What is the "best" martial-art?

You have a gun, I have boobs...............................


Peace favor your sword,
Who cares, dude; if a school is affordable and the instructor is legit, what's your point? Are you the martial art inspector?

Yes we are. If you are going to be paying for something you have every right to inspect it and judge if it is worth your money or not.
Who cares, dude; if a school is affordable and the instructor is legit, what's your point? Are you the martial art inspector?
If it isnt affordable than you want be able to attend. It actually means a lot if you got a budget.
...here's my answer: For young kids, get them involved in the closest school that's close to home. Period. Any qualified instructor will guide their studies. Idea is discipline, structure, and learning to focus. Young kids have difficulty focusing their energy because they have ALOT of it. Qualified instructors can help, immensely.

We've answered this question many times over before your arrival on planet MT, @DavidThomas .....(BTW, when do we get free Wendy's? I know @Bill Mattocks would be interested!)

The answer has always been the same:
Wit propah technique, no can defeat.
Lol not quite. Was not sure if boob was allowed. Thing is, I can't spell "Puppies", so went with "Bristols". Because I thought boobs was a MT no no.

Boobs allowed but absolutely no moobs allowed.......