Green Belt
Why do we train martial arts? I have some thoughts, and i want to hear what others think about it?
I saw that i becomed pretty another person since i train. Not long, 2 years now. Few times, i asked my self why i train martial arts, what i am giving, and what am i achieveing?
While i trained various sports (sprinting, spear throwing, football), it was pretty obvious - i did it to win the medal.
Why i train martial arts, that answer wasn't so obvious, so as some others: why i gain feelings about it? Why i think of it as very important thing? Why it affects my mind so much? And so on..
I tried to think about it seriously, because doing something 4-7 times a week, and making it big part of your life, without knowing why, is pretty silly.
I decided to think, and here is the reasons i thinked off:
I train for self defense.
I train to make my body healther.
I want to raise my self - confidence.
I want to do sport, but there is something special in arts.
I want it, because it's my dream since always.
This is all great reasons, but...that's not it. When i stay alone with my self, i ask myself: ''Well, is that all boy? You got the medals, the belts, the self confidence, the health body, you know the moves from the films, you proved to yourself some things, you have your dream, and still something's wrong, right? Now, when dream is accomplished, was it worth it?''
Answer, which comes with huge pain inside is: ''No. That's not only it. I feel big emptynes inside.''
Then, i realised..
What i really learned and achieved while train? It's not medals, fights, boards, unbelieveable kicks and strikes, my dream.
I achieved knowing the fact that peace and love is the only way we must go. Give it, and receive it.
I realised the beauty of doing something for yourself - to train. But, not for medal, not to train to be a winner amongst others. Train to be a winner over yourself - to became stabilized, healthy, and lovefully person.
I becamed less agressive (not at all now), more self - controled person - both in the emotional and in the body way. I becomed more modest and wise person.
Or, i am in the way, to become it..
I don't know why i achieved this through martial arts, and why i feel like i feel. It seems kind of a paradox to me that i realised things like this while learning martial arts. It's like learn how to play chess while you train basketball.
Most people simply don't understand me - most of them asks: ''If you train so much and you say you don't train to win competition, you are crazy.''
Am I? What do you think about this?
I saw that i becomed pretty another person since i train. Not long, 2 years now. Few times, i asked my self why i train martial arts, what i am giving, and what am i achieveing?
While i trained various sports (sprinting, spear throwing, football), it was pretty obvious - i did it to win the medal.
Why i train martial arts, that answer wasn't so obvious, so as some others: why i gain feelings about it? Why i think of it as very important thing? Why it affects my mind so much? And so on..
I tried to think about it seriously, because doing something 4-7 times a week, and making it big part of your life, without knowing why, is pretty silly.
I decided to think, and here is the reasons i thinked off:
I train for self defense.
I train to make my body healther.
I want to raise my self - confidence.
I want to do sport, but there is something special in arts.
I want it, because it's my dream since always.
This is all great reasons, but...that's not it. When i stay alone with my self, i ask myself: ''Well, is that all boy? You got the medals, the belts, the self confidence, the health body, you know the moves from the films, you proved to yourself some things, you have your dream, and still something's wrong, right? Now, when dream is accomplished, was it worth it?''
Answer, which comes with huge pain inside is: ''No. That's not only it. I feel big emptynes inside.''
Then, i realised..
What i really learned and achieved while train? It's not medals, fights, boards, unbelieveable kicks and strikes, my dream.
I achieved knowing the fact that peace and love is the only way we must go. Give it, and receive it.
I realised the beauty of doing something for yourself - to train. But, not for medal, not to train to be a winner amongst others. Train to be a winner over yourself - to became stabilized, healthy, and lovefully person.
I becamed less agressive (not at all now), more self - controled person - both in the emotional and in the body way. I becomed more modest and wise person.
Or, i am in the way, to become it..
I don't know why i achieved this through martial arts, and why i feel like i feel. It seems kind of a paradox to me that i realised things like this while learning martial arts. It's like learn how to play chess while you train basketball.
Most people simply don't understand me - most of them asks: ''If you train so much and you say you don't train to win competition, you are crazy.''
Am I? What do you think about this?