Kenpo and Age



As we begin to age, lose a step, lose some strength, do the Principles of Kenpo diminish as well, and are they affected by the loss of some of our attributes?

If so, how can we make up for those losses so that our Kenpo remains intact as best as it can in terms of our age?

Myself, I continually lift heavy , do some running, bag work(no, not my wife!) spar with my students, and other exercices. I have a bad knee, and other assorted problems that take longer to get over. I'm 47, and in decent health.

Thanks for your views!

Nope, not a bit. Your experience and timing with more then compensate for gradual decrease in physical strength.
Phil who heads up our style is of some closely guarded age that changes depending on how much he's had to drink, but it's arounf 54/55, and he's the hardest and most dangerous man I'd ever seen (mind you, Mr. C did put his arm through a 2x4...!).

Also, Brian at our club is 52, and he's the best student at the club, so in short no, I don't think age effects it too badly. Not at that stage anyway, maybe as you get into your 60s that's pushing it a bit far, the body is only good for so long.

Staying of the cigarettes and liquour, and eating healthy food can easily gain you extra years though (of training, and on your life).

Originally posted by Seig

Just joking! Seriously, age and experience will more than make up for it. Keep yourself in good health and your basics strong and everything else should take care of itself!

I would pack it in cup, and supporter won't fit in my bag, so I better stick it out a while longer. My public needs me! :D
I really can't answer as far as if you will lose ability as age progresses. I'm 28yrs. old and my right knee has been starting to bother me. The place where I lift weights and do my cardio has an athletic trainer that's been helping me out with some knee therapy exercises. Anytime I go to lift with my legs or decide to run on the treadmill I must do these exercises to make sure my knee doesn't get sore. At the moment my kicks aren't as high as they used to be maybe not as powerful (I don't know). If you haven't tried the Glucosamine/Chondroitin suppliment I would suggest you do. After 1 day of taking them my knee's felt better. I'm also not one of those who believe just taking something immediately makes you feel better either. This may work for some people and maybe not for others. Just my two pennies.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by RCastillo

I would pack it in cup, and supporter won't fit in my bag, so I better stick it out a while longer. My public needs me! :D

They need a smiley that throws tomatoes:rofl:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I don't hit as hard as I used to.....:(

You can hit pretty hard, you just don't want to. I would guess that you want your students to come back for more lessons.

I didn't start Martial arts til I was in my late 30's.. and at 42 I am in better shape than ever in my life. I keep up and pass the kids in their 20s at our school as far as physical fitness. Sure I don't have the flexibility they do and continually have to remind myself I am 20plus yrs their senior. But I do have faster hands, more concentration more discipline that comes only with time.

I am working on Long 4 right now and when I got to Destructive Kneel I said to Seig.. there's No way I can preform this set with my knees.. ( So I need to modify if possible ( Hey Dennis Help~!!)
I think it takes me longer to attain the Muscle memory recall than the younger ones maybe.. but all in all .. I would be feeling alot older if I were not in Martial arts.. I plan on keeping going til I drop :)

With that all being said Id like to add another question...What age did most of you start in the art?? Myself I was 24. AND STILL IN MY 20'S BY GOD!!!!! LOL
Originally posted by brianhunter

With that all being said Id like to add another question...What age did most of you start in the art?? Myself I was 24. AND STILL IN MY 20'S BY GOD!!!!! LOL

15, and I'm now 20 (and I feel old!)

your 20? now I feel old LOL just kidding man
really can't answer as far as if you will lose ability as age progresses. I'm 28yrs. old and my right knee has been starting to bother me. The place where I lift weights and do my cardio has an athletic trainer that's been helping me out with some knee therapy exercises. Anytime I go to lift with my legs or decide to run on the treadmill I must do these exercises to make sure my knee doesn't get sore. At the moment my kicks aren't as high as they used to be maybe not as powerful (I don't know). If you haven't tried the Glucosamine/Chondroitin suppliment I would suggest you do. After 1 day of taking them my knee's felt better. I'm also not one of those who believe just taking something immediately makes you feel better either. This may work for some people and maybe not for others. Just my two pennies.

I have also heard that gelatin is good for the joints as well. It helps fix torn cartilage.
The basis for Glucosamine/Chondroitin is to help regrow ligaments, and tendons. Although this has not been proven by the FDA. There has been countless number of tests that all prove this theory. I like using this suppliment and has (for me) made my knees feel better already. There are different types as well. Some aren't as effective as others. I do a lot of research on any product I take before consuming anything. The best one I found out there was at Target. They have a double strength with MSM and this is in pill form. Well anyway just another thought.
Jason Farnsworth
It's affected my ability to do jump spin hook kicks from a flat footed position, amongst other things. Glucosamin Chondroitin has helped my knees and neck. I move better than I ever have as I need to maximize whatever I do and do not have the same muscle mass as I did a couple of decades ago. Keep training, keep moving, you are only as old as you feel (and somedays that is pretty damn old ... then I do Kenpo and feel great, until the next morning.) But if I stop I figure I won't be able to move at all, so it is important to pace myself now in terms of the physical workout.

I have had some broken bones in my hand that consistantly bug me would Glucosamin Chondroitin help that?? if so where woudl I get it GNC???
Originally posted by brianhunter

I have had some broken bones in my hand that consistantly bug me would Glucosamin Chondroitin help that?? if so where woudl I get it GNC???

Go to Sams Club, or Wall Mart, you can get "Osteo Bi-Flex," in larger amounts, and cheaper.That's what I use. Works well.

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