What is everyone's weakness


Purple Belt
Oct 25, 2015
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I thought it'd be fun for people to discuss the things they need to work on because everyone has weaknesses anyone who says they don't are liars. So I thought it'd be fun to discuss what you need to work on and other people could offer suggestions on how to improve them as well so I'll start.

My weakness is my stance. I know the stances and the mechanics but I have this annoying habit where my knees bend in instead of sticking out. It's something I'm working on and I'm getting better at but it is still there.
oh sure, I see what you're doing here. Find out everyone's weakness and then send out a ninja hit squad to take us all out and then you alone rule MartailTalk.
I for one ain't buying it mister.
Weaknesses...chocolate, kittens, puppies, good whisky, good wine, little kids, shoes, good food.........
I agree with Tez about kittens and puppies.....too bad they are about the only thing I am able to kick....
My weight. As I've gotten further into my dotage (eight grandchildren with two more on the way, the eldest of which is 18 will make you notice that you're not so young any more) I've struggled more with weight. And as the cancer has progressed (slowly, but steadily) I've found myself "enjoying" the carcinoid syndrome more frequently. This has led to less frequent and less strenuous workouts, and an increase in weight.
We have 3 adult cats, 2 kittens, and 1 dog. I am immune to the charms of baby animals. Honest.
Hmm...sounds like the sort of thing a super villain would ask before constructing personalized deathtraps for all of us. Nice try.

Seriously though, my cardio is nowhere near where it should be. I work on it sporadically, but I'm at the age where the gains from exercise are much slower than the losses whenever I slack off.

Technically, my throws/takedowns are weak compared to the rest of my skillset. I've been working on improving that this year, but my wrestling and judo skills are still lagging behind.
Chips - can't eat just one.

Due to age, injuries, and worn knees my cardio over the past 9 months has dropped, with arthritis in my hands I can not punch with the same power and overall strength is waning. Speed has dropped and again due to knee concerns mobility has been reduced greatly. Flexibility is dropping as well. I continue to work on it all but Father Time is in control.
Because of the above it has also affected my skill sets and my ability to apply them in the same manner is changing. Having to explore new options and have a greater appreciation for refinement of certain positions and postures.
Martial Arts weaknesses? I've got a million of 'em. These are the biggies, at least to the best of my knowledge:

1) Weight. I weigh too much for my frame. It costs me. There are a few advantages of being large, but not enough to offset the disadvantages.
2) I tend to fight in a linear fashion, rather than getting offline as I know I should. This is a common weakness for some types of karate, but I really suffer from it.
3) I'm slow. Getting better, but I'll never be fast. When I strive to do to overcome it is to learn to read my opponent and be ready for the strike rather than moving faster to react than they are to attack. I'm also getting better at watching their hands and body movement rather than looking them in the eyes. My kicks are deceptively fast, but my body movements are very slow. I create too many openings.

My knee hurts pretty much all the time, I have a hammed hand at the moment from blocking a kick with an open hand. My katas all suck.

But I still bring the pain train. Choo-choo, baby.
I agree with Tez about kittens and puppies.....too bad they are about the only thing I am able to kick....

Ah for me everything apart from the shoes is edible or drinkable, I love children, I just can't eat a whole one.
Gorgeous Redheads.

My hands drop, pulse goes up, and I just kind of stand there unable to do anything. I would be dead meat against a redhead. There are worse ways to go.

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My weakness: Birthday cake with buttercream frosting...oh and.......


Like that comes as a surprise to any longtime poster here :D
Lower joints (ankles/knees) are often sore. I'm too heavy (would like to lose 25-30lbs). I need to do more cardio work.

But I can't do the cardio very long due to my sore joints. My joints wouldn't be nearly as sore, if I lost some weight. I'd be able to lose weight, if I was able to do more cardio. Hmmm... not a good combo.

Having a desk job sure doesn't help.
I want to gain weight, if anything!
Fun as it is to be the "fast little guy", an extra 5-10 pounds does can go a long way.

A fun trick with stances I occasionally use is to safely overdo it. Like, if you have a problem of going too narrow, don't just try correcting to the right level, where you'll likely just narrow up without realizing it after three moves. Go extra deep, it will feel weird, and you'll have no choice but to always be thinking about it, then when you shallow up a bit naturally, you'll actually end up right where you want to be! Sometimes our bodies are too smart to fall for such simple tricks, but every now and then, it works.

Or, if really gutsy, there's always that old trick of tying some hard objects carefully and strategically between certain joints to make it impossible for them to go where you don't want them to. I've seen it done and I know it works for some, but I've always been a bit hesitant to give that a try! I prefer trying to do it all with will power and awareness!
I've got a lot of weaknesses. Right now it's my recovering broken fibula. It's hovering at about 80%.

I'm pretty well-rounded, but I'm not awesome at anything. That's probably it... a lack of awesomeness in one particular area.
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I've got a lot of weaknesses. Right now it's my recovering broken fibula. It's hovering at about 80%.

I'm pretty well-rounded, but I'm not awesome at anything. That's probably it... a lack of awesomeness in one particular area.

I don't know, sounds to me like you're pretty awesome at being well-rounded, which totally counts as an area to excel in!