What is your favorite strike?

Conflict Research

White Belt
Oct 27, 2015
Reaction score

The Conflict Research Group Intl. is researching people's favorite strikes.
Whether you have hit someone in an actual conflict/fight or not, we want to know what your favorite strike is.

Please take a moment to answer this fast and fun survey.
Favorite Strike Survey

Thanks for your help.
I might guess you'll have a difficult time pulling a single "favorite strike" out of many members here, at least without looooong exposition....
Welcome to M.T.
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The Conflict Research Group Intl. is researching people's favorite strikes.
Whether you have hit someone in an actual conflict/fight or not, we want to know what your favorite strike is.

Please take a moment to answer this fast and fun survey.
Favorite Strike Survey

Thanks for your help.

Sorry but there are too many variables to pick a favorite. What is the opponent doing? What range is the opponent? Does the opponent have a weapon or empty handed? If there is a weapon is it a flexible weapon, blunt object, a sharp object, an edged weapon, and what is the length, or is it a projectile weapon and again what type? Are we talking about a single opponent or multiple opponents? Do I have a weapon and if so what type? What environment is this taking place in? Dry land, water, snow, ice, matted flooring, ring/cage?

Other than this my favorite is the one that stops the opponent.

Sorry too many variables.
Pretty broad I can't narrow it down.

Overall: straight jab.
a fantastic jab is an unstoppable and endlessly useful tool.

Kick: Spinning Heel Kick

For breaking purposes: Ridge hand
it just feels nice to deliver properly and when i saw a man smash some bricks with it as a child i've thought it was the coolest ever since
I think the OP is wanting you to click on the link they provided and answer there, not here.
My favorite strike is the one that lands. lol. But seriously I don't have a favorite strike, because all of my strikes are based on various fighting tactics that I use.
'www.conflictreseaerchgroupintl.com ' does not exist or is not available...since they do not seem to exist I am not going to the survey monkey site either..sorry
They misspelled the url. You can find the correct site by taking out the extra "e" from "research."

That said, it seems like a pointless survey for a for-profit site from someone who isn't bothering to engage with this forum, so I don't think I'm going to participate.
At the moment, this one:-

Looks like something boxers are already doing. Not sure they call it the Swivel Punch in boxing. The mechanics are the same and as you can see if you have a powerful punch then it'll drop a person. Don't punch someone in the heart unless you don't mind them dying or don't mind trying to save them from dying.