seig

Yeah, I wonder if Ricardo is going to take that as another attack on him.......:rofl:

Better than that, I EXPECT my picture to be right up there beside SGM Parker, and Dennis Conatsers pictures!:D
If you actaually step back and take a wide look at it... We train with the past but we are the future and just as kenpo evolves then i think we as practicioners wille volve too. when peoplelike out of the first generation are gone..all we have to look back on is books and old videos.. so if you want your knowledge togo then try to train with some of the old timers..some of us never got to meet mr parker.. but we can understand his art better through who he taught it to first.. hopefull this all makes sense
Originally posted by shawn monday

If you actaually step back and take a wide look at it... We train with the past but we are the future and just as kenpo evolves then i think we as practicioners wille volve too. when peoplelike out of the first generation are gone..all we have to look back on is books and old videos.. so if you want your knowledge togo then try to train with some of the old timers..some of us never got to meet mr parker.. but we can understand his art better through who he taught it to first.. hopefull this all makes sense

Yeah, but I'm not gonna call them "old timers" ... not to their
face anyways ;)
is this....... you guys that have studios and aspirations of learning Kenpo need to seek out the Knowledge so you will have some in later years to take the place of current "Seniors"... this term is kinda weird to me! I just was in quest of learning more and more of the Art from Mr. Parker when one day he is gone..... the next day I notice that I'm being called a Senior... hell I'm only 49 for gosh sakes!!!

However, we will not all be here in 15 years so you guys need to seek out and sponge up as much of the BEST KENPO knowledge that you can from the closest people to Mr. Parker.

If you find differences you will have to weigh them for yourself and find the truth.

So, get after it.......

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

is this....... you guys that have studios and aspirations of learning Kenpo need to seek out the Knowledge so you will have some in later years to take the place of current "Seniors"... this term is kinda weird to me! I just was in quest of learning more and more of the Art from Mr. Parker when one day he is gone..... the next day I notice that I'm being called a Senior... hell I'm only 49 for gosh sakes!!!

However, we will not all be here in 15 years so you guys need to seek out and sponge up as much of the BEST KENPO knowledge that you can from the closest people to Mr. Parker.

If you find differences you will have to weigh them for yourself and find the truth.

So, get after it.......

Didn't I say basically the same thing on another thread? My Grand Ambition in 20 years is to have people telling the new people to call me!(serious) Once they do, I can tell them to call Ricardo then he can tell them to call.............(joke)
Well I am in my 20's and God willing I will be around for awhile. For now Im trying to pass what Kenpo I have on to my Children then maybe someday too others. Ive been in the art since 1999 (which isnt very long) I have no plans of getting out of it now. Some of my plans have changed due to work, kids, etc. but I think Ill find a way too keep going. I seem to think we will all gradually drift back into one group maybe under different banners or orgs but realize we are all after the same thing. (Kinda like the USA many different states, different laws, flags, but we all want the same basic freedoms and rights)
I would like to think that maybe one day politics will be out of the picture but we are only human after all. With communication more available now then ever I still see people drifting apart, maybe we will all come around.

Bam Bam Hunter
Originally posted by brianhunter
I seem to think we will all gradually drift back into one group maybe under different banners or orgs but realize we are all after the same thing. (Kinda like the USA many different states, different laws, flags, but we all want the same basic freedoms and rights)

We are already there now. We are all Kenpo. Just different takes due to the individual leaders knowledge levels and attitudes.

I would like to think that maybe one day politics will be out of the picture but we are only human after all. With communication more available now then ever I still see people drifting apart, maybe we will all come around.
Bam Bam Hunter

Politics are often created by individuals not following established rules or common courtesies. Where there are no ethics, honor or loyalty displayed in ones actions, this can cause problems. There are proper ways of handling issues of interaction between groups and individuals, when these are not followed it can/will result in problems. Students actions are often an un-intentional source of this without knowledge of the big picture, but sometimes Instructors are guilty as well for varying reasons.

With the internet and other communication means today there is no reason not to communicate properly between all parties.

Regardless......... we still are Kenpo.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Politics are often created by individuals not following established rules or common courtesies. Where there are no ethics, honor or loyalty displayed in ones actions, this can cause problems. There are proper ways of handling issues of interaction between groups and individuals, when these are not followed it can/will result in problems. Students actions are often an un-intentional source of this without knowledge of the big picture, but sometimes Instructors are guilty as well for varying reasons.

With the internet and other communication means today there is no reason not to communicate properly between all parties.

Regardless......... we still are Kenpo.


So if students are unintentionally causing problems because they dont see the "big picture" do you show it to them and help them understand or leave them in the dark and blame them for bad judgement ? Thats the biggest thing I dont like is asking why and being told just because or do as i say not as I do.....its an art not the military I dont need the heiarchy, I get that at work I do this because I love this and it was about ruined for me. To quote the raven "nevermore"
brians right there are a lot of kenpo instructors who are all abvout this big pedestal stuff and dont take it to heart that they are affecting the learning of the student. at the school i run im all about sharing something new that i learn all the time.. my teacher does the same thing with me as well.. thats what makesour art different from the rest in my opinion
Originally posted by brianhunter
So if students are unintentionally causing problems because they dont see the "big picture" do you show it to them and help them understand or leave them in the dark and blame them for bad judgement ?
If a student causes me problems or makes bad decisions.... you bet I tell them. Depending upon how serious the infraction, they will be shown the source of the problem, explain the points and talk about it then move on or be told to find another instructor if the action was inexcusable depending upon the persons rank and experience.

It's an art not the military.... I don't need the hierarchy, I get that at work I do this because I love this and it was about ruined for me.

Here I do disagree with you ........ it is a "MARTIAL" Art first and foremost, make no mistake. It does have a military background and format. Of Course, every instructor is slightly different just as in the military...... some are hard core some are not.... both have good and bad points.... you might need to search out one that fits you, your personality and philosophies.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Here I do disagree with you ........ it is a "MARTIAL" Art first and foremost, make no mistake. It does have a military background and format. Of Course, every instructor is slightly different just as in the military...... some are hard core some are not.... both have good and bad points.... you might need to search out one that fits you, your personality and philosophies.


Mr. C,
I disagree with our art being the military the dictionary I have says this....

1) Suitable for war
2) Showing readiness or eagerness to fight; warlike

I think its all about perception...some people want to view it as the military because they have personal needs for a hierachy, so they make it as such. To me it should be about your personal journey and enlightenment I am not the great and powerful Oz but I am a man and a warrior I live this every day with my family and work. I deserve the basic respect as such also. I served my time in the military I served 8 years and recieved an honorable discharge I dont think I could have done that without good character and values. I think respect should be mutual and sometimes I think we fail to give people who deserve basic respect just that! I am not a 12 year old kid who needs to be reprimanded or belittled (which I also disagree with) I am a man.....a good man with adult responsibilities which are taken care of treat me as such. I guess maybe I feel that you should show someone respect or common courtesey if it is the white belt who walked in the door 2 days ago or the 6th dan whos been around the world ;) Thats a little more then 2 cents but hey thats what this forum is here for.
Originally posted by brianhunter
Mr. C,
I disagree with our art being the military the dictionary I have says this....

1) Suitable for war
2) Showing readiness or eagerness to fight; warlike

Well, you have your opinion I have mine. I feel that Kenpo is suitable for war.....

I also believe in having students with above average skills so that "if'" a salutation presents itself they are ready and warlike.

But you are free to your differing opinion and I certainly will defend your right to have that opinion, you have every right to train as you wish and with whom.

I think its all about perception...some people want to view it as the military because they have personal needs for a hierachy, so they make it as such. To me it should be about your personal journey and enlightenment I am not the great and powerful Oz but I am a man and a warrior I live this every day with my family and work.

Once again, you have a right to state your opinion and you are not alone..... several others agree with you.... but I personally disagree.... it is a hierarchy, if it were not.... then why do we have a belt system. We all should just wear a Black Belt and have no designations what so ever. No founders, Presidents, vp's etc.... lets take a stroll back to the stone age and start all over again only to evolve and arrive here again at a different date.:)

I deserve the basic respect as such also.

Did I miss something here...... I don't recall you being disrespected?:confused:

I served my time in the military I served 8 years and recieved an honorable discharge I dont think I could have done that without good character and values.

Hmmmm... Once again did I miss something?.... You are one of many to have served and serve in our Armed Forces, (I personally thank you) and congratulations on your discharge (some are not so lucky - they die)....... Did I or someone question your character or values? I'm Lost here??????

I think respect should be mutual and sometimes I think we fail to give people who deserve basic respect just that! I am not a 12 year old kid who needs to be reprimanded or belittled (which I also disagree with) I am a man.....a good man with adult responsibilities which are taken care of treat me as such.

Wow, all that is running through my head at this point is they you need professional help ...... and NOW. What the H.... are you talking about?

I guess maybe I feel that you should show someone respect or common courtesey if it is the white belt who walked in the door 2 days ago or the 6th dan whos been around the world ;)

I don't recall not ever doing that.???????

Thats a little more then 2 cents but hey thats what this forum is here for.

I'm at a loss for words here, I have no Idea where you are coming from? If I didn't know better I'd say you worked for the post office, ease up for gosh sakes........ lol
... or experienced some really poor quality teachers before finding the UKS - There is definitly a heirarchy for us, we just don't get too upset about it if someone eats before us or forgets to salute. We correct more by example than punishment, hopefully.

Let's see .... 15 years from now, can I be a 6th or 7th and fight from a wheelchair. If so ... I am there man! If not, I sure hope that the organizations out there now have finished redefining their niches in Kenpo. By it's nature the System will always be expanding and adding new information, increasing the level of sophistication, or some teachers will move into a different arts and still call it Kenpo Something or other.

I am hoping for a time of consolidation as the Seniors out there now, move into more advisory roles and the reins are handed down. I am not in an organization with a lot of "Seniors" so that will not be coming my way. But I don't want to lose the heart, iron, will, strength, and power of Kenpo - to armchair warriors of the future. As is is now, none of the Seniors I know, would expect you to be any less than you can be (plus you have to be able at some level, to truely fight or defend yourself.) They are just not armchair seniors!!!!

:soapbox: :shock:

I have ambivalent feelings about the future of Kenpo - I want it to maintain the Heart, Strength, Martial and Mental Toughness that comes from coming through the ranks like I did: Lots of mud, dust, blood, pushups, broken bones, and black eyes, etc. With instructors like Sigung LaBounty, Tom Kelly, Gary Swan, Brian Duffy, Tom Burks kinda training. But at the same time I recognize that I must have been a mutant or something, and somewhat masochistic, to have stuck through it all. I acknowledge I am a much better and stronger person for the lessons I have learned through Kenpo, and the people I have met. With people like Dennis Conatser opening the door to my meeting Mr. Parker, and Howard Silva training my body and mind in, not what you do, but how you do it i.e. the Principles, Concepts, and Theories; then my exposure to so many truely great Kenpoist at camps and seminars over the decades and who have become good friends.

But not everyone is in Kenpo to become a Black Belt. In fact, most do not journey that far, nor do you have to take the same path I did. The balance of finding a medium, a school, where I can push my students, gain their respect (without demanding it), without dominating the students, or imposing my goals for them over their own goals - this has been my challenge. I would, and have, lost students due to my over-enthusiasm about certain aspects of Kenpo. This was my own failing and one I am much more aware of now and try to avoid.

Ok, so I ranted on and on. Saw and heard a lot over the weekend, both good and bad. Met some great AKKI guys Jason Buggs, Tim McCord, some of Brian Duffy's current senior students, a few of the old NCKKA Chinese Kenpo senior students from San Antonio, or ex-students (Jeff Schroeder from Austin) and a bunch of Curtis Abernathy's students (Parker/Palanas lineage.) Then I got to visit with Edmond Jr. for quite a while. That got me thinking in a good critical way about the future of Kenpo and some of the practitioners. Please excuse my long-windedness.

Optimistically Respectful -